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weaves. See Aligning the Matrix, Arrows of Fire, Blossom of Fire, Caressing the Child, Cloud Dancing, Compulsion, Deathgates, Delving, Earth Singing, Finder, Folded Light, Illusion, Keeping, Listening to the Wind, Mask of Mirrors, Milking Tears, Mirror of Mists, the, Skimming, Spinning Earthfire and Traveling

weave the flows. The process by which a channeler manipulated one or more of the Five Powers to produce a given effect. In general, it was believed that there were line-of-sight limits, i.e., it was necessary to see the flows one was weaving. Even so, one could work on the unseen when very close, as in Healing. It was possible to work at even the atomic or molecular level on something very close. Even making weather over a large area was more a matter of working with what one could see to produce a larger effect. There was a fall-off of strength with distance, but it was hardly noticeable with the stronger channelers. The weakest channelers could not weave as far as they could see.

Aes Sedai believed that it was impossible, for all practical purposes, to unmake a weave; that is, to unweave it once woven (as distinct from untying a knot). They believed that weaves had to be released and allowed to dissipate. Even on those rare occasions when possible, with a weave that wasn’t too complex, one slip during an attempt, and the weave could coalesce once more in a form that was both impossible to know beforehand and unpredictable in its results. This could kill, burn out or otherwise seriously injure the channeler and others nearby, as well as the physical surroundings. On the other hand, Aiel Wise Ones were taught routinely to unweave. Aviendha showed the Aes Sedai it could be done when she picked apart the weave for a gateway at the Kin farm. See also flows and knot

Weaving of the Winds. The Sea Folk term for manipulating the weather.

Web. See ta’maral’ailen

web. An Age of Legends word used for a weave of the Power. See net

Web, Great. See Great Pattern

Web of Destiny. See ta’maral’ailen

Weesin. A flyspeck village made up of a little cluster of thatch-roofed houses on the Great North Road north of Ebou Dar in Altara. Luca’s circus passed through Weesin. While camped there, Mat saw the three Aes Sedai and three sul’dam sneak back into camp, and he confronted them for putting everyone at risk.

Weikin Rebellion. A war of which Egwene knew nothing when quizzed by Bennae, after Egwene had been captured by the Tower and put back in novice white.

Weilin Aldragoran. A plump Malkieri merchant who lived in Saldaea. His wife, Alida, was Saldaean. He traded in many things, but most of his profit came from gems. When Malkier was destroyed, he was only a toddler, but he chose to wear the hadori; he found that few people argued with a man who wore one. Nynaeve found him trading jewels at The Queen’s Lance in Kayacun and persuaded him to ride to Tarwin’s Gap with Lan for the Last Battle; he also agreed to send a message to every merchant he traded with that Lan was riding for the Gap. He caught up with Lan in Kandor, almost at the Arafellin border, and fought in his army in the Last Battle.

Weiramon Saniago. A High Lord of Tear and a Darkfriend. His sigil was the silver Crescent-and-Stars. Iron-spined straight, with a perfectly trimmed and oiled gray-streaked beard, he was about 5'10" to 5'11" tall. He reminded Rand of a banty rooster, his chest all puffed out and strutting. One of four High Lords at Rand’s meeting with the commanders of the Illian invasion army, he had contempt for the Aiel “savages.” Weiramon and Semaradrid had a touchy relationship; Weiramon pretended to give the Cairhienin equality while slighting him almost unconsciously. Semaradrid was fully aware of the slights, and of his weaker position, and hated both.

Weiramon was the Tairen seen by Carridin at the Darkfriend gathering with Ba’alzamon. His actions were a function not only of his inherent stupidity, but also his status as a Darkfriend. Though he had an unctuous manner toward Rand, he had plotted against him for so long that he probably did so in his sleep. He had command of a Tairen relief force for Cairhien, but Rand sent him back to Tear, ostensibly to fight bandits and pirates. He had a command in the Illian invasion army; he rushed the cavalry and the Aiel, leaving the foot soldiers, whom he despised, behind, arriving at the hillforts earlier than planned. Weiramon was part of the campaign against the Seanchan; at one point he left his post to chase Seanchan, leaving Rand exposed. Rand took Weiramon and other nobles he distrusted back to Cairhien and gave them trustworthy servants. When Rand returned to Tear and found Weiramon and Anaiyella there, he was enraged that the two had left Cairhien without permission. Rand ordered them to go with Darlin to Arad Doman to help restore order. When Rand returned from Dragonmount before the Last Battle, he exposed Weiramon as a Darkfriend and exiled him.

Welcome. A Shienaran ritualized ceremony; it was used during the arrival of the Amyrlin Seat in Fal Dara.

Wellin, Mistress. A clerk in the White Tower. She was miffed when Tamra assigned clerical work to two Accepted, Moiraine and Siuan.

Well. A ter’angreal used to store the One Power.

Welyn Kajima. An Arafellin Dedicated Asha’man. About 5'9" tall, with a pale, square face, dark eyes and black hair worn in two braids with bells fastened to the ends, he had the manners and mannerisms of a clerk, which he had been. When he went to the Black Tower, he was about thirty-five years old. He bonded Jenare Balmaen of the Red Ajah; against all expectations, they dealt well with each other. Toveine thought he smiled too much; Kajima brought word of a new deserters list to Logain in her hearing. Kajima and Jenare accompanied Rand to his meeting with the Daughter of the Nine Moons. He was later Turned to the Shadow by Taim, and told Androl that he had been demoted. He and Leems entered the room where Androl and Pevara had captured Dobser, and Androl knocked them out with a cudgel. Kajima and Mezar took Evin to be Turned.

Wenchen, Stedding. A stedding located in the mountains north of the River Dhagon.

Westpoint Lighttower. A tower located at the end of Bay Road in Ebou Dar with beacons to guide ships entering the bay.

Westwood, The. An area just west of Emond’s Field and the site of Tam’s farm.

wetlander. The Aiel word for those who lived west of the Spine of the World, i.e., non-Aiel.