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Oh… oh, God, hurry. You don't know how much I've got waiting for you, my little lover.

She opened her eyes and saw his young, wide-eyed, handsome face only a few feet from her body. His eyes were riveted on the swelling rise and fall of her big tits.

Closer… closer he came, until she could almost feel his hot breath on the side of her breast.

Then his hand came up and gently rested on her tit, the palm hot on her rigid nipple. She waited until she heard his breath come in great gasps and then snapped her eyes open.

"What are you doing?"

"Jeez," he squealed and tried to lurch to his feet.

Meg grasped him by the ankle and pulled him down beside her. He fought like a little tiger, but she held him and eventually pinned him to the sand.

Even then, frightened and struggling under the pressure of her arms and knees, he couldn't take his glassy eyes off her huge, dark-tipped mounds.

"I wasn't doing anything, lady, honest. Let me."

"You put your hand on my breast. Why?"

"I couldn't help it… I really couldn't."


"Cause," he gasped. "I wanted to touch it. You're so beautiful."

She smiled. "I guess you really couldn't help it, could you?"

"Well, then I guess I can't blame you."

"You can't?" he gasped in astonishment. "Not really."

"Then you ain't mad?"

"No," Meg said, releasing him but leaving her hands close to him in case he decided to bolt. "I guess my naked breasts would excite a strong boy your age, wouldn't they?"

"They sure do," he gulped.

"I forgive you then. Want to be friends?"

"Yep… yeah, I sure do."

"I tell you what… I'll even take you back to my house and you can have some soda and pie."

"You'd do that?" he said, disbelief at his good fortune registering in his eyes.

"Say… what's your name?"


"Well, come on, Billy," she said, standing and pulling the beach robe on to hide her naked tits. She shoved the bra and blanket into the basket.

"You mean, you ain't gonna tell on me?"

"Not if you don't," Meg said, smiling at him and patting the top of his head before putting her arm around his thin shoulders.

"Boy, that was good," Billy said, cramming the last bit of pie into his mouth.

"Would you like another piece?"

"I couldn't eat no more," he said. "Besides, I probably ought to get home."

"So soon?" Meg said. "Why don't you stay and we'll talk a little."

"Well… okay… I guess."

They moved into the living room. Meg could barely stop the shaking in her body as she watched him walk in front of her.

Her mind was racing. A boy! Here was a young boy right in her own house. Who could ask for anything better than this? She ached for him. She wanted to see him naked.

But what excuse could she use to entice him. "How old are you, Billy?"


"Oh? You're big for your age."

"Yeah… a little."

He wasn't. He was small for his age. But he had beautiful flashing dark eyes and black hair. She had already seen his cock once and she yearned to see it again, and to feel it.

Meg had changed into a flimsy robe while he ate. She had nothing on under it and she knew, if she didn't hold it closed, it would open down the front at the slightest move she made. She wondered if she could make her seduction look like an accident.

Purposely, she tripped and fell against him. At the same time she called his name. He turned just in time to catch her. As they came together her robe opened.

His hands filled with her bare breasts and his eyes popped at the sight of the thick, black bush that covered her cunt.

He gulped loudly. His face turned red with embarrassment. Both of them were crouching on the floor facing each other.

She did not pull the robe closed immediately and Billy took a few moments to realize what he was doing before he looked away. There were goose bumps standing up on his arms. Meg could see that. She knew she had had an effect on him.

He had begun to sweat profusely as he jumped to his feet. Meg rose slowly right in front of him. She let the robe hang free. She took him by the hand.

Billy's Adam's apple was bobbing up and down in his throat. He was frightened out of his senses by seeing this lady's naked body. She hadn't let go of his hand. It made him extremely nervous to be so close to her.

He could see the rounded inside part of both her tits. They nearly touched each other. The boy looked away from her, out the window. She had to smile at his shyness.

"What's the matter, Billy?" she said.

"A… nothin', Ma'am."

"Meg. Call me Meg. Why can't you look at me now? You saw me like this on the beach, didn't you?"

"Yeah, but… but not all of you."

"You mean my pussy?" He gulped again. "There's nothing to be afraid of. Come over here and sit down so that we can get acquainted."

The feeling of lust that welled in her cunt made her bold. She had to feel this boy now. There was no way she could let him get away from her without having him. She threw caution to the wind.

"Come on, Billy," she said, pushing him back gently on the couch. He weakly let her do it. "We have so many things to do together." She began to stroke his face and neck with a light, sensuous touch. His skin was like cream to her. It made her juices flow just to feel him. The boy was trembling with embarrassment. He was confused and frightened.

"What are you doing, Meg?"

"I'm only touching you. Don't you like it, Billy?"

"I-I've got to go," he stammered.

"Why? I heard you tell your friend down on the beach all the things you'd like to do with me. Don't you want to do them now?"

"I… I, uh, don't know…"

"Don't you want to find out what girls are like? Are you afraid?"

"No… I ain't afraid."

"You touched my tit, Billy. Wouldn't you like to touch my pussy, too?"

The boy was speechless. He was too confused and afraid to fight her. There was also the problem of his rising emotions. He wasn't immune to the sensuous stroking she was doing to him. His virgin cock was stirring in his pants.

Meg couldn't help herself. She couldn't stop now. She leaned over and began to kiss the boy on the face and neck. She ended up by kissing him with a full kiss on the lips. Her tongue hungrily sought his in his mouth.

The boy's breath came in gasps. The perspiration dripped off him. His entire body became clammy as she held him close. The T-shirt he was wearing clung to him from the moisture.

Meg felt down his body to the top of his pants. She paused there for a moment, then she went on. The boy groaned softly and weakly when he felt the pressure of her hand on his cock.

Her hands pressed down on his stiffening rod. She leaned against him so he would slide backward on the sofa. She was half on top of him. She unbuttoned his pants and began to take down his zipper.

Then it was out! She saw it! It was smooth from being erect and had no hair on it anywhere. She was so surprised and pleased. Her cunt spasmed, she felt the trickle of juices ooze out of her pussy.

Her head reeled. She had to have him. She had to suck him, fuck him. His hard little prick felt wonderful in her hands. She loved the feel of it… the smell and the sight of it. She was enraptured by the virgin cock. His eyes were closed as she was entranced by his little rod.

She began to stroke it from the tip to the base. He groaned and moved on the couch. She was beside herself with lust. She had to take it in her mouth.

Her tongue flicked around it. The boy felt the shocks of the electricity she produced shoot up his cock into his groin. He flinched.

Meg could taste the fluid that kept dripping faster and faster from him. She swallowed it down greedily. She opened her lips to take more of his shaft in. Just as she did, Billy began to try to twist on the couch.