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101 Years’ Entertainment: The Great Detective Stories,1841–1941/ed. Ellery Queen. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1941.

The Third Omnibus of Crime / ed. Dorothy L.Sayers. New York: Coward-McCann, 1942.

The Avon Book of Modem Crime Stories /ed. John Rhode, foreword by A. A. Miln. New York: New Avon Library, 1942.

The Evening Standard Detective Book. London: Gollancz, 1950.

The Evening Standard Detective Book. 2nd Series.London: Gollancz, 1951.

Best Detective Stories/ed. Edmund Crispin. London: Faber & Faber, 1959.

Masterpieces of Mystery: The Golden Age. 2 vols./ ed. Ellery Queen. New York: Davis Publications, 1977.

Vintage Detective Stories/ed. Mike Higgs. London: Gallery Press, 1987.

The Oxford Book of English Detective Stories/ed.Patricia Craig. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990.

Crime Stories from the «Strand»/ed. Geraldine Beare. London: Folio Society, 1991.

Detective Stories from The Strand/ed. Jack Adrian. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.

London after Midnight: A Conducted Tour/ ed. Peter Haining. London: Little, Brown, 1996.

The50 Greatest Mysteries of All Time /ed. Otto Penzler. Los Angeles: Dove Books, 1998.


The Argosy.London: Cassell, 1926–1940.

The Cornhill Magazine.London: Smith, Elder and Company, 1860–1975.

The Evening Standard.London: E.Hulton, 1916–1980.

The Grand Magazine.London: George Newnes, 1905–1940

The Illustrated London News.London: Illustrated London News, 1842–2003.

Pearson’s Magazine.London: C. A. Pearson, 1896–1939.

Punch, or The London Charivari. London, 1841–2002.

The Red Magazine. Stories for all. London, 1908–1929.

The Sketch.London: Illustrated London News, 1893–1959.

The Strand Magazine.London: George Newnes, 1891–1950.


The Art of the Mystery Story: A Collection of Critical Essays/ed. Howard Haycraft.

New York: Simon and Schuster, 1946.

Anthony Berkeley. Jugged Journalism.London: Herbert Jenkins, 1925.

The Cambridge Companion to Crime Fiction / ed. Martin Priestman. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003.

Crime in Good Company: Essays on Criminals and Crime-Writing/ed. Michael Gilbert. London: Constable, 1959.

Peter Haining. The Classic Era of Crime Fiction. London: Prion, 2002.

Lee Horsley. Twentieth-Century Crime Fiction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005.

P. D.James. Talking about Detective Fiction. Oxford: Bodleian Library, 2009.

Stephen Knight. Crime Fiction, 1800–2000. Detection, Death, Diversity.London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

LeRoy L.Panek. Watteau’s Shepherds: The Detective Novel in Britain 1914–1940.Bowling Green: Bowling Green University Popular Press, 1979.

LeRoy L.Panek. An Introduction to the Detective Story.Bowling Green: Bowling Green State University Popular Press, 1987.

Charles J.Rzepka. Detective fiction.Cambridge: Polity, 2005.

Julian Symons. Bloody Murder: From the Detective Story to the Crime Noveclass="underline" A History.London: Faber & Faber, 1972.


Справочники и энциклопедии

100 Masters of Mystery and Detective Fiction/ed. Fiona Kelleghan. Pasadena: Salem Press, 2001.

Melvyn Barnes. Best Detective Fiction: A Guide from Godwin to the Present.London: C.Bingley, 1975.

Jacques Barzun, Wendell Hertig Taylor. A Catalogue of Crime.New York: Harper & Row, 1971.

British Mystery Writers, 1860–1919/ed.Bernard BENsracKand Thomas F. Staley. (Dictionary of Literary Biography. V0I.70). Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1988.

British Mystery Writers,1920–1939/ed. Bernard Benstock and Thomas F.Staley. (Dictionary of Literary Biography. V0I.77). Detroit: Gale Research Inc, 1989.

British Mystery and Thriller Writers Since 1940. First Series/ed. Bernard Benstock and Thomas F.Staley. (Dictionary of Literary Biography. V0I.87). Detroit: Gale Research Inc, 1989.

Critical Survey of Mystery and Detective Fiction/ed. Carl E.Rollyson. Pasadena: Salem Press, 2008.

Encyclopedia of Mystery and Detection / ed. Chris Steinbrunner and Otto Penzler. London: Routledge & К.Paul, 1976.

Rosemary Herbert. Whodunit? A Who’s Who in Crime & Mystery Writing.New York; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003.

The Oxford Companion to Crime and Mystery Writing/ed. Rosemary Herbert. New York; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.

Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. 60 vols. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.

Twentieth-Century Crime and Mystery Writers. 2nd ed./ed. John M. Reilly. London: St James Press, 1985.

Twentieth-Century Crime and Mystery Writers. 3rd ed./ed. Lesley Henderson. Chicago and London: St James Press, 1991.


Сайт писателя Мартина Эдвардса, автора и исследователя детективов — http:// www.martinedwardsbooks.com/articles.htm

Сайт о детективах Золотого века — http:// gadetection.pbworks.com

Биографии и автобиографии

Е. С. Bentley. Those Days.London:

Constable, 1940.

Nicolas Bentley. A Version of the Truth. London: A.Deutsch, i960.

G.K.Chesterton. Autobiography.

London: Hutchinson & Co., 1936.

Agatha Christie. An Autobiography.

London: Fontana, 1978.

Agatha Christie. Come, Tell Me How You Live. London: Collins, 1946.

Joe R.Christopher. The Mystery of Robert Eustace // The Armchair Detective. 1980; vol.13, № 4, p. 365–366.

Alzina Stone Dale. Maker and Craftsman:

The Story of Dorothy L. Sayers.Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1978.

Frances Donaldson. P.G.Wodehouse: A Biography.London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1982.

Joanne Drayton. Ngaio Marsh: Her Life in Crime.Auckland: Harper Collins, 2008.

Ralph E.Hone. Dorothy L. Sayers. A Literary Biography.Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1979.

Trevor H.Hall. Dorothy L.Sayers and Robert Eustace// Dorothy L.Sayers: Nine Literary Studies. London: Duckworth, 1980. P. 75–103.

S.T.Joshi. John Dickson Carr: a critical study. Bowling Green: Bowling Green State University Popular Press, 1990.

Ian Ker. G.K.Chesterton: A Biography.

Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.

G. K. Chesterton/ ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House, 2006. (Bloom’s Modern Critical Views).

Anne Meredith. Three-a-penny.London:

Faber & Faber, 1940.

William Oddie. Chesterton and the Romance of Orthodoxy: The Making of GKC, 1874–1908. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.

Joseph Pearce. Wisdom and Innocence:

A Life of G.K. Chesterton.London:

Hodder & Stoughton, 1996.

Barbara Reynolds. Dorothy L.Sayers: Her Life and Soul.London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1993. The Letters of Dorothy L.Sayers. V0I.1, 18дд-1дзб: The Making of a Detective

Novelist/ed. Barbara Reynolds. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1995.

Julia Stapleton. Christianity, Patriotism, and Nationhood: The England of G. K. Chesterton.Lanham: Lexington Books, 2009.

Alan Thomas. A Life Apart.London:

Gollancz, 1968.

Ann Thwaite. A.A.Milne: His life.London; Boston: Faber & Faber, 1990.

Malcolm J.Turnbull. Elusion Aforethought:

The Life and Writing of Anthony Berkeley Cox. Bowling Green: Bowling Green State University Popular Press, 1996.