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Heat flared between them, exquisite and exciting. Alexia couldn’t resist. She slid her other hand under his shirt and rubbed her palm against the bare skin of his firm abdomen.

“Hmmm, that’s good. You feel so good, Joshua.”

“Alexia. Stop touching him now. We have to explain things before you move too fast and make a mistake you’ll regret,” Michael barked at her, a tone of command in his voice, and she hesitated before turning to face him. His desires had shifted and something didn’t feel right.

“You’ve seen the dolphins change. You’re one of us, Alexia, like Joshua said. But you’re not a commoner.” Michael pointed to the medallion. “That represents your position in our pod. For years your grandmother has been our matriarch, our leader in much more than political matters. Giving you the medallion signifies her will for you to take over.”

“What do I know about leading mythical beings?”

Joshua’s fingers brushed her shoulder and she shivered, intense pleasure breaking over her. She wanted to turn around and throw herself on top of Joshua. Strip him bare, ride him, and she didn’t care who else was in the room. His caress was light but it was enough, and she stared into his eyes. Longing reflected back. Heat. She didn’t want to stop and have to think about what this meant.

She just wanted.

Alexia wrapped her hands further around his torso, palms tight to his skin, and Joshua made a quiet noise deep in his throat. A powerful shot of lust hit her, and her voice was husky when she managed to speak. “What does this have to do with my hormones being on overload?”

“Joshua, stop touching her!” Michael demanded, hands tightening to fists.

Alexia narrowed her eyes. The waves of anger rolling off him doused her libido like ice water.

“Please, everyone. Perhaps I should be the one to explain.” Anthony held out a hand to Alexia and led her away to the massive windows overlooking the sea. The sight relaxed her, gave her back her center. Anthony stood beside her with a soothing calmness. When she impulsively linked her fingers with his, he gasped.

“You’re the teacher. Teach me.” Alexia smiled in reassurance. “The SparksNotes version if possible.”

He nodded and thought for a minute. Alexia wondered if he realized his thumb was massaging her knuckles.

“As the Keeper, you have an innate sense of your people’s needs. You can use it to help them, whether it’s in their work or play or family life. You’ll know your duties instinctively, guiding the pod and keeping us strong. Keeping us safe.” He turned her face him, his deep green eyes dark in his tanned face. “Along with the abilities come needs of your own. You need to be supported and cared for. Until you select a consort, any time you have a need all the eligible males will respond. We’ll care for you as best we can—”

“Every time I get worried or upset, there’s going to be a throng of guys surrounding me?” Something was still missing, she knew it.

Anthony shook his head, his face flushed with embarrassment. “You know, I could write you a nice essay on this, explain it all in great detail…”

Alexia laughed and he smiled wryly before continuing. “You have the merfolk genes, but you don’t have the blood. Yet. You need additional chemicals to change to a dolphin form or to be able to survive underwater in your human body. If you’d grown up around Jaffrey’s Cove, in a family of merfolk, you’d already have them, just from environmental exposure. Most merfolk, boys and girls, build up enough of the chemicals by their early teens to shift.

“You gained a few during your summer holidays, but all the various components are required to produce the final compound. Your hormones are on overdrive because as the new matriarch, you want the chemicals immediately. We have them in a form you can easily absorb. That’s what’s causing your strong desire for the males of the pod.”

She raised an eyebrow. “You have this chemical?”

He nodded.

“And I get it from you, how?”

Anthony’s gaze flicked to the others as he flushed harder.

“Sex. You need to have sex with us.” Michael stalked forward, his hand reaching to pull her to his side forcefully. Anthony protested but Michael ignored him, slipping his hands around her head and forcing his mouth on hers. A shiver of disgust shook her body and she clawed at him, tried to detach herself from his clutches. He ignored her attempts to push him away, his hands scrambling at her dress, his stronger body overpowering hers. Loud voices rose in anger around her. Joshua yanked his brother off her and she was free, cradled against Anthony’s solid chest. Joshua slammed his fist hard into Michael’s jaw. He flew backward to land flat on the floor, limbs flailing. Alexia hid her face, Anthony’s arms closed around her as he attempted to lead her away from where Joshua stood menacingly over Michael.

She needed to stay. She needed to finish this. Alexia forced herself forward to Joshua’s side, dragging Anthony with her.

“You will not touch her again unless she asks. Do you understand me?” Joshua’s icy cold tones sent a shiver of pure lust shooting through her. “She selects. She decides. Not birth order, not some fancy piece of paper on the wall. The Keeper alone knows who she needs, and manhandling her is not going to make her transformation any easier.”

Michael attempted to stand and Joshua swept his feet from under him again. “Do you understand?” he demanded.

“I understand. Damn it, Joshua, let me up.”

“Yes, let him up.” Alexia stepped forward just in time to see Michael exchange his expression of avarice with one of deep concern. Alexia’s stomach churned. He might have tried to mask his outward appearance, but Michael’s emotions gave his intent away. He was far too delighted in the thought she was going to select him and rebuff Joshua. As Michael rose to his feet she took one more step forward.

She let it him have it with a right jab to the same spot Joshua had nailed him.

Michael staggered back, catching himself on the dining room chairs. Alexia followed, righteous indignation filling her stronger than her previous arousal. She didn’t know all the rules yet, but whatever was happening she knew one thing—Michael had crossed a line and she didn’t like it.

“Thank you for the evening, Michael. You were very gracious to extend an invitation to welcome me to the community. Let’s pretend that was your motivation all the time and leave it at that.” Alexia crossed her arms over her chest, watching as he wiped at his mouth with the back of his hand. His eyes glinted coldly for a moment and she saw red.

He was defying her?

She shot her arm out in time to stop Joshua from racing past her to attack Michael again. “Stop.”

Joshua froze immediately, body clenched tight as he waited for her direction.

“You need me to be able to change,” Michael warned softly, his gaze flicking over his kin. “I doubt you can gain all the chemicals you need from either one of them. Neither is strong enough to help you make the first change. Don’t throw this away, Alexia. We’d be good together, leading the pod as a team.”

Behind her Anthony hissed. She glanced at him, surprised at his response.

“You lead the pod alone, Alexia. Not your partner. They support you. Michael offering to lead together… It’s not possible. It’s not right.” Anthony spat the words with disgust.

Joshua said nothing, standing beside her like a rock.

“Joshua, is it true? Do I need him?”

Joshua stared at Michael, his body remaining alert. “It will be harder but not impossible. He’s very strong. Still, the tradition of the pod demands he provide what you need, no strings attached. You can order him to assist in your first change, and he will or face banishment. To stay in the pod he must support and respect you as you are due.” Joshua hesitated and turned to the side so she couldn’t see his face. “If you select him you might not need us.”