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Tears filled her eyes. “I thought it was haunted.”

“Not anymore,” Eric said with a gentle smile. “Not since we found a real medium to cleanse the place.”

Tate frowned. “I knew I should have researched Helena… Geez.”

Belle laughed. These men were the magical ones, all so different and yet somehow they made each other complete. She couldn’t live without any of them. She hoped like hell she wouldn’t have to.

Her heart nearly stopped when Kellan dropped to one knee.

“Belle, I know you’ve already answered this question for the other two, but will you marry me? Will you be my wife, my sweet submissive, and my partner in life?”

Shock broke through her. Her heart caught. She’d never imagined that she’d hear those words tonight. Tears sprang up and fell to her cheeks.

She bit her lip. “Well, the other two didn’t actually ask me.”

A gorgeous smile lit Tate’s face as he dropped to one knee, too. “Belle, will you marry me? Will you be my wife, my best friend, the person who grounds me and shows me that life is best lived through the heart?”

He really had a way with words when he wanted to.

Eric stepped forward with a velvet jewelry box in hand, though it looked too big for a ring. He lifted the lid and diamonds sparkled in the candlelight. “Belle, will you say yes? We’re a package deal.”

She gasped at the gorgeous diamond choker and three interlocking rings. A wedding ring and a collar. Proof that she belonged to them and they belonged to her.

“Yes, yes, and yes. A million times yes.” She gave them a tearful smile, joy bursting through her. Then she turned to Kellan, looking into his eyes. “You came back for me.”

He closed the distance between them and gripped her shoulders. “You are my home, Belle. I’ll always come back for you. I will always choose you.”

Belle didn’t think she could be any happier. She opened to him as he swooped down and his lips took hers in a kiss that promised he would choose their future over his past.

As she sank into him, he kissed her again, this time sliding his tongue against hers and deepening the contact. He skimmed his hands down her body, lowering the zipper on her dress. The electric current of arousal flooded her system. Cool air hit her skin, but nothing could cut the sizzle from the heat of his fingers on her bare flesh. Her body was suffused with it. Kellan traced the line of her newly bared spine, bringing the dress with it.

She felt someone move in behind her, another body against hers.

“You looked so beautiful tonight, baby,” Tate said. “That dress was gorgeous on you, though everything you wear is amazing. But I like you best with nothing but this dazzling skin. Sometimes I just stare at you and wonder how you got to be so luscious.”

He unclasped her bra and let it drop to the floor. Immediately, he cupped her breasts and thumbed her nipples. They stiffened with pure pleasure, and she couldn’t help but sigh.

As she let her head drift back, Kellan began kissing her neck. His lips caressed her skin, leaving a trail of tingly arousal. Tate turned her head gently, pulling her lips to his. As he covered her mouth, he groaned. His tongue surged inside as he toyed with her nipples, plucking at them with his fingertips, keeping the sensations just shy of pain. Her whole body came to life.

She stood before them in nothing but a tiny thong and her Prada heels, her breathing shallow with excitement and her heart full of love.

Eric moved in at her side. He slid his hand between her and Tate, cupping her rear. “I love this ass. Time to lose these, sweetheart. You won’t need them, not for a long time.”

She shimmied out of her undies, stepping out of the heels at the same time. She lost several inches of height, but that just made her feel more delicate and surrounded by her men. In every direction she turned, a gorgeous chest or broad shoulders filled her vision. She loved the differences between all her men. Tate was so big all over, while Eric had a lean athleticism. Every sinew in Kellan’s well-muscled body screamed dominance. Any one of these men could take her apart if they chose. Instead, they completed her life and offered her the freedom to discover the woman and submissive who lived under her skin. They accepted her with all her flaws, which made it so much easier to accept herself. When she was naked with them, she didn’t think about her faults anymore, just about the pleasure they found in her body. It was a gift she could give to them, one they treasured.

“I love you.” She breathed the words like they were the oxygen she needed to live.

Because she needed these men.

“We love you, too, Belle.” Kellan had the collar in his hand. “You know we love you completely naked, but we want you to wear this collar and the ring we had made for you. We want you to always know that you belong to us.”

She shivered as he placed the collar around her throat. She reached up to touch it and caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror above the dresser. She felt beautiful and the woman reflected back at her looked that way. How far she’d come from that young woman who couldn’t find her place in the world. That girl hadn’t thought she was pretty, couldn’t imagine she really deserved this crazy relationship with these three wonderful men. The woman who looked back at her now practically glowed—with love, with confidence, with joy.

She’d found her place in the world, and it was between them.

Tate slipped his section of the ring on her finger, then Kellan eased his into place.

Eric stood in front of her, the last piece of the ring in his hand. He smiled down at her, love shining from his eyes. “You’re everything to me, baby. Thank you for bringing us together.”

He slid the final shining circle onto her finger. Somehow, the three pieces fit together perfectly. The individual pieces were pretty, but together they created something new and utterly unique. Each were stronger together than they were apart—rather like her men.

“This is beautiful. I’m nearly speechless. When did you have this made?”

Tate flushed. “I might have thought about this…oh, a month or two after you came to work for us. I might have talked to the others about it off and on for the past few weeks. Eric might have found a jeweler here to make it. Kell might have picked up the beautiful collar in Chicago. You know, just maybe.”

Belle laughed and rose on her tiptoes to kiss them gently, one after the other. “You three are my whole world.”

And they always would be. No matter what happened.

“Then you should prepare to serve your Masters, love.” Kellan’s voice had shifted from smooth lover to hungry Dom in an instant, and Belle’s whole body tightened.

This was what she’d missed when Kellan was away. Eric spanked and played with her. Tate dabbled. But only Kellan could truly top her from a soul-deep place.

She dropped to her knees because she couldn’t think of any other way she would rather celebrate her engagement than serving the men she loved. It was an easy thing to do since they served her so well in return. They took care of her, saw to her needs and her pleasure, kept her safe.

She bowed her head submissively and spread her knees wide. It no longer felt odd to be in this position. Before, she’d felt vulnerable with her body on display. Now she found her feminine power here. She found the beauty. Being on her knees for them allowed her to focus on her body, the way it felt, moved, loved. She could focus on the pleasure and comfort she took and gave. When she was in this position, she was safe.

“Do you have any idea how beautiful you are to me?” Kellan asked.

She could see his perfectly polished dress shoes. They were joined by Eric’s loafers and Tate’s sneakers. She let her hair fall forward and cover her smile. Tate would wear sneakers with a tux. She would have to make sure to pick out his footwear for their wedding. He wasn’t going to be allowed to wear high-tops on their big day.