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“Oorah!” the Marines boomed. They generally felt that Sophia showed there was a good side to the Navy.

“Whenever you get to thinking about all those empty boats,” Steve said, pinning the award on his daughter to a round of enthusiastic applause. “Just rub this badge and know how many you have saved.”

“Yes, Da,” Sophia said, her face working to hold back the tears.

“We’ve got a long road ahead of us,” Steve said. “If these little bits of cloth keep the wheels turning, that’s worth it. And I think we’re finally done. Except for a couple of surprises.”

“Surprises?” Sophia said.

“I’ll take the mike, now, Jack,” Steve said.

“Oh, really?” Isham said.

“Really,” Steve said. “As some of you may know, Lieutenant Commander Isham and I did not start out well… ”

“Got that right!” Faith said, loudly.

“I outrank you, now,” Isham said, pointing a finger at the Lieutenant.

“But this whole lash-up wouldn’t work without Lieutenant Commander Isham putting in long hours of skull sweat,” Steve said. He took an award out from under the podium. “Lieutenant Commander Jack Isham, Front and Center.”

“I don’t need a medal, Captain,” Isham said.

“You’re getting one anyway,” Steve said. “Just one, though. By direction of the acting Joint Chiefs of Staff with the approval of the National Constitutional Continuity Coordinator, Lieutenant Jack Isham is hereby awarded the Defense Superior Service Medal for operations in the Atlantic Ocean Area. Congratulations, Jack.”

“I’m not even sure what a Superior Service Medal is,” Jack said. “Wait, I read the matrix… ”

“Just take it, Jack,” Steve said, pinning the medal on the Lieutenant Commander’s uniform. “If we ever get dress uniforms, you can start building up fruit salad. And I think we’re done.”

“Oh, no,” Isham said. “You have your surprises and I have mine, Captain.” He snapped his fingers and Stacey came out of the wings with a stack of award boxes. “Captain John Steven Smith, front and center.”

“Crap,” Steve muttered.

“By the authority of the National Constitutional Continuity Coordinator and the Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,” Jack said. “Captain Steven John Smith is hereby awarded the following awards or badges.

“Silver Star, for establishment of Wolf Squadron and clearance of vessels at sea. This award reflects both military service and prior civilian actions.

“Defense Superior Service medal… ”

“Navy Medal… ”

“Bronze star… ”

“Senior Boarder’s badge, primarily reflecting prior civilian service… ”

“Senior Savior’s Badge, primarily reflecting prior civilian service… ”

“And we’re done,” Isham said, grinning.

“Thanks,” Steve said. “Now I feel like a generalissimo.”

* * *

“It’s well deserved, honey,” Steve said. “Seriously. You’ve been doing a wonderful job.”

Steve had taken the opportunity to have a family dinner. With the way they were planning on doing the crossing, it might be the last for a while.

“I think most of the people think it’s nepotism,” Sophia said.

“It was almost the opposite,” Steve said. “We’d discussed across the board promotions due to the increase in the size of the Squadron. When Jack sent the list up for the NCCC’s approval, it came back with both your names penned in and a note asking why we were failing to promote good officers.”

“How does the Nick know we’re good officers?” Faith asked. “It’s not like he’s here.”

“There’s a good bit of back channel going on through the subs,” Steve said. “I don’t mind it; the pros want to know that I’m not going hog wild. And we’re about the only entertainment the subs and The Hole have these days. So, yes, the Nick knows who you are and the officers in the Hole can make some rational judgments as to whether you’re doing your jobs and are worthy of promotion. Under Secretary Galloway says that your reports are getting much better, Faith. I’m putting Lieutenant Buford in charge of ensuring that improvement continues. And that you continue your schooling.”

“Ugh,” Faith said. “And I was looking forward to this float.”

“Sophia, your new deck crewman was an ESL teacher,” Steve said. “From the test scores, he has to be a fairly smart fellow. So I’m going to put him in charge of continuing your education as well. If that doesn’t work out, we’ll figure out something.”

“And running a Division and a boat,” Sophia said. “Da, this is getting worse than that walk in the rain.”

“Don’t remind me of that,” Faith said.

“There will be universities again someday,” Steve said. “Somewhere. And when there are, you’re both going. You have to be prepared, however. Now… we all have duties. Stay safe, please.”

“We will, Da,” Faith said. “As long as the fricking toy you put me on doesn’t sink.”

* * *

“We have a cook?” Sophia asked, stepping into the zodiac and sitting down quickly. “Get us gone from this mob, Tom.”

The new crew member had picked up some threads on his expedition. He now was wearing a bright Hawaiian shirt and cargo shorts that appeared a size too large for him. On the other hand, there was a bag in the dinghy that had a blue jumpsuit in it.

“We are out of here,” Tom said, puttering through the crowd of boats. Fortunately, they were all inflatables and while he occasionally bumped other boats, they were, well, inflatables. The inner tubes just bounced off each other.

“Batari Dian Eko, Ensign Sophia Smith.”

“It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Eko,” Sophia said.

“It is a pleasure to meet you, Acting Ensign,” Batari said, carefully.

The cook was, if anything, more round than Celementina. This was going to be interesting.

“My mistake, hang on,” Tom said. He chattered at the cook for a moment.

“I apologize,” Batari said. “I am not good with the rank. Congratulations on your promotion, Ensign.”

“Thanks,” Sophia said. “It was a completely surprise. So was the promotion to Division Commander.”

“My automatic reaction based on my previous service is to flinch,” Tom said. “You’re not ready to command thirty-two thousand men. Then I remembered with the Navy that’s a three or four element unit. Three boats?”

“Yes,” Sophia said. “And you’re going to be getting some personal orders to assist in my continuing education.”

“I’m not surprised your father is interested in that,” Tom said. “Being a teacher as he was. I can handle pretty much anything you need taught.”

“I was taking Chemistry,” Sophia said.

“Analytical or experimental?” Walker said. “And I don’t know where we’re going to find a lab but I can probably gin up some doozy experiments with explosives.”

“Not on my boat,” Sophia said, laughing. “Where did you learn explosives?”

“I’ve been around the block a few times,” Tom said. “Let’s say that while a zombie apocalypse is my first apocalypse, disasters I’ve seen a few. ESL teacher is a somethingth career. I can and have taught a good number of classes. It will be an honor continuing your education, Ensign.”

“And we have a group photo op the day of the float,” Sophia said. “And I need to get ahold of my two new Division boat captains and actually meet them. They were somewhere in the crowd but there was no way to find them.”

“Which boats?” Tom asked.

Negocio Arriesgado and Finally Friday,” Sophia said. “I don’t know either of the skippers. Rainey and McCarthy. Both civilians.”

“Should we just call it the Risky Business?” Tom asked.

“Probably,” Sophia said. “I’ll get up with them when we get back to the boat.”