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Got tangled, snarled and twisted;

“Have Patience!” cried the artless maid,

To him who her assisted.

Good chance was this for tongue-tied churl

To shorten all palaver;

“Have Patience!” cried he, “dearest girl!

And may I really have her?”

The deed was done; no more, that night,

Clicked needles in the corner:—

And she is Mrs. Joshua White

That once was Patience Warner.



It’s easy to talk of the patience of Job. Humph! Job had nothin’

to try him;

Ef he’d been married to ‘Bijah Brown, folks wouldn’t have dared

come nigh him.

Trials, indeed! Now I’ll tell you what—ef you want to be sick

of your life,

Jest come and change places with me a spell, for I’m an

inventor’s wife.

And sech inventions! I’m never sure when I take up my coffee-pot,

That ‘Bijah hain’t been “improvin’” it, and it mayn’t go off

like a shot.

Why, didn’t he make me a cradle once that would keep itself


And didn’t it pitch the baby out, and wasn’t his head bruised


And there was his “patent peeler,” too, a wonderful thing I’ll say;

But it hed one fault—it never stopped till the apple was peeled away.

As for locks and clocks, and mowin’ machines, and reapers, and all

such trash,

Why, ‘Bijah’s invented heaps of them, but they don’t bring in no cash!

Law! that don’t worry him—not at all; he’s the aggravatinest man—

He’ll set in his little workshop there, and whistle and think and plan,

Inventin’ a Jews harp to go by steam, or a new-fangled powder-horn,

While the children’s goin’ barefoot to school, and the weeds is

chokin’ our corn.

When ‘Bijah and me kep’ company, he wasn’t like this, you know;

Our folks all thought he was dreadful smart—but that was years ago.

He was handsome as any pictur’ then, and he had such a glib,

bright way—

I never thought that a time would come when I’d rue my weddin’-day;

But when I’ve been forced to chop the wood, and tend to the

farm beside,

And look at ‘Bijah a-settin’ there, I’ve jest dropped down and cried.

We lost the hull of our turnip crop while he was inventin’ a gun,

But I counted it one of my marcies when it bust before ‘twas done.

So he turned it into a “burglar alarm.” It ought to give

thieves a fright—

‘Twould scare an honest man out of his wits, ef he sot it

off at night.

Sometimes I wonder ef ‘Bijah’s crazy, he does such curious things.

Have I told you about his bedstead yit? ‘Twas full of wheels

and springs;

It hed a key to wind it up, and a clock-face at the head;

All you did was to turn them hands, and at any hour you said

That bed got up and shook itself, and bounced you on the floor,

And then shet up, jest like a box, so you couldn’t sleep any more.

Wa’al, ‘Bijah he fixed it all complete, and he sot it at

half-past five,

But he hadn’t more ‘n got into it, when—dear me! sakes alive!

Them wheels began to whizz and whirr! I heard a fearful snap,

And there was that bedstead with ‘Bijah inside shet up jest

like a trap!

I screamed, of course, but ‘twant no use. Then I worked that

hull long night

A-tryin’ to open the pesky thing. At last I got in a fright:

I couldn’t hear his voice inside, and I thought he might be dyin’,

So I took a crowbar and smashed it in. There was ‘Bijah

peacefully lyin’,

Inventin’ a way to git out agin. That was all very well to say,

But I don’t believe he’d have found it out if I’d left him in all day.

Now, since I’ve told you my story, do you wonder I’m tired of life,

Or think it strange I often wish I warn’t an inventor’s wife?


(_Story of an old Woman who knew Washington._)


An aged negress at her door

Is sitting in the sun;

Her day of work is almost o’er,

Her day of rest begun.

Her face is black as darkest night,

Her form is bent and thin,

And o’er her bony visage tight

Is stretched her wrinkled skin.

Her dress is scant and mean; yet still

About her ebon face

There flows a soft and creamy frill

Of costly Mechlin lace.

What means the contrast strange and wide?

Its like is seldom seen—

A pauper’s aged face beside

The laces of a queen.

Her mien is stately, proud, and high,

And yet her look is kind,

And the calm light within her eye

Speaks an unruffled mind.

“Dar comes anodder ob dem tramps,”

She mumbles low in wrath,

“I know dose sleek Centennial chaps

Quick as dey mounts de path.”

A-axing ob a lady’s age

I tink is impolite,

And when dey gins to interview

I disremembers quite.

Dar was dat spruce photometer

Dat tried to take my head,

And Mr. Squibbs, de porterer,

Wrote down each word I said.

Six hundred years I t’ought it was,

Or else it was sixteen—

Yes; I’d shook hands wid Washington

And likewise General Greene.

I tole him all de generals’ names

Dar ebber was, I guess,

From General Lee and La Fayette

To General Distress.

Den dar’s dem high-flown ladies

My old tings came to see;

Wanted to buy dem some heirlooms

Of real Aunt Tiquity.

Says I, “Dat isn’t dis chile’s name,

Dey calls me Auntie Scraggs,”

And den I axed dem, by de pound

How much dey gabe for rags?

De missionary had de mose

Insurance of dem all;

He tole me I was ole, and said,

Leabes had dar time to fall.

He simply wished to ax, he said,

As pastor and as friend,

If wid unruffled bosom I

Approached my latter end.

Now how he knew dat story I

Should mightily like to know.

I ‘clar to goodness, Massa Guy,

If dat ain’t really you!

You say dat in your wash I sent

You only one white vest;

And as you’se passin’ by you t’ought

You’d call and get de rest.

Now, Massa Guy, about your shirts,

At least, it seems to me

Dat you is more particular

Dan what you used to be.

Your family pride is stiff as starch,

Your blood is mighty blue—

I nebber spares de indigo

To make your shirts so, too.

I uses candle ends, and wax,

And satin-gloss and paints,

Until your wristbands shine like to

De pathway ob de saints.

But when a gemman sends to me

Eight white vests eberry week,

A stain ob har-oil on each one,

I tinks it’s time to speak.

When snarled around a button dar’s

A golden har or so,

Dat young man’s going to be wed,

Or someting’s wrong, I know.

You needn’t laugh, and turn it off

By axing ‘bout my cap;

You didn’t use to know nice lace,

And never cared a snap

What ‘twas a lady wore. But folks

Wid teaching learn a lot,

And dey do say Miss Bella buys

De best dat’s to be got.

But if you really want to know,

I don’t mind telling you

Jus’ how I come by dis yere lace—

It’s cur’us, but it’s true.

My mother washed for Washington

When I warn’t more’n dat tall;

I cut one of his shirt-frills off

To dress my corn-cob doll;

And when de General saw de shirt,

He jus’ was mad enough