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And for the past week, Susan had been planning a secret meeting with Julie – only she hadn't told Julie about it yet, until she'd found out if her sister would agree to let her use her apartment.

And Lynn had told her she could use it whenever she wanted to, and had even given her her own key.

"Julie?" Susan said, her heart beating a little faster as she broached the subject.


"I… have the key to my sister's apartment. She said I could use it any time I wanted to. How would you like to… kind of go over there and… well… talk?"

Julie looked into Susan's pretty blue eyes, her own dark eyes gleaming with a secret lust.

Julie reached out her hand and Susan took it, clutched it tightly in her own. The two girls stood up and walked hand in hand out of the hospital, wiggling their tight asses for the benefit of Dr. Fox, who stood at the desk, pretending to be writing on a patient's chart.

He smiled.

Harry smiled.

He watched the woman on the screen struggling violently against the tight chain around her throat, slowly strangling her, forcing her to hold her head upright and pressed back against the pillar in the dungeon. Her long arms, encased in shoulderlength black leather gloves, were drawn high and slightly backward, forcing her huge tits to thrust out and upward – perfect for the blows of the thick bullwhip her lover was about to lash into her flesh.

Harry could easily imagine that the woman on the screen was really Lynn, her eyes wide with utter horror as Harry stepped back, turned slowly, and ran the full length of the whip through his fingers – waiting, letting the naked tease think about the error of her ways.

The man on the screen snapped the bullwhip into the woman's lush tit, leaving a wide red welt.

Harry's cock jerked in his tight pants.


Damn you, Lynn!

His prick was hurting badly. He wanted Lynn so fucking much! And sitting here, watching a beautiful full-breasted blonde – who looked a lot like Lynn – get stripped and tied and whipped, well, it made him crazy!

And knowing that Lynn was sitting home in that shitty little apartment of hers, all alone on her day off, all warm and soft and cozy in her soft robe – all naked and smooth and moist under that robe.

To hell with this fucking picture!

Harry pushed himself out of the comfortable chair and strode out of the theater into the blinding sunlight. His pants bulged with his huge aching cock. A woman walked by, slapping her palm over her mouth as she spotted the lump in Harry's pants.

"What's the problem, you fucking whore!" Harry growled at her. He snorted at her as she began blushing and giggling. "Fuck yourself, bitch!" he shouted after her, then turned and walked off in the opposite direction, toward Lynn's apartment, turn the corner just as the bus bearing Julie and Susan drove past.

"Hey, Ken!" Carl called to his friend. "Can you give me a ride home tonight? My car's screwed up and I left it at the garage this morning, and now they tell me it won't be ready for another day or two."

"Sure thing, Carl. Meet me in the lot in half an hour. I have to drop by a friend's place for a minute or two, but it won't take long."

"Great! And thanks. See you in half an hour." Ken waved as Carl put down the telephone and walked back to his office at the far end of the hallway. What a bastard, Ken thought, shaking his head in wonder that the crazy fool hadn't been put away long before this. Still, Carl had helped him out of a number of small jams, and they were friends – after a fashion. Carl might have his faults, lots of them, but he was nonetheless one hell of a good doctor.

But Ken had no intention of wasting the rest of the afternoon thinking about Carl, not when he could think about Lynn and how he could manage to fuck both that luscious nurse, with her big knockers and her wet wet cunt, and her sister, with her tight twat and her succulent titties.

They were both so damned fucking sweet!

The ideal situation would be to marry Lynn and adopt Susan! What a dreamer! Ken smiled at his own mental image of all three of them in bed together – loving and fucking and sucking each other all day and all night, with maybe an occasional visit to the hospital or office to pick up his checks.

Well, anyway, he was going to take the bull by the horns tonight and drop by Lynn's place to ask her for a date – their first.

He only hoped that Susan hadn't already told Lynn about their session this morning.

That could be a trifle awkward.

Lynn struggled with her awkward position. She was in real pain – aching agony – her hands and feet swelling from the lack of circulation.

And they hurt like hell!

She mumbled into the panty-gag, talking to herself about her predicament and how she could get herself out of it. But all she could some up with, unless by some miracle the key should suddenly fall, was to simply lie here, her face resting in her chilled pin, and wait.


Lynn Richards couldn't believe the pain the was experiencing. She knew she must be on the verge of going completely crazy. The pain was long past the stage of being simply unbearable – it was becoming a permanent part of her soul.

The metal of the cuffs seemed to have grown into her wrists and ankles. The panty-gag felt like part of her tongue. Her open jaws felt like they could never close again. The darkness – the tightness of her home-made hood – seemed like true blindness after so long, though it had only been a few hours since she'd bound herself.

He head ached, too, with a ringing and a rattling in her ears, a rattling like someone at the door – the door!

Lynn tried to call out through her gag, but the soggy panties muffled the sound too well. The door shook again; the doorknob twisted and rattled.

Somebody was trying to get in!

Lynn struggled to shift toward the door, so she could bump her head against it if the person outside should call out to her. At least they would know somebody was alive in here, and they might try to break in the door, or at least go for help.

But as Lynn arched her head off the wet floor, she paused to listen – it was key in the lock.

Susan! Susan was coming in!

Lynn was filled with a heart-thumping joy – and a deep quaking embarrassment that Susan would be the one to find her like this. But soon, her ordeal would be finished and there would be time for explanations after she had taken a bath.

The door swung inward.

"Come on in, Julie… this is my sister's… AHHHHHHHH! LYNN! What happened to you?"

Julie and Susan dove for the woman on the floor, tearing at the blindfold, the gag, the handcuffs – all in vain, since they were all locked securely to her body.

Julie stood up to go to the kitchen for a knife – anything to cut through these bonds – and she spied the string and the key. The key was loosely wound with the string, but the end of the string had caught under itself and held the key from falling by the slightest thread.

"Susan! Look at this!"

Susan straightened up and looked where Julie was pointing, then back down at her sister. Slowly, frowning and wondering what was going on but having a pretty good grasp of it already, Susan took down the key, knelt, and fit it into the cuffs around Lynn's wrists.

With a quick turn, the cuffs fell open and away from Lynn's raw flesh.

Lynn moaned, rolled over onto her back, and gave both womens a scare at the frightening appearance of her bloodied nipple, her ripped bra.

"Good afternoon, ladies."

Lynn groaned. That was Harry's voice! Oh, nooooo! He must have come with the girls, or happened to come by just as they had unlocked the door – and left it open in their rush to come to Lynn's aid!

"Don't bother to unlock the cuffs around your sister's lovely ankles, Susan. And give me that key, will you?"