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“You’re late,” Goren said jovially.

“Fashionably so,” Barry replied, shaking Goren’s proffered hand. “You know how women are about getting ready.”

Again Goren ran his lewd, lust perverted eyes over the compact dress on Kim, and he chuckled low in his throat. “It was worth it, Barry. Your wife certainly is beautiful.”

The three of them walked inside, and Lynn greeted Kim and Barry as she stepped from the kitchen. She wore a sarong of silk, tied in the middle by a thin belt.

It seemed to Barry that the only thing holding it on was the belt, and if it were loosened, the full, ripe body of this seductive female would be open to his pagan desires. As she walked toward them, he could also tell she wore no bra-possibly no panties, either-underneath, and the short skirt portion was barely below the soft swell of her proud thighs. A twitch of his cock made him jerk from the dream-like reaction he had at her presence, and he turned to Goren, saying: “Your wife is. just as beautiful, Jack. That’s quite an outfit.”

“Oh this?’ Lynn retorted with modesty, “This is something I just threw on. You know how one likes to be comfortable around the house. And this is an informal get-together, isn’t it?”

“Mmmmm,” Kim said, sniffing the air. “What a delicious aroma. What are you cooking?” She smiled at Lynn, an open and admiring expression, no longer jealous of the other woman’s physical possession of Barry. Not with Jack Goren so close at hand, she thought…

“It’s about ready to serve. I thought we might play after a snack, and so I whipped up something from the tongue we had for supper last night. I sliced it thickly crossway, spread the slices with mustard, dipped it in melted butter and bread crumbs and am grilling it. I was just putting the finishing touches on the sauce diable.”

“Sounds absolutely delicious,” Barry said expansively. “Write down the recipe for Kim, would you?’ “Be glad to,” Lynn replied, “Only wait to see if you like it. I served tongue a la diable one night, and a guest told me she wouldn’t eat it because she never ate anything which came out of an animal’s mouth.”

“How stupid!“ Kim said, “I would have offered her eggs, if it had been me!“

They all laughed, and the evening commenced on a good note. The drinks were served liberally, and the tongue a la diable was every bit as tasty as Barry had thought. After the meal, they all settled down to bridge, and in spite of the many drinks, the Sutten’s found the Gorens to be extremely capable players.

They split the partners with Kim across from Jack, and Barry facing Lynn, and in spite of himself, Barry found he was becoming more aroused with each hand as Lynn smiled or moved the tip of her tongue over her ruby lips, and squirmed delicately in her chair.

The conversation ranged on all subjects, and Kim was pleased to discover that Jack had other talents beside lovemaking. His opinions were forceful and well thought out.

“What do you think,” Goren said as he dealt, “I mean, do you believe that the students, the young people of today, are right in their protests?”

Barry pursed his lips and then said, “Yes, I do. I think that these kids are sick of the hypocrisy we have in government, both in the colleges and the nation. I think they’re telling us to shape up.”

“Shape up?” Goren frowned at Barry. “You call their tearing down of institutions, doing millions of dollars worth of destruction a lesson in shaping up? Do you, Kim?”

“Don’t involve me,” she said. “I’m only a poor housewife. I stay away from politics and religion.”

Goren bid one heart, and Kim was pleased to see she had seven card support for his suit. Lynn bid five clubs and Kim possibly from too much to drink, passed.

Barry said seven clubs, which Goren promptly doubled.

“We live in an aged of mental pygmies,” Goren said as the bidding ended with the seven club bid, doubled. “I’m not just saying that about our colleges, but about politicians of both parties, judges, liberal newspapers. You cannot possibly defend those who wish to destroy us, as they do.”

“Are we so right that we cannot change?” Barry said.

“Change, hell yes, we should change. But we have ways and means to do it legally, depending on the will of the majority to decide what’s right. Right now the people, are excusing both white and black racists out of fear, and are appeasing those who threaten us and consistently submit to demands that are loaded with reprisals if not met. It makes no sense.”

Barry hoped that since they were playing a five-card major opening bid and there weren’t 14 hearts in the deck, Lynn had made a psychic opening and was void of hearts. He led a ten of hearts, and soon learned when Lynn laid down her hand that it had been a disastrous bid. Lynn had no hearts, but she also lacked a necessary black ace to make their contract. He had to admit to himself that Jack’s doubling had been wise.

“That’s because we live in an era of rapidity” he retorted. Instant communication, instant transportation, instant everything, including change, and the eighty year old fogy’s in Congress can’t be moved fast enough, that’s all. Take an example, you’ve heard of the new transport and passenger jet, the SST?"

“Yes,” Goren admitted. “It’s like the Boeing 747, I believe, only it’s supersonic while the 747 is not.”

“Right. Well one old senator voted for the 747 instead of the American SST because, as he put it, he didn’t want to go anywhere at 1800 miles per hour. He just wanted to go places at 600 miles per hour. The way the good Lord intended.”

Goren laughed heartily. “That’s a perfect example of fuzzy thinking, Barry, if you don’t mind me saying so. An old man’… what does he know, right? We condemn him as a conservative while we adore those who call themselves socialists, all of whom are self-centered swine whose sole purpose in their rantings is to satisfy their ego. Now if you had done more research on that gentlemen’s comments, you would have found that his argument for the 747 is the fact that it is subsonic, and therefore would not cause the sonic boom, and the SST, the size of a football field and priced around $50 million, would not be permitted to fly supersonic over the United States or any other land because of its “bang-zone.” And the SST is nine years behind the 747, its fares would be 20 to 40 percent higher but could only carry 60 percent of the passengers at 65 percent of the range of the 747. The SST, even if the flying restrictions were lifted, could not fly nonstop from New York to Athens, Chicago to Rome, San Francisco to Tokyo-but the boomless 747 can.”

Barry, frustrated, began to splutter. “I suppose you believe in the fascist idea about Vietnam and the South, too.

Fascist? Because I love my country I’m a Fascist? Don’t be silly! I don’t think that we should have been in Asia in the first place, not in order to save the lazy and the cowards who roam the streets raping and looting in the name of freedom. They bleat about love, these sick kids, but what they really mean is bestiality! The only sane group are us taxpayers who stand idly by while our money is used to support these vermin. I say, though, that since we’re in it, we should fight to win, not lose, and then come home where we belong and clean up our domestic mess!“

Kim could see the discussion was degenerating to an argument and might end up in a brawl unless she stopped it. She didn’t understand the entire thing anyway, except that Barry was not as liberal as he appeared. He was arguing for the sake of it, and was mad at going down on his bid and losing considerable points because of the doubling. “All right, boys, continue your harangue some other time. Right now I’m exercising my right as a guest to ask for peace and quiet.”

Lynn looked at her gratefully. “Thank you, Kim. I second your idea.” She stood up and said, “I could use another drink. Anybody for another?”

Barry rose, grinning. “Sure. I’ll join you.” They walked to the bar at the other end of the room, leaving Kim and Goren alone for the first time. Kim couldn’t help but feel the salacious eyes of the man upon her, and she smiled provocatively at him.