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He gripped his cock and placed it against her sopping cunt. Then, putting his hands under her ass, he slid into her. Meg squirmed and wriggled forward until she could feel his cock deep in her puss. She raised her legs and wrapped them around and held him close.

Meg moved back and forth on his waist. Her breathe grew hotter against his neck, while her pussy jacked his cock constantly.

Her voice was hoarse as she manipulated his cock faster and faster. "Ohhh, do you like it, Jerry, do you like it?" He couldn't answer.

He could actually feel that sweet agony she was going through just by looking at her face.

Gathering his strength, he pulled out of her again, moved her up on the bed and spread-eagled her there. Then Meg cried in exquisite agony as he licked up their juices from her cunt. He was nearly drowning on the river of her juice and his cum.

Once again she found herself being swallowed up by impulses, heat, white flashes she couldn't explain.

Jerry licked her dry, inside and out.

"Let me eat you, too," she said, looking down at the huge hunk of meat dangling between his legs.

He shifted his position until the full, white flare of her hips and reddened cunt again rose to meet his face.

"Oh, God, your cock is beautiful," she groaned as she opened her lips and accepted his thrust.

She felt his hard tongue descend again between the lips of her heated cunt. The strong musky smell of their mutual sex filled the room as their bodies writhed in sexual union, his cock far down her throat, his lips pressed to her pussy as he tongued and sucked her throbbing cunt.

Meg could feel his push. It felt as though his whole face had entered her hole. She began jerking hr pelvis frantically against his face and squeezing her thighs even tighter over his head.

She grasped his buttocks and urged the whole of his shuddering shaft into her head. Her mouth began to hammer over his cock like an oil pump gone wild. She wanted his cum to flood her throat more than anything else in the world at that moment.

There was a slapping sound between her thighs as her hips snapped her cunt back and forth against his mouth. She squirmed and quivered on the bed ecstatically, so intense became her desire for their mutual climax.

"What's the matter… what's wrong?" she cued.

"I'm… I'm shooting like hell," he said. "It'll go off in your mouth."

"I want it to," she shouted. "I want your juice… your cum! Give it to me!"

Back into her mouth went his throbbing, jerking prick as the head spurted cum in great, hot gushes down her waiting throat. Greedily she sucked and swallowed at the streams until they thinned to a dear liquid.

Meg's orgasm quickly followed.

Her thrashing and bucking ended in a frenzied vibration with spasms of ecstasy flooding her body. Then she went limp, totally exhausted, spent.

"Jesus, that was… the best!" he sighed.

"I know," Meg answered, staring at the ceiling. She felt nothing but relaxation and relief. No guilt, no qualms, no regrets. She knew it was wrong, but she suddenly didn't care.

They lay for what must have been an hour until they heard the door slam downstairs.

Jerry rose casually from the bed. He leaned over and kissed Meg tenderly. "Don't worry," he said, "this is just between you and me."

He crossed to the door connecting the two bedrooms. "Sada's crazy to fight with you," Meg said. "Especially over a lousy party."

"That's what I think," he said. "But she's young. She'll change. Maybe you'd like to go to tat party with me."

"Maybe," Meg said, and watched the door close behind him.

In a few seconds she heard Sada enter the room. Her voice was clear as a bell through the thin walls.

"I've changed my mind," she said.

"Oh?" Jerry replied.

"If that's the way you want our marriage to be, all right, that's the way it will be. I don't like it, but I'll go along with it until I do, or I can't stand it any more."

Then Meg heard the bed squeak as she joined him. She wondered if he had the stamina for yet a third climax, this time with his wife.

Her question was answered in just a few minutes when the unmistakable sounds of sex came from the other room. Jerry would very easily handle the sexual needs of both mother and daughter.


Throughout the following day Meg wondered when Jerry would come to her again. Outwardly it appeared as though nothing at all had passed between them. Over lunch he had teased her, as always, about her lack of a social life, and he made vague hints, as he always did, that he could fix her up with some of his and Sada's swinging young male friends, but not ever did he give her any indication if or when there would be a repeat of the previous afternoons session.

That afternoon, after lunch, Jerry went out on the beach. Meg went upstairs to take a nap. She had barely stretched out on the bed when Sada tapped on her door.


"Yes, dear," Meg replied, puffing the covers up to hide her nakedness.

"Can I come in… I'd like to talk to you."

"Sure… come on in."

The look on her daughter's face gave Meg her first pang of fear. Could she know? Sada looked so troubled, so unsure of herself, that Meg was sure that it had something to do with Jerry. And maybe with her.

"My, oh my," she said, keeping her voice as light-hearted as possible, "something is wrong, isn't it."

"It sure is!" Sada said, sitting on the side of the bed. "And I've got to tell someone about it or I'll go crazy."

"Well, tell me, baby. You know I'll do what I can. Is it something to do with Jerry?"

"Kind of… but I think it's my fault," the girl said, biting her lip to keep back the tears. "I… oh, God… Mom, I don't know where to start… it's so terrible."

"Well, honey," Meg said, "you'd better just start at the beginning." She sat further up in the bed, letting her breasts spill over the top of the covers in her confusion and concentration on the young girl's words.

"The beginning…" Sada said, so wrapped up in her own thoughts that she didn't even notice her mother's sudden nudity. "Yeah… I guess I should… but…"

"I'm afraid."

"Afraid of what?"

"Afraid of what you'll think of me if I tell you the truth."

"Don't be silly," Meg said. "Tell me."

"But it's about sex."


"Yes," Sada went on, "and I want you to understand something. Times change. They've changed a lot since you were my age. I'm not like you, and I've got to tell you about it, even though I know some of the things I did I know are wrong."

"I won't be mad at you, darling," Meg said. "Tell me!" Oh, God, little girl, how could I be mad at you, Meg thought.

"Do you remember Uncle Phil, when he was staying with us after your divorce?"

"Well, I probably started it all myself. I mean, it just started out to be a teasing game like I did with all the boys when I was eighteen. Uncle Phil was older… handsome… and, well, I used to get a kick out of turning him on."

"Sada… my own brother!"

"I told you you'd be mad," Sada said, and stood up. "And I told you I know it was wrong."

"All right… all right," Meg said. "Sit down." Sada sat down and started talking again. As Meg listened to the story pour out of her daughter's mouth in ever faster words, she started to feel ill, but managed to sit through it all with a stone face.

It had indeed started out as a teenager's teasing game. Whenever Meg was gone from the house, leaving Sada and Phil alone, Sada would use her body to entice the older man. She would lie on the floor in front of his chair reading a book she was sure he was looking at her. Then she would bend her legs up at the knees, giving him a good look at the white smooth flesh of her thighs and the dark patch of pubic hair beneath her panties.

When Sada discovered the effect her youthful body had on the older, more mature, and very handsome man, she started encouraging it. She wore blouses and dresses around him with low necklines to reveal the deep cleavage between her bulging breasts.