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'Then I shall take my leave of you,' Alys said when he was dressed with a black hat on his long white hair, a fur-lined robe over his thick padded doublet, and with embroidered slippers on his feet. 'Farewell, my lord, I am glad to have been of service to you.'

He gleamed at her. 'You have not finished your service,' he said. 'I have not done with you yet, wench. You will go back to your home when I say, and not before.'

Alys bowed her head and said nothing. When she looked up her eyes were wet.

'What is it?' he demanded. 'What's the matter with you?'

'It's my kinswoman,' Alys said softly. 'Morach of Bowes Moor. I had a message that she is ill with a fever in the belly. She is all the family I have in the world…' She snatched a glance at him and saw he was nodding sympathetically. 'If I could go home…' she half whispered. Lord Hugh snapped his thin white fingers. The dwarf came to his side and bent low. There was a low rapid exchange in a language Alys did not know. Then Lord Hugh looked at her with a wide grin. 'When did your kinswoman fall ill?' he asked. 'Yesterday…' Alys said.

'You lie,' Lord Hugh said benignly. 'She came here this morning and asked for you at the gatehouse and left a message with David, that she was well, and that she would come next week with more herbs for you.'

Alys flushed scarlet and said nothing.

'Come on,' Lord Hugh said. 'We are going to dinner.'

Halfway to the door he paused again. 'She looks a drab!' he exclaimed to David. Alys' old habit, singed by the fire and trailed in the mud, was tied around her waist with a shawl. She had another grey shawl over her head tied under her chin.

'Get her a gown, one of Meg's old gowns,' Lord Hugh tossed over his shoulder. 'She can have it as a gift. And take that damned shawl off her head!'

The dwarf waved Alys to wait and flung open a chest in the corner of the room. 'Meg was his last whore,' he said. 'She had a pretty gown of red. She died of the pox two years ago. We put her clothes in here.'

'I can't wear her clothes!' Alys exclaimed in revulsion. 'I can't wear a red gown!'

The dwarf pulled a cherry-red gown from the chest, found the shoulders and shook it out before Alys.

Alys gazed at the colour as if she were drinking it in. 'Oh!' she said longingly and stepped forward. The cloth was woven of soft fine wool, warm and silky to the touch. It was trimmed at the neck, the puffed sleeves and the hem with dark red ribbon of silk. Meg had been a proud woman, ready to defy the laws against commoners wearing colour. There was even a silver cord to tie around the waist.

'I've never seen cloth so fine!' Alys said, awed. 'The colour of it! And the feel of it!'

'It comes with an embroidered stomacher,' the dwarf said, tossing Alys the gown and turning back to the chest. 'And an overskirt to match.' He rummaged in the chest and dragged out the stomacher with long flowing sleeves and fine silver laces up the back, and a rich red skirt embroidered with silver.

'Get it on,' he said impatiently. 'We must be in the hall before my lord comes in.'

Alys checked her movement to take the stomacher and skirt from him. 'I cannot wear a whore's gown,' she said. 'Besides, I might take the pox.'

The dwarf gasped and then choked with malicious laughter. 'Not such a wise woman after all!' he said, tears oozing from his eyes. 'Take the pox from a gown! That's the finest excuse I ever heard.' Abruptly he flung the stomacher and skirt at her and Alys caught them. 'Put it on,' he said, suddenly surly.

Alys hesitated still. In her head she could hear a cry in a voice, her own voice, calling for Mother Hildebrande to come and take her away. To save her from this shame just as she had rescued Alys, all those years ago, from Morach. She shook her head. The loss of the abbey and the loss of her mother were like a nightmare which cast its shadow over every moment of her day. A long shadow of loneliness and danger. There was no mother loving her and protecting her, not any more.

'I cannot wear a whore's gown,' she said in a little whisper.

'Wear it!' the dwarf growled. 'It's that or a shroud, Missy. I don't jest with you. The old lord has his way without question. I'll stab you as I stand here and go to dinner alone if you wish. It's your choice.'

Alys untied her belt and slid her robe to the floor. The dwarf stared at her as if appraising a mare for breeding. His eyes slid over the swell of her breasts under her coarse woven shift, assessed her narrow waist and her smooth young muscled flanks. His lips formed into a soundless whistle.

'The old lord always had an eye for a wench,' he said softly to himself. 'Looks like he saved the pick of the crop for his deathbed!'

Alys flung the gown over her head and pulled it down, thrust her arms through the soft woven sleeves. They were padded on the inside with white silk and slashed so the fine white fabric showed through, caught at each wrist with a little cuff and button made of horn.

She turned her back to David and he laced the scarlet laces at the back of the gown and tied them in silence. She turned back and eyed the stomacher and overskirt.

'I don't know how this goes,' she confessed.

David looked at her curiously. 'I thought maids dreamed of nothing else,' he said. 'The overskirt goes on next and ties behind.'

He held it out for her and Alys stepped into it, turned under his hands and let him tie the skirt at her waist. It swept from her waist to the floor with a rustle, leaving an open slit at the front for the plain red to show. Alys smoothed her hands down the skirt; the silver embroidery was cold and scratchy under her palms. The skirt was too long – Meg, the old lord's whore, had been a tall woman.

'Now this,' David said. 'Make haste, girl!' He held out the stomacher and sleeves towards her and Alys thrust her arms through the wide-cut hanging sleeves and turned her back again for David to lace her from behind.

'Damned lady's-maiding,' he grumbled, as he pulled the silver laces tight and threaded them through the holes. He tied a firm bow at the base of the stomacher and stuffed the bow out of sight under the boned waist. Alys turned to face him.

'Pull it down at the front,' he ordered. 'And pull the sleeves down.'

Alys pulled the stomacher down at her waist. It was too long for her as well, stopping at the swell of her hips and with the sharply pointed V at the front extending too low. It held her stiffly so that her breasts were flattened into one smooth line from the rich swirl of the skirt to the square neck of the gown which showed at the top of the stomacher. She tugged the oversleeves on both sides. They were long and sweeping, folded back to show the undersleeves like rich slashed pouches beneath them. David nodded.

'And the girdle goes loosely over the top,' he said. Alys fastened the silver girdle and straightened it so the long end fell down in front, enhancing the narrowness of her waist and the pointed line of the bodice, subtly suggesting the desirable triangle at the top of her thighs. She ran her hand over her cropped head where her growing hair was golden and stubbly.

David nodded. 'A sweeter honey even than Meg,' he said to himself. 'Who will stick his tongue in this pot?' Alys ignored him. 'Is there nothing to hide my head?' The dwarf rummaged in the chest for a few moments. 'Nothing you could wear without hair to pin it on,' he said. 'You'd best go bareheaded.'

Alys grimaced. 'I suppose no one will look at me,' she said.

'They'll look at nothing else!' he said with malicious satisfaction. 'Half of them think you're a holy healer, and the other half think you're his whore. And the young lord…' his voice trailed off. 'What?' asked Alys. 'What of the young lord?' 'He's got a keen eye for a pretty wench,' the dwarf said simply. 'And besides, he's got a score to settle with you. If the old lord had died he could have taken himself to the King's court, put aside that shrew he wed, and made his way in the great world. He'll not thank you for that.'