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Alvera Ramosanya. An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah who served as Amyrlin from 549 to 578 NE. Alvera was a weak Amyrlin, though a woman with all the personal force and arrogance expected of her Ajah. The Hall, having gained another taste of power under her two predecessors, chose her because they calculated her personality and abilities closely and were not willing to let go. She continually attempted to establish her leadership, but failed miserably and died embittered, at a relatively young age for an Aes Sedai who died neither in a war nor an accident; she was only 248. There was some possibility that her death actually was by assassination caused by one of her attempts to assert authority going very badly wrong.

Alviarin Freidhen. An Amadician Aes Sedai of the White Ajah publicly and the Black Ajah in truth. She was a member of the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 17(5). Born in 943 NE near the border with Tarabon, she went to the White Tower in 959 NE. After five years as a novice and five years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 969 NE. She was 5'4" tall and slim with brown eyes, dark brown hair and slim hands. She was cool, calm and icy except when she meant to be sarcastic or cutting. Alviarin became a Darkfriend in 958 NE after murdering another girl. Darkfriends helped cover it up; the other girl was thought to have run away from home. In 959 NE she was asked to kill a young man who, she was told, had learned something about the Darkfriends and meant to turn them in. She seduced him and stabbed him at the base of the skull while they were in bed; she never lost her composure. She was watched by the Black Ajah from her first day in the Tower. Although no Black sister revealed herself, Alviarin was secretly contacted by the Black and tested a number of times as Accepted; she spied on Aes Sedai, never knowing whether the one she was spying on might be Black Ajah herself and so able to tell perfectly whether she reported correctly. In 968 NE she murdered another Accepted on Black orders, the only real friend she had during her time in the Tower. She was informed beforehand that the only reason for the killing was for her to prove that she would obey whatever orders were given her. She strangled the girl without hesitation. The Black Ajah covered it up, making it seem that the woman had run away. In 983 NE, she was handpicked by Ishamael to head the Black Ajah, replacing Jarna Malari, whom Ishamael killed for her part in the male channeler pogrom. She plotted with Elaida to depose Siuan Sanche, and was rewarded by being named Keeper of the Chronicles. When she learned of the disaster at Dumai’s Wells, she used that knowledge to coerce Elaida into causing divisions in the Tower. She was sent away from the Tower by Mesaana, and during her absence, Elaida replaced her as Keeper and ordered punishment for her daily. The arrival of the rebels outside Tar Valon had dispelled her power over Elaida. She summoned Mesaana in panic; during their meeting, Shadar Haran came to punish Mesaana for not appearing at Shadar Logoth; he marked Alviarin as his and ordered her to find those who were searching for the Black Ajah. Alviarin was identified as a member of the Black Ajah in Verin’s book, but she fled the Tower before she could be captured. She fought against Egwene in Tel’aran’rhiod, but escaped from that conflict as well. She bonded the Asha’man Nensen, and fought in the Last Battle. Alviarin, Nensen and others were lured by Androl into a stedding and captured by Ogier.

Alvistere. A Cairhienin novice in the White Tower. She was short and slim with big eyes and long dark hair. She had reached a strength where she could be tested for Accepted. She tripped Egwene in the dining hall after Egwene was demoted to novice by Elaida; she claimed that if Egwene turned her in, everyone would lie and say nothing had happened. She later came around to Egwene’s side and admired her greatly.

Alvon. An Amadician woodcutter, a stocky man with a weathered face and a coarse, almost unintelligible accent, who was gai’shain in Sevanna’s camp. He and his son Theril, famed for having escaped three times and getting farther each time before recapture, swore to Faile, and Theril procured Therava’s binder for Faile.

Alwain, Doesine. See Doesine Alwain

Alwhin. A Seanchan sul’dam with blue eyes, sharp features, a tight, thin-lipped mouth and a permanent expression of anger. She became so’jhin, one of the hereditary upper servants of the Blood, and also a Voice of the Blood to the High Lady Suroth, because she knew too much concerning sul’dam and damane that Suroth needed to keep hidden, namely that sul’dam could be held by an a’dam. Afterward, the left side of her head was shaved, and the remnant of her light brown hair was worn in a braid. Her new position made her da’covale—a slave—but it was a position with more power and authority than her former place. She was poisoned by Liandrin to gain points, on the day that Suroth and Tylin left Ebou Dar on an inspection trip. Suroth was not pleased, as it brought the attention of the Seekers to her household.

Alwin Rael. A male servant in Lady Arilyn’s house in Cairhien who liked to tickle maids’ chins. The Aes Sedai embassy that Elaida had sent to Cairhien to escort Rand back to the White Tower were staying with Lady Arilyn. Egwene went to the palace and, detecting channeling inside, used Air and Fire to replicate Moiraine’s eavesdropping trick on the inside, and thereby learned about Alwin’s proclivities.

Alwyn al’Van. The cobbler in Emond’s Field.

Alys. Moiraine’s favorite alias.

Alysa. Almen Bunt’s sister. She and her husband Graeger had two sons, Hahn and Adim. The family owned an apple orchard. One day Graeger vanished, and nothing but a gray tree was found. Almen went to her to help with the orchard.