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Whatley Eldin. A Two Rivers man who painted his wagon in a way pleasing to Rand.

Wheel of Time, the. Time is a wheel with seven spokes, each spoke an Age. As the Wheel turns, Ages come and go, each leaving memories that fade to legend, then to myth, and are forgotten by the time that Age comes again. The Pattern of an Age is slightly different each time a specific Age comes, and each time it is subject to greater change, but each time it is the same Age. It is not a repeat exactly of what went before, when that Age last came, but close enough in its general outline that it might seem the same at a glance.

Wheel of Time, The. A historical book about the Dragon Reborn and the Aiel, written by Sulamein so Bhagad, Chief Historian at the Court of the Sun, the Fourth Age.

Whelborn. A member of Ituralde’s forces who died defending his flank in the battle against Trollocs at Maradon; Ituralde thought that he was one of the best.

Whisperer. A wolf who hunted with Perrin and Hopper in the wolf dream. Whisperer was caught inside the purple dome of a dreamspike, and Slayer killed her.

White Ajah. One of the seven legitimate Aes Sedai Ajahs. Sisters of this Ajah abstained from matters of the world and worldly knowledge, and instead devoted themselves to questions of philosophy and truth. Aside from the First Weaver, the head of the Ajah, there was no internal structure whatsoever. Her authority was very high, not much less than that of the Red Ajah head and roughly equal to the authority of the Green or Yellow Ajah heads. In choosing Sitters, the support of ten sisters was required to become a candidate. It was considered unseemly to campaign in any way, either to become a candidate or to win selection as a Sitter. Voting was not by secret ballot, but by open show of hands.

It was believed by many sisters in other Ajahs that the White Ajah was the only one without an Ajah set of eyes-and-ears and that they had no real interest in the world. This was not true, though their Ajah network was indeed small. Even the Whites—as a group, anyway—wanted to try to manipulate world events, along strictly logical lines, of course.

Among Whites, being sent off from the Tower on a mission of some sort, even as part of an embassy, was looked upon as drudgery at best, and at worst, punishment. Most Whites never bonded a Warder.

Just prior to the Last Battle, there were approximately eighty members in the White Ajah, making it the smallest.

White Boar, The. An inn located in Watch Hill, Andor. When Mat, Rand and Perrin fled through Watch Hill with Moiraine and Lan, they wanted to go to The White Boar and have mutton pie there, even though Mat said that it was not nearly as good as The Winespring Inn’s.

White Bridge. A beautiful, large structure that spanned the River Arinelle in Whitebridge, giving the town its name. Built with the Power during the Age of Legends, it looked as if it were made of glass.

White Cliff. A sept of the Shaido Aiel.

White Crescent, The. An inn located in Tear. Master Cavan Lopar was its innkeeper. Mat and Thom lodged there while trying to find Egwene, Nynaeve and Elayne, and to head off Comar, who had been sent by Gaebril to kill the women.

White Crescents. The symbol of Tear, three white crescents on a field of red and gold.

White Eyes. A wolf that Perrin met in the wolf dream while looking for Slayer. He told Perrin that the wolves needed Perrin to lead them in the Last Hunt.

White Hart of Shienar. The symbol of Shienar.

white henpepper. A plant that could soothe a toothache or dye hair black.

White Lion. The symbol of Andor, a white lion on a field of red.

White Lions. The unit of men within the Queen’s Guards of Caemlyn that was formed by and loyal to Gaebril, who was in fact the Forsaken Rahvin. They fled east and became brigands after Rand balefired Rahvin. Daved Hanlon commanded them as mercenaries to serve the rebels against Rand in Cairhien until most of them were destroyed by a bubble of evil there.

White Mountain. A mountain found in the Aiel Waste.

White Mountain Sept. A sept of the Chareen Aiel.

White Ribbon. A symbol used during war in Arad Doman to indicate a desire for a temporary truce to enable a conference between the warring parties.

White Ring, The. An inn located in Maderin, Altara. When Tuon wanted to visit a “hell,” Thom suggested The White Ring, realizing that Tuon would not know what a real hell was like. Its innkeeper was Mistress Heilin; Jera was a serving woman, and a young woman was singing a salacious song.

White River. The southernmost of the two rivers that flanked Emond’s Field in Andor and joined to become the River Manetherendrelle.

white shakes. A disease causing fever, coughing and the loss of one’s senses. It could be fatal if not treated.

White Shark, Chanelle din Seran. See Chanelle din Seran White Shark

White Spray. A Sea Folk soarer with two raked masts, commanded by Sailmistress Derah din Selaan Rising Wave. Its Windfinder was Taval din Chanai Nine Gulls. The Windfinder was reluctant to let Aes Sedai board the ship, and dumped Egwene into the water when she tried to visit. Rand boarded White Spray to bargain with the Sea Folk; he left in the middle of negotiations, but Merana and Rafela completed the Bargain for him.

White Swan, The. An inn found in Forel Market, Andor. Elayne and the group that left Ebou Dar, following use of the Bowl of the Winds at the Kin’s farm and the subsequent Seanchan attack, stayed there on their way to Caemlyn. Snow began falling while the group was in Forel Market, and they had no warm clothing. Aviendha solved the dilemma by producing a bag of gems, some of which were used to buy warm clothes.

White Tail. One of the wolves in Leafhunter’s pack. Perrin spoke with this pack after encountering a scent in the wolf dream (from Darkhounds, he later found out) that made his hackles rise. When he asked the pack about it, they all refused to answer him, one by one; Leafhunter was the last, saying simply, “The Last Battle is coming.”

White Tower. Both the central structure that housed the Aes Sedai in Tar Valon and the organization of Aes Sedai itself. The organization by necessity changed after the Age of Legends, as did the topography of the world as a result of the Breaking. The Aes Sedai resolved to create a new city in 47 AB, and, after considerable discussion, Ogier stonemasons began building on the island of Tar Valon in 98 AB. The Tower was a collaboration between Aes Sedai designers and Ogier builders, with the One Power being employed to aid construction. The establishment of the Amyrlin Seat also took place at this time. By the time the Tower was completed, a hundred years later, the formal system of Ajahs and Sitters representing those Ajahs in the Hall of the Tower was in place.

The central portion of the White Tower had forty levels, and was close to six hundred feet tall. Ceilings ranged from fifteen feet on the lower levels to twelve feet on the upper. It was about two hundred feet in diameter at the top, and slightly larger at the base; the roof of the central portion was flat.

Wings of the building extended to either side. These were about 150 feet tall, with lower ceilings and fifteen levels in each, and extended three hundred feet from the central tower. These wings also had towers with conical tiled roofs. One of these wings contained the well (approximately sixty to seventy-five feet across) of the novice quarters, plus a second well in a part of the novice quarters that came to be unused. Accepted quarters, surrounding a garden, were in the other wing, along with a well for them, also.