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Lepanto, ironclad, 156

Lerche, 62

Leyte Gulf, Battle of, 222

Liberty, USS, 228, 229

Lightning, HMS, 92

Linse, 32

Little, USS, 95

Littorio, 9, 198, 199

Liverpool, HMS, 197

Long Lance, see Japanese Type 93

LS-boot, see Leicht-Schnellboote

Lüdemann, 192

Lusitania, 183

Lusitania medals, 184

LUT, 62

Lützow, battlecruiser, 9

Mackay, HMS, 152

Magnetic influence exploder

German WWI, 54

German WWII, 58, 192

Royal Navy Duplex, 56, 58, 199

USN Mark 6, 60

Mahan class, 99

Maiale, see SLC Maiale

Maillé Brézé, 193

Majestic, HMS, 177, 178

Makarov, Admiral, 171, 172

Mako, Mark 54, 76

Malafon, 135

Mali Brijun torpedo battery, 141

Mallory, William H

Coil-spring torpedo, 53

Gunpowder rocket torpedo, 51

Maori, HMS, 200

Marchen, 62

Mark 24 Mine, 61

Mark 6 °Captor, 76

Markgraf, 179

Marlborough, HMS, 179, 180

Mars, HMS, 156

Maru-ni, 33, 35

Maryland, USS, 206

MAS 15, 80, 185

Massachusetts, USS, broadside tube, 92

Maxim, Hudson, dirigible torpedo, 53

Maxim Pom-Pom, 148

Maya, 222

McEvoy, Captain, clockwork torpedo, 53

McVay, Captain Charles B, USS Indianapolis, 225

Menzing, Captain, Russian towed torpedoes’ electric exploder, 23, 171

Mercy, Fort/Ouvrage, 205

Messudiyeh, 177, 178

Michel, 85, 220

Mignatta, 24, 25

Mikawa, Admiral, 216

Mikuma, 215

Miller, Alfred P S, torpedo design, 51

Milton, Lord, underwater cannon, 53

Minneapolis, USS, 217, 218

Mississinewa, USS, sunk by Kaiten, 28

Mogami, 215, 222

Montrose, HMS, MLS, 104

Moresby, HMS, 179, 180

MT-Boat, 32

MTB 105, 89

Muavenet, 177

Mugford, USS, 100

Müllenheim-Rechburg, Lieutenant Burkard von, Bismarck, 199

Musashi, 128, 131, 222

Mutsuki class, 95

Muzio Attendolo, 198

Nachi, 214

Naito, Commander Takeshi, 64

Naka, 214


Dealings with Fulton, 12

Grand Army (Grande Armée), 12

Naruse, Rear Admiral, 68


First Battle of Narvik, 192

Kriegsmarine Attack of 9 April 1940, 191

Second Battle of Narvik, 192

Narwhal, USS, 118

Nasmith, Commander Martin, 177

Nassau class, 179

Natori, 215

Nautilus, Fulton’s submarine, 12

Nautilus, USS, 118, 220

Navol, 57

Neger 26, 27

Nevada, USS, 206, 207, 208

New Zealand, HMS, 155

Nicholson, Captain, HMS Hogue, 175

Nilblack, USS, 201

Nishimura, Admiral, 222

Nixie, 162

№ 17, HM Torpedo Boat, 153

Nordenfelt machine gun, 147, 149

6pdr, 148

Torpedo design, 51

Norge, 191

North Kakholmen torpedo battery, 141, 142, 143, 144

North River Steamboat, built by Fulton, 12

Northampton, USS, 218

Nürnberg, 96, 99

Obry gyroscope, 40

Ocelot, HM Submarine, 126, 127

Oi, 96, 168

O’Kane, Commander Richard, USS Tang, 221

Oklahoma, USS, 58, 155, 206, 207, 208, 209

Omaha class, 55

Oregon, USS, 92, 148, 149

Orfey class, 95

Orzel, 121, 190

‘Oscar II’ class, 232

Ostfriesland, 114, 115, 116

Otto fuel II, 71

Oxley, HM Submarine, 187

Oxygen-powered torpedoes, 56

Oyagi, Admiral, 56

Ozawa, Admiral, 214

Pachoca, Battle of, 170

Paket, 163

Pallada, 174

Pamponita, USS, 126

Paolucci, Physician Sub-Lieutenant Raffaele, 25

Pathfinder, HMS, 175

Patrick, torpedo design, 51

Paulson, steam-powered torpedo, 53

Pearl Harbor, 169, 213

Pensacola, USS, 218

Pentane, 68

Perth, HMAS, 168, 214, 215

Petard, HMS, 178

Phillips, Admiral Tom, Force Z, 211, 212

Peri, Lieutenant, 89

Piet Hien, 168

Pillenwerfer, see Bold pellets

Piorun, 200

PNM, see Cat

Polyphemus, HMS, 81, 106, 154, 166

Pommern, 179, 180

Port Arthur, attack on, 174

Porter, David Dixon, 79

Porter, USS, DD-356, 215

Porter, USS, TBD, 167

Portland, USS, 216

Power, Captain Manley Laurence, HMS Saumarez, 224

Preston, USS, 217

Prien, Günther, 189

Prince of Wales, HMS, 65, 130, 210, 211, 212, 224

Princeton, USS, 226

Prinz Eugen, 96, 199

PT-Boats, 80, 93

PT 109, 93

PT 658, 80

Pump jet propulsor, 72,

Q-Boats, 81

Q-Ship, 83

Queen Elizabeth, HMS, 26, 158, 159, 197

Quick, George, rocket-propelled torpedo, 50

Quincy, USS, 216

Quorn, HMS, 33