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"I-I don't know what to say," Catherine stammered, absolutely mortified and shamed at having been caught in the act. If only she hadn't been so greedy, if only she had stopped mouthing the dog's delicious prick a few moments earlier, she thought. But it was too late now and there was no sense crying over spilt cock milk. Tommy moved closer. His expression was one of shock, but not, Catherine noticed, of disgust. He looked, in fact, intrigued. And, she also noticed, the front of his jeans was bulging out in the bas relief of a tremendous erection!

"I just got carried away, I'm afraid," she tried to explain. "Rex had a hard-on and I was just going to jerk him off out of kindness to animals, and… and…"

"And you fucked him, too!" Tommy gasped. Catherine saw that her son was staring between her legs, where doggy jism was still pouring from her pussy. Catherine wailed in helpless dismay, flaming with embarrassment.

"I hope you won't tell your father about this," she pleaded, knowing that the average husband would hate to have his wife cuckold him with an Alsatian. Tommy slowly smiled, looking sly and triumphant.

"I might now," he said.

"Oh, please, please, Tommy," she begged.

"I-I'll give you anything you want, darling," Catherine stammered. "You want a new bicycle? A motorbike, even?" She figured that bribery was her only hope.

"Well… I want something," the boy said. He was grinning wickedly. Catherine tilted her head, suspicious, staring at the smug looking lad.

"What?" she asked, frowning.

"I want a blowjob," said Tommy, making no bones about it, while the big boner in his jeans gave a jolt. There came a moment of shocked silence. Catherine could hardly believe her ears and she was horrified by her son's request. Tommy continued to grin that fiendish, blackmailer's smile. Rex, seeing that he was not going to get his prick sucked anymore, for the moment, turned and walked away. His balls, already emptied three times, were shriveled up and his prick was slowly retracting back inside his shaggy sheath.

"Tommy! You naughty boy!" Catherine cried. He shrugged. "Ain't as naughty as blowing dogs," he said.

"But-but I'm your mother!" she protested.

"Yeah-but you're a cocksucker, too," he stated.

"It would be incest!" Catherine wailed.

"Yeah!" the boy said, with enthusiasm. "It's real naughty, ain't it? But it's all the more exciting because of that!"

"I won't!" she cried, but there was less than total conviction in her tone, and her eyes had drifted back down to the huge, writhing bulge in the teenager's jeans.

"Aw, c'mon, Mom," Tommy coaxed her. "I ain't never had a blowjob and I really want one. And it's your fault that I got this hard-on, on account of I saw you sucking the dog's prick." His eyes gleamed threateningly. "And, anyhow, if you won't suck me off, I'll just have to tell daddy about Rex!"

Catherine stared at him, trembling, horrified and yet fascinated by his suggestion and his threat. She hated to give in to blackmail, but she couldn't let her husband find out that she was a doggy-sucker and then, too, the fact that her son had never had a blowjob intrigued the horny woman. Cocksuckers invariably got turned on by the prospect of sucking virgin meat and drinking cherry cum. The fact that the virgin cock happened to be attached to her own teenaged son only made the idea more thrilling. Doubt flickered over her face, along with uncertainty and confusion. Tommy waited patiently, staring at his mother's cum-smeared lips. Catherine realized that she was running her tongue slowly across those creamy lips, as if in anticipation. The boy and his mother stared at each other through another moment of silence. Then Catherine, her voice husky, whispered, "Well, maybe a blowjob isn't really incest, like fucking would be."

Tommy beamed with happy expectations, realizing that his mother's resolve was weakening. He moved closer to the kneeling blonde woman, his hips shoved

forward. The lump in his tight jeans was truly impressive, level with her face. Catherine gulped. Tommy stroked one hand through her tawny hair.

"That's a good mom," he said.

"You swear that you'll never, ever, tell anyone about what I did if I do it?" she asked.

"Shit, no, Mom. How could I tell anyone? I mean, no guy wants anyone to know that his mom is a cocksucker, right?"

Catherine blinked and then, despite herself, could not help but giggle at the boy's logic. This whole incredible situation seemed unreal and dreamlike. What a day it was turning out to be! She had sucked off a dog and then got fucked by the dumb brute, and now she was going to give head to her horny, virgin son! Maybe she was dreaming, at that, she thought. And, if so, it held every promise of being a wonderfully wet dream!

Catherine had made up her mind. Tommy was shoving his loins out toward her radiant face, and Catherine could feel the intense heat of his cock wafting through the denim of his jeans, into her face. She saw the hard bulge ripple and swell. She softly blew her warm breath onto his groin and that lump bucked. Tommy groaned, rolling his eyes and grating his teeth, his whole body trembling with anticipation. Catherine placed her hands on the boy's slim hips, blowing onto his swollen crotch. Her eyes were glazed by desire, her lips parted and panting. Her eyelashes fluttered up and down and her pink tongue slid across her parted mouth. A few drops of doggy jism still lingered on her lips and she licked the stuff up-and thought about the cherry fuckjuice that awaited her. Dark, depraved fantasies danced in her mind-fantasies that were soon to become reality. She longed to open her son's fly and look at his naked cock and balls. Her fingers itched for that contact, and her horny mouth was watering for his cherry prickmeat. But some last shred of inhibition caused the woman to hesitate. It seemed so utterly degenerate to take her son's cock out, as if this were her own idea, as if she was doing this from lust rather than blackmail. Tommy took the matter into his own hands. He reached down and unbuckled his belt, then slowly drew the zipper of his fly down, right in front of his mother's face, only inches from her trembling lips and tingling tongue and drooling mouth. As his fly opened, the boy's massive prick came rushing out like a lust-crazed bull seeking soft, wet flesh for its solitary horn. Catherine gasped when she saw how huge the boy's cock was, and how shapely. She loved the way the big, purple, mushroom-shaped prickhead flared out from the thick, dark-veined stalk and how the whole long cock was throbbing. His pisshole gaped open as the bi-valved prick-knob pulsed. She blew her breath onto his prick and he shuddered. He dipped his hand into his crotch and hauled his scumbags out. Those hairy bags were bloated with a tremendous dose of fuckjuice, swollen like balloons- -balloons that could be inflated even more by blowing on the long valve of his cockshaft and then deflated via that same valve. For a few moments Catherine merely gazed in wonderment at the boy's formidable prick, blowing onto him and whimpering as she saw his cockmeat pulsate and throb. His cock looked as hard as a hammer. His stalk was so taut that it could have been used to launch an arrow or to play a violin. She shook her head in awe. His was a prick that could have levered boulders out of the earth, plowed furrows in a field, drilled holes through solid stone. And the massive thing looked as delicious as it was stiff, as succulent as it was bloated, as savory as it was hot. Catherine's mouth was watering heavily and her hot tongue steamed in her own saliva.

"Lick it, Mom," Tommy rasped. The horny, frustrated virgin boy was no longer demanding and threatening. Now he was pleading. With his naked cock so close to his mother's sweet lips, he trembled with yearning, his nerves jumping violently, his bloodstream coursing with lumps of fiery lust. He pushed his hips forward, closer. Her blonde head moved back slightly. She sniffed the musky aroma of his overheated cockmeat and gave a hungry moan.