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"Again!" she hissed, writhing with pleasure.

Both Margaret and Roselle were in bed with her, their lips and tongues all over her body. She turned on her side, her fingers flailing in and out of her pussy. The mattress was stained with her sauce as it raged out of her like a river.

She squeezed and caressed her sensitive nubbin of pleasure, her approaching orgasm gathering momentum. It felt like a tidal wave inside her. Like a hurricane. A tornado! She couldn't lie still. The pleasure was building, sensation piling on sweet sensation.

"Deeper! More! More!" she groaned, careful to keep her voice low. The last thing she wanted now was to be interrupted. Not when she was so very close!

Then it happened.

Suppressing a wail of ecstasy, she arched her back, moaning incessantly, and something broke inside her. Like a spring snapping. She climaxed, her entire body shuddering with delight. Tears of ecstasy filled her eyes.

She could smell her own cunt juice. It perfumed the air, made her nostrils flare open.

"Lovely… so lovely…" she sighed, enraptured by cunt feelings that were the best she had felt since… well, since the previous night with Margaret! Certainly they were the most pleasurable she had experienced by her own fingers in a long time. Perhaps it was a good omen?

On that thought she slept. She would awake the following morning to the aromatic aroma of her vanquished pussy.


Dressed in her flimsy little bikini, Kathy walked outside onto the beach, looking for her younger brother. Her mother had told her he had eaten a quick breakfast and was already gone.

Something is going on, she thought. Hoping he had gone off in the direction of the rocks, Kathy ran down the beach. She suddenly caught a glimpse of him around one of the sand dunes. Hugging close to the dunes so she wouldn't be seen and trying to catch her breath, she saw Tommy approaching one of the white-washed cottages which dotted the length of the beach.

A woman walked over on the porch and Kathy was immediately taken aback by the woman's beauty. She too was dressed in a skimpy bikini. Kathy wanted to get closer to have a good look at her. But even from where, she stood she could see the woman's lightly tanned body was shapely and voluptuously sensual. She had the biggest pair of boobs Kathy had ever seen. Bigger and more arousing, even from a distance, than Roselle's!

"Who is she?" Kathy whispered aloud. "And what is Tommy doing there?"

Then Kathy gasped, putting her hand to her mouth. Tommy and the woman were embracing.

And kissing. Not just in friendly greeting, no, this was something more. My God, she thought. She's his secret! She started to giggle uncontrollably. It can't be true, but it must be! Is it possible? I'll bet anything he's fucking her! Incredible! My own brother!

After she stopped laughing, a nervous high pitched laugh she had to struggle to keep under control, she felt the wetness spreading out from her cunt. A damp stain appeared in the center of her bikini briefs.

She wasn't sure which aroused her more. The idea that Tommy and the woman were fucking, or the beautiful woman herself.

Her heart was pounding so hard she had to lean back against the dune. I have to find out for sure, she thought. Maybe it's not that way at all. Maybe I'm just seeing it the wrong way. My own brother… what would Mom and Dad say?

They went into Edna's house and the door closed behind them. Kathy sat down on the sand, not sure what to do. One way or the other I have to know for certain, she thought. Despite the midmorning sun she was shivering. She hugged herself and shook herself until the shivering stopped.

She waited for what seemed like an eternity, slowly getting up enough courage to move. Will they see me? she wondered. She decided to take the long way around the house, where she would be well protected (if she was careful) by the sand dunes, which rose like large camel humps from the beach.

It took her a few minutes, but she soon found herself against the back of the house. She listened and thought she heard voices. Then laughing. Yes, she could hear Tommy's voice. It was coming from the side of the house. She quietly made her way around and knelt down below an open window.

Tommy and the woman were definitely inside. She heard them speaking.

"Where is she now?" Edna asked.

"Still sleeping," Tommy replied. "She arrived late yesterday afternoon."

Kathy realized they were talking about her. She listened carefully, trying to still the rapid pounding of her heart.

"Are you sure she won't go out looking for you when she wakes up?"

"Even if she does she won't look here. I'll just be careful when I leave."

"I don't want you taking any chances now, Tommy."

"Oh, don't worry. I'll be careful. I just don't want to miss seeing you."

"Now that your sister has arrived we're going to have to be extra careful. There might be days when we can't see each other."

"I know… but not yet anyway."

It must be true! Kathy thought. Evidently they've been seeing each other for a while now.

"Alright," Edna said. "Let's forget about your sister for a while. There are more important things to do."

The bedsprings sounded and Kathy carefully peered into the window.

Tommy and Edna were lying on the woman's bed, slowly undressing each other. Kathy gasped when she saw Edna put her hand on her brother's crotch. He was wearing a tight pair of faded cutoffs and his hard on was clearly outlined Edna rubbed his prick and he moaned.

He slipped his hand into her bikini briefs, revealing the upper part of her pubic triangle and Kathy could tell by the movement of her brother's hand that he was finger fucking the woman's cunt.

Jesus, I don't believe this! Kathy thought, her own cunt responding as if it was receiving Tommy's avid attention.

Tommy's hand left the briefs and he quickly unclasped Edna's bikini bra. Her tits tumbled out. They were the most beautiful breasts Kathy had ever seen. She suddenly wanted to touch them, to fondle them the way Tommy was.

Instead, she reached into her briefs and began fingering her oozing pussy. She couldn't wait to see her brother's cock, to see both him and the woman completely naked.

She didn't have to wait long.

Edna pulled down the teen's cut-offs, and his bathing briefs underneath, and when they were both around his ankles, Tommy kicked them off. For the moment he had his back to Kathy. She could only see his slim, curved buttocks, startlingly pale against the rest of his tanned body.

Turn around! Kathy silently pleaded to her brother.

But Edna was facing her and when Tommy pulled down her briefs, Kathy saw the thick dark thatch of curly pubic hair and she nearly had an orgasm. She pulled her own briefs down to her knees and spread her legs, kneeling below the window, so she could better finger her clit.

I don't believe this is happening, she thought for the hundredth time. It's like a dream. I half expect to wake up any second in my own bed!

Tommy put one leg over Edna's and pressed his cock against her cunt. His hand was on her tits, squeezing and caressing them. They were French kissing so passionately, that Kathy found it hard to realize that was her young brother in there, the one who was always so shy with other girls, who never seemed interested in girls, and he was in bed naked with a woman!

Then the teen slipped down toward the foot of the bed, his tongue trailing wet designs on the woman's tits, her belly, then disappearing into her mass of wiry cunt hairs. She spread her legs, which hung over the foot of the bed, and he slipped down to his knees on the floor and started to eat her out.