The Wheats of Classical Antiquity

The Wheats of Classical Antiquity
Ботаника, История
Год: 1944
Добавил: Admin 6 Апр 24
Проверил: Admin 6 Апр 24
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The identification of the wheats grown in classical antiquity is by no means settled. There are, however, considerable variations in the degree of the divergency in opinion. This divergence is relatively small among botanists, but it is very great when all those interested in the subject, botanists, historians, classicists, etc., are considered. Historians who would like to familiarize themselves with the modern views of botanists on wheat will be handicapped by the fact that several leading scholars in the field a’re Russian, and most of their writings are at best available in short abstracts. To bring the views of modern botanists to the attention of historians is one of the purposes of this study.

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