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"I'm glad I talked you out of going back," Ann Marie said. "I don't get visitors out here in the country too often and I like to hold onto them for a while if I can."

Gayle had finished her breakfast and was pouring herself another glass of orange juice. Through the trees outside the window she could see the large lake and the beach that ran around one end. When Captain Marvel padded into the kitchen, Gayle cringed.

"You're not afraid of him, are you?" her aunt laughed.

"It's just that he's so big." As she said that, her eyes strayed under his belly. But his cock was snugly out of sight in its sheath. Gayle blushed, knowing that her aunt had seen her look there.

"We'll go swimming today," Ann Marie announced. "If you don't have a suit, don't worry. I've got one I grew out of as a teenager. It should be perfect for your slim little ass."

The sun was warm, the water perfect and Gayle found herself really enjoying herself for the first time since she'd driven up to Silver Lake. After a leisurely swim, Gayle was walking back to her blanket when she felt Captain Marvel's attention. He was actually staring at her young, firm ass, staring at the way the silky material of the red bikini clung to each cheek. Gayle tried not to let this bother her. After all, he was just a dog. Yet the way he'd looked at her made her neck hairs tingle. As if he'd been undressing her. No, it was silly.

"You do look like a nymph in a bikini," Ann Marie said. "Don't the boys give you a hard time?"

"I don't date all that much." Gayle spread suntan lotion on her long legs. That Great Dane was still staring! And now Gayle began to remember all too vividly how her aunt had fucked him the night before. How could she be a companion to a woman like that? Yet, she liked Ann Marie.

"I never date men," Ann Marie said. "I got tired of the runaround a long time ago. You can't depend on a man."

Gayle had had the impression that her aunt was about to say something else. Instead, the curvy redhead looked affectionately at her big Great Dane. The dog stopped staring at Gayle and went over to his mistress to be petted. Feeling uncomfortable around them, Gayle wandered down the beach looking for pretty stones and driftwood. When she came back, Ann Marie and Captain Marvel were gone.

"Probably up at the house doing something awful," Gayle said aloud. But it was none of her business after all. She'd stay the day and then get Prince and drive back to town. She didn't want to hurt her aunt's feelings by saying something and getting angry. She'd just keep her opinion to herself this time.

"Where did you go?" Gayle looked towards the house. She was getting hungry and she didn't need any more sun. She started back, her cunt feeling almost naked inside the clinging satin of the borrowed bikini. When she got to the house and entered the kitchen, she saw the note. Her aunt had driven to town to pick up a few things and would be back later.

"I'm sure she took Captain Marvel with her," Gayle said, opening herself a beer and taking it to the front room. She tuned in a movie on television and sprawled on the big sofa to watch it. Slowly, she became aware of eyes staring at her. When she saw Captain Marvel, she squealed with fright and almost spilled her beer.

"Go away," she said, her voice trembling. The big dog walked resolutely to where she was. He sniffed her bare feet, licked her ankle and examined her lean, tan calves.

Gayle was shivering like a leaf. She crawled back into the sofa a little further. She swigged her beer for courage. The Great Dane put a huge paw on her thigh and whined deep in his throat.

"Oh no, oh God no!"

When Gayle saw that he was going to smell her satin-sheathed cunt, she put a hand over the plump curve of flesh. Captain Marvel licked her fingers then, sending chills up her back. He licked harder, trying to drive his tongue between her knuckles. She told him to leave her alone. The dog growled with menace. When she felt his teeth tighten on her hand, she knew that he was telling her politely to let him have his way.

"Okay, smell me if you want to, you awful dog!"

Just the touch of the Great Dane's black nose against her soft, slightly parted cunt made Gayle pant. Oh sure, she was wearing a bikini, but the material was ultra-thin and she could feel the big animal's hot breath right through it. He nosed around, his whiskers tickling the insides of her thighs until she wanted to scream with the tension. Then he started to lick the red satin and she lifted a hand to hit him. His bared fangs made her hesitate.

"Okay, I won't smack you. Just don't bite me, for God's sake."

The dog went back to loving her plump, young cunt, nuzzling and licking it through the single layer of nylon. Now she was beginning to get very juicy in her pussy. The dog smelled the musky lubrication and grew more excited. He pushed his huge paws against the insides of her thighs, opening her so that he could wet her tender flesh better. One cunt-lip had already slipped out from behind the edge of the crotchband, and as the dog's tongue wet and warmed it, Gayle shuddered, her nipples tingling under the skimpy top.

"Ohhhh shit, that's awful! Ohhhh I don't want this to happen." But even as she swore she hated the touch of the dog's tongue, her clit pressed its pearly nub against the crotch of the bikini and Captain Marvel licked hard against the spot.

"Yuuhhhh, uhhhhh God d-d-damn!" Weakly, she tried to push the massive head away but the Great Dane warned her with a growl and went back to thoroughly wetting the nylon that hid most of her cunt from sight.

Gayle found that she'd squeezed a dent into the beer can and quickly guzzled what was left. She needed a drink! She needed to get away! But this horrible dog wasn't about to let her. And when she saw him pick at the little bow that held the bikini on her hips, she squealed again and tried to stop him. She couldn't. He jerked the red string and with a toss of his head, peeled the hot nylon away from her swollen pussy. She gazed down, not surprised at the way her cunt had blossomed. And now with the dog's raw tongue pressing directly against her overheated crevice, she couldn't stop the rushes of pleasure that spread upward through her tummy. The empty beer can rolled to the floor. The big dog's paws forced her knees apart. He lapped steadily at her, hungrier than before now that he could have the real thing.

"Ohh, ohhhhh God, that feels… uhhhhh!" Squirming uncontrollably, Gayle drew her knee up against her chest. She wanted to try to kick at the dog, but once she'd stretched her thighs up like that, the inner folds of her young pussy stretched open and the Great Dane's tongue slid deep inside. Trembling with the fire of his mouth, Gayle let her head fall to one side, let the monster dog go on feasting.

"Uhh, he's eating me all up! Ohhhh it feels… so damned good!"

Yes, she hated what was happening, but loved every second of it. She knew she was going crazy. It was too much of a conflict, this hunger that burned within her. She cast her eyes down to watch. The Great Dane's tongue slipped up the length of her crack, wetting and sucking each tender morsel of teenaged cuntflesh. Gayle sobbed with the pleasure of it.

She could imagine what it looked like. She'd slipped down into the deep cushions of the sofa, her ass hanging just over the edge of one cushion. With that red bikini bottom hanging from one thigh, she'd drawn her knees up and spread them apart. The Great Dane stood before her, feasting hungrily at the firm, glossy flesh of her cunt. His licking made her slit ache! His hot breath made her belly suck in under her ribs. And now she had begun to move slowly, rocking her hips, pumping her ass up and down against his merciless tongue!

"Whhhaaahhh, ohhhhh why can't I think straight when this happens? Why can't I make him stop?"

Gayle licked her lips and tried to focus on the situation. Deciding she couldn't just let it continue, she put one foot against Captain Marvel's massive shoulder and began to shove him backwards. Instantly, sharp teeth closed on her ankle and the dog growled. His eyes glowed like some fiend from hell. And though his teeth were hurting her, the sharpness and the scraping excited her. Her cunt swelled plumper and a rivulet of cunt juice dripped down the crack of her ass.