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Fascinated, Mike watched the man step back, pulling out his belt. Then he swung it and hit the nude woman hard across the tits.

The woman's face contorted with agony. Mike froze. It was the first time he'd had a good look at her face, and even twisted with the pain of her whipped jugs it was one well-known to him.

It was his wife Diana!

Instantly he was off the bed. The beginnings of another raging hard-on that had stiffened his cock as he watched the odd picture-show disappeared immediately.

"What the hell is going on?" he yelled at Yvonne.

She smiled at him. Her expression was maddening – but in a different way than it had been before.

"Don't worry…" she began calmly.

"Don't worry? That's my wife!" He glared at the TV set. "Who is that man? Where is Diana? What's happening to her?"

The picture on the screen showed all too clearly what was happening. His brand-new wife was lying on her belly, writhing as if in terrible pain. And the tall man was flailing away at her ass with his belt!

Guilt rushed over Mike. Here he was – not five minutes ago he'd been fucking his cock abandonedly between Yvonne's luscious tits without a thought for Diana! And now his wife was a prisoner, being tortured by a strange, sadistic man while her husband watched helplessly.

Or maybe not so helplessly. Mike abruptly recognized the room he shared with his bride. He rushed past Yvonne and pulled open the door.

His first impression was of a great hulking form in the doorway, blocking the light. His second was of a fist the size of a hamhock rushing toward his face. Then all was black.

After what seemed an hour of terrible pulsating pain, Diana felt the eleven-inch prick give one last hearty throb and instantly begin to soften in her asshole. The wad of come the last cock-spurt had fired up her butt sizzled anew on the raw nerve-ends lining her ass channel. She could feel sperm percolating around the limp length of cock in her rump and leak slimily out of her outraged asshole.

Slowly the burning agony in her butt diminished. "G-god," she sobbed brokenly. "I'm hurt – God, my asshole hurts! I'm all torn up inside!"

Eric laughed. "Don't worry," he said in a voice that trembled with the after-effects of his thunderous orgasm. He'd just finished fucking what seemed like gallons of his come up his victim's beautiful butt, and he was drained of more than the jism that ran so freely from Diana's asshole. It felt as if all the strength had fled his wiry frame.

"You think I'd do any permanent damage? I don't find new playmates often enough to dispose of them so casually."

The implication of what her torturer said missed Diana completely. Eric's prick was no longer a brutal, steely shaft impaling her asshole and rubbing it raw. It had shrunk in her butthole, and his come, though it stung her rectum, did serve to lubricate her asshole. Now she was becoming aware of her other pains.

There were a lot of them. Her whipped tits blazed, and her ass felt as though the skin had been flayed. Her thighs hurt where the sharp edge of the chest of drawers dug into them. The muscles of her back ached from her body being forced backward into an unnatural position. The mirror's glass was unyielding on her cheek.

She looked back and forth from the reflected image of her attacker and the man himself. He was grinning at her, with sweat pouring down on his long face. She shuddered. The look of unholy satisfaction in his sapphire-blue eyes was like nothing she'd ever seen.

He laid his palms on her asscheeks. The once-satiny skin was rough and puffy with the welts of his belt. The buttcheeks twitched and Diana gave a small squeak of pain at his touch.

He started pulling his limber prick from her come-gorged asshole. The breath rushed in sharply over her gritted teeth. Even with the slippery jism to grease her ass channel, that long cock hurt horribly coming out of her ass.

Torrents of come ran from Diana's asshole as the cock slid free. It popped out and fell, down between Eric's thighs. Come stretched between the tip of the prick and the gaping, inflamed asshole. Diana's sphincter muscle shut her poopchute and cut the rope of come. It fell to the carpet.

"Ahhhh." With a sigh of satisfaction, Eric stepped away from his victim. Her nude body began to slip back. She relaxed. Her cheek moved squeakily down the mirror and she collapsed to the floor.

The rough nap of the carpet pained her already-anguished body. She began to sob. Her tits quaked, squeezed together between her bound forearms so that the nipples stuck out like fingers.

But Eric wasn't through with her. The first sound she heard was the hated whine of the belt through the cool air of the motel room. The leather wrapped almost caressingly around a red-glowing asscheek. The tip stung like a scorpion at the exposed lips of her pussy.

"Gahhhhh!" Diana rolled frantically away from him. "Go away! Oh, my pussy hurts! Why can't you leave me alone?"

"Oh, don't be that way, Diana dear. The day's just begun. Aren't you eager to see what else it has in store for you?"


The belt descended. Leather struck her asscheek which was already welted from ruthless blows. Diana screamed.

"What do you want me to do?" she shrieked, when the pain had subsided enough for her to form words.

"Stand up."

Diana obeyed. She struggled to her feet clumsily, unable to use her bound hands to help herself up. Her agonized asshole twinged with pain at every movement of her long legs, she winced at the pain she came near losing balance.

Eric lost patience. "Hurry up, slut!" he snapped. To emphasize his command he brought the belt whistling forward.

It struck the tip of a dangling boob. The nipple exploded into fiery pain. Diana screamed, but leapt to her feet.

She stood staring at him, with her tit and ass and cunt throbbing with pain. Hate glared from her hazel eyes.

Eric jerked his head toward the front door. "Move," he said. When Diana hesitated he brought the belt forward and lightly flicked her naked hip. She moved.

She came to the door and stopped. "What are you waiting for, bitch?" Eric demanded. "Open it!"

"But I can't go outside like this," Diana said, glancing fearfully over her shoulder. "And my hands are tied."

The belt licked right up the crack of her ass. She fell against the door as pain filled her butt. "Ohhhhh," she moaned.

She fumbled at the door. She had to grasp the knob with both hands and turn her arms to open the door. Her palms were sweaty and slippery, and she couldn't seem to keep hold of the metal knob. She heard the belt rustle impatiently on the floor, as if lusting the feel of her flesh, and she pulled the door open with a heave.

"Now out." Anticipating his captive's protest, Eric smacked Diana's ass with his belt. She shrieked and hopped into the full blaze of the morning sunlight.

The hot Southwestern sun fell like molten gold on her pale, abused titflesh. Her eyes were dazzled by the glare.

"Oh, Mrs. Burden," a female voice called out happily. "How nice of you to join us!"

Diana squinted through the bright light. Two people stood by the poolside, and another sprawled in a chair. Slowly she picked out features. There was a tall and slender woman with big tits bared to the sun's full fury, a hulking red-haired ape of a man – and in the chair her husband!

"Mike!" she screamed. She started to run towards him. "Oh, Mike, oh, God, I'm so glad to see you. These people…"

She broke off. Mike was looking at her with naked pain on his face. He shifted in his chair, but his arms stayed behind him.

"Diana…" he croaked. He swallowed to wet his throat. "I'm sorry, Di. I let you down, sweetheart." He dropped his eyes.

Diana whirled to face the woman who stood gloating at his side. "What have you done to him?" she demanded.

"Only handcuffed him," the woman said. "That, and fucked him with my tits."