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He sensed it when Hades returned to their dimension, the planets aligning for the first time in millennia. All of Heaven felt it-and trembled.

Rafe closed his eyes and thought of Ellie.

Wherever you are, my love, fight hard, stay safe and know that I love you.

It killed him to sit here in a cell while she fought to stay alive, and even more altruistically fought to save the world. He should have been by her side, protecting and aiding her. Instead, he’d become a victim to the Heavenly politics he hated so much.

A clicking sound preceded the door to his prison swinging open, startling Rafe from his inner musings. He stared in shock at the people framed in the doorway.

Salvation had arrived.

Rafe grinned and then laughed at this unexpected twist of fate.

I’m coming back, Ellie, and I hope you don’t mind, but I’m bringing a couple of friends.

About the Author

Eve Langlais, who is in her mid thirties, has been married 11 years to a wonderful man who gave her three beautiful, but distracting children aged ten, seven and four. A military brat, she was born in British Columbia but ended up living all across Canada. She now resides with her family, that also includes two cats and a guinea pig, in the historic town of Bowmanville, Ontario. If you want to get to know her better visit her website at http://www.Evelanglais.com or friend her on FaceBook.
