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‘How do you feel about killing him?’

‘Not too bad. He was a killer himself. He tried to kill me and he might have killed Cy. I can live with it. I’m more worried about being found out. Also, it could be argued that I’ve made you an accessory after the fact.’

‘Having been framed for a murder, I’m not too worried about that. Who else knows about Henderson but you and me?’

‘As things stand, no one, unless Noel has a way of piecing it together. But he has a lot of reasons to keep quiet.’

‘Well, that might be all right. As a properly trained lawyer I shouldn’t say that, but I’ve learned lately that what they teach you in Criminal Law Honours doesn’t line up too well with the reality. But I don’t understand what’s going on. Who threatened Judith and who was this Henderson creature working for?’

‘That’s one part of the question I don’t know the answer to.’

‘What’re the other parts of the question?’

‘What this is all about. Say Henderson killed your husband and set Van Kep up to frame you. Say he was working for someone who’s organising all of this. Why? Who profits, and how?’

She stared at me, sipped some wine and didn’t answer. I got up and fetched my jacket from where it had been left on a chair outside the bathroom. I reached into the pocket and took out my notebook. The fake magazine mock-up and the brochure from the Washington Club came with it and I took the stuff back into the kitchen. I showed Claudia the diagrams of names, boxes, circles and arrows I’d made on loose sheets which I’d folded and put in the notebook.

I hadn’t looked at the sheets for a while and I added a few things from recent events. ‘I’m a bit behind with this.’

‘I’d say you were about twenty years behind. They do all this sort of thing with computers now. What does it tell you?’

I drew a line through the Judith Daniels box. ‘Not much. I thought I had something here with your stepdaughter… ‘

‘Ugh, don’t call her that.’

‘Sorry. But I believed her, more or less. I don’t envy Rhino.’

‘No, she’s a sad specimen. He’ll get clear of her sooner or later, the way all the others have. No self-esteem, that’s her problem. I tried to like her but it was impossible. She doesn’t like herself and won’t let you like her. Julius neglected her, then spoiled her rotten, then neglected her again. He made her what she is. Wouldn’t admit it of course, but in the end he didn’t much like what he saw.’

I drew another arrow connecting the Wilson Katz and Daniels boxes. The first one had gone Katz to Daniels, this went the other way.

‘What’s that for?’

‘Rhino told me she wanted him back.’

‘Poor thing. When you say you believed her, d’you mean you believe that Julius was afraid of me?’

I looked at her. I was feeling the effects of the wine, but not so much as to miss the challenge in her tone and manner as she fiddled with a cigarette and matches. Careful now, Cliff.

‘No,’ I said. ‘But I believe he told her so. Why, I haven’t a clue.’

She put the cigarette and matches down and had a sip of wine. ‘I’ve thought a lot about him these past couple of days. He was a devious man. I doubt if he ever trusted anyone, including himself. Slippery, you know?’

I nodded, relieved that the tense moment had passed. It was worth another belt of the dry white.

Claudia spoke slowly, as if weighing the words as they came out: ‘It would be like him, while thinking about how to get rid of me, to suggest to someone that the boot was on the other foot, so to speak. Do you understand?’

‘I understand what you’re saying, but that would be a pretty twisted mind.’ Then I thought of some of the subterfuges I’d perpetrated in my time and the question I’d been holding back all this time flashed in front of me in neon lights: Why did you come here?

‘I dunno,’ I said. ‘I suppose all minds are twisted in one way or another.’

She lit the cigarette and puffed the smoke away from me, but not that far away. ‘You’re chewing on something there in your twisted mind, aren’t you?’

I forced a grin. ‘Shit, I’m the one with the gypsy grandma. I should do the mind-reading act.’

‘C’mon, Cliff. Let’s be all grown-up about this. No, let’s be earthy! Let’s talk as good as we fuck.’

I sucked in a breath. Here goes, I thought. Another chance to screw everything up. But if I was evasive she’d know. ‘Why did you come up here, Claudia? And why did you bring the old passport?’

For some people, having their private effects snooped into, letters read, diary perused, is the ultimate betrayal. Nothing can repair the damage. My theory is that those who leave things where they can be peeped at want this to happen, at least on one level. It’s a convenient theory for someone in my line of work and helps to account for their overreaction. Others take it in their stride and Claudia was one of them.

She grinned at me, probing the gap in her teeth with her tongue. ‘Wouldn’t be much of a detective if you didn’t open the odd drawer, eh? I don’t blame you. I’m a terrible snoop myself. Let me loose in your place and I’d probably… ‘ She heard what she’d said and stopped. Apparently, like me, she was living whatever there was between us out minute by minute and this was the first time she’d looked ahead. A bleak expression spread across her face.

I wanted to comfort her. To touch her, to tame a few of the wild hair tendrils, to kiss her and feel the jut of those marvellous teeth, but I sat still.

‘I thought I might be able to get it doctored to pass muster. Thought about doing a flit,’ she said. ‘Just grabbing all the money I could lay my hands on, getting on a plane to Majorca and pissing off out of all this. It looks like they can’t bring you back from there.’

They can for murder, I thought, but I didn’t say it. ‘What stopped you?’

‘I thought about a woman I knew who was in the witness protection program. New identity and all that. She’d got involved in a quite different legal problem, unrelated to what had gone on before, and it was a mess. Her life was hell and she went mad. I thought of how much worse it would be in a foreign country with fake papers and all that. I made a rational decision not to do it and now I’m glad I did.’

I was glad as well, but I wondered if our reasons were the same. She reached over and touched the Band-Aid on the back of my hand. ‘We can tell everything to this Leon Stratton, can’t we? We can make Van Kep admit he was lying-’

‘There’s a problem. Van Kep might change his story if he knew the guy who threatened him was dead. But I can’t make the connection without admitting that I killed him.’

‘It was self-defence. He was a known criminal. He tried to blow you up and he had a shotgun. You had to do it.’

I shook my head. ‘I didn’t report it. I removed evidence and disposed of it. I’d be up to my balls in trouble.’

She smiled. The bleak look remained and the effect was disturbing. ‘So it’s you or me?’

‘No, I’ll come clean if there’s no other way. I promise you that. But we still don’t know who’s behind all this. That’s the real problem. Van Kep knows there are wheels, within wheels. One dead heavy may not be enough to sway him. Besides… ‘


‘I want to know, don’t you?’

She sipped some more wine and reached for the Washington Club brochure. ‘Yes, of course. But mostly I want to be out of the firing line. What’s this?’

I was doodling, hatching in around Van Kep’s box. I printed the name of the club in block letters and wrote Katz’s name under it, remembering that I’d seen him arrive as I was leaving. I told Claudia about the club and its gardens but she wasn’t interested.

‘I hate gardening. How about you?’

‘I’ve got a square yard or two of it at my place and it’s always a mess.’

She smiled. We were back there again, looking into an uncertain future. She flipped through the brochure. ‘Looks expensive. The sort of place Julius might like except he was violently anti-American. Hated the place, hated even to make money out of it.’