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"Nadine?" Sally said, trying to control her laughter. "You mean Nadine grabbed for your cock?"

"That's right," Mace said, bending to look for his pants beneath the bed. "We've been caught."

"Oh, come on, darling," Sally said, reaching for him. "Don't mind her… She won't say a word, believe me."

"But…" Mace stammered.

"Damn it!" Sally said urgently. "Can't you see I want to get fucked! Forget about Nadine, can't you?"

"Well… if you say so," he said reluctantly.

Getting back into the bed, Mace crawled between Sally's thighs, but she had changed her mind about what she wanted. "Darling," she whispered, squirming her hips around. "Eat my twat for a while, please…"

Mace required no further plea, and he dipped his face down to the hair-lined vagina. Gripping the cheeks of her buttocks, he lifted the succulent genitals to his lips. Sally thrashed nakedly about on the bed, squealing her delight as his tongue probed and flickered about her moist vagina. He bit tenderly into the erect bud of her clitoris, sending sparks of sensation into the writhing body of the lovely woman. She exploded into orgasm as his tongue burrowed deeply into her quivering vaginal lips, arching her body tight against his face. Slowly, she relaxed into sighing happiness.

Mace crawled up beside her, laying his head on her firm breasts, resting from his feast.

"Mace?" Sally said after a while. Her voice was soft, somewhat hesitant.

"About Nadine… isn't she pretty?"

"Yeah, she's a damned cute kid."

"Have you ever… ever fucked a little girl?"

Mace raised his head, looking down at the woman. She stared up at him with questioning eyes.

"Now what kind of question is that?" Wondering what she was getting at, he said, "What makes you think I've done that?"

"Nothing… not a thing," Sally rubbed at the base of his neck tenderly. "But haven't you ever, well wanted to?"

"No, I can't say that I have," Mace said, puzzled. "What possible appeal can a small child have – sexually speaking?"

"You'd be surprised."

"Well, anyway, I've never had the desire to fuck a kid, never!"

"But… you said Nadine was pretty."

"Sure, she's a cute kid… and that's all. That doesn't mean I'd like to stick my cock up her little snatch."

"You've never even thought of doing it… not once you've never looked at a pretty little girl and wanted to fuck her, regardless of her age?"

"Look… jots of little girls are cute, but that doesn't mean a man wants to mess around with them."

"Would you fuck a little girl… if she was willing? I mean… suppose she already knew about sex… everything about sex… and she wanted to get fucked? Just suppose a little girl – nice and sweet smelling with a hot little snatch wanted to suck your cock. What then?"

"Christ, Sally!" Mace said, lighting a cigarette. "What's this about kids all of a sudden?"

"Well… I was just thinking, that's all."

"Like hell! Come on, Sally, are you one of those who likes to hear about some kid getting fucked? Do you get your jollies that way?"

"No!" she said, eyes wide. "I'm not a freak." She sat up on one elbow, watching him blow smoke from his nostrils. "Listen," she made up her mind quickly. "I want to tell you something, but promise me it won't go any further than Diane."

"Good Lord, Sally," Mace said in exasperation.

"After all the things we've done? You, me, Diane and Brien? Christ, girl, I don't go around bragging about what we do."

"I know that, but what I'm going to tell you could get us – Brien and me – into a pile of trouble if anyone ever found out."

"If you can't trust Diane and me by this time," Mace said, snuffing out the butt, "then you better not say anything."

"We trust you, darling," she said reaching out and fondling his penis. "So I'll tell… rather, I'll let Nadine tell you."

"Nadine?" he asked, becoming more puzzled by the second. "What's your daughter got to do with this?"

"Nadine!" Sally called suddenly.

"Hey! Hold on!" Mace said, reaching for the sheet to cover himself. "What the hell…"

His words were choked back as he saw the young girl standing in the doorway. He struggled to pull the sheet over his nakedness, but Sally gripped his penis tightly, keeping the sheet from covering him. "Nadine," she said, "come in here for a moment, please."

Mace watched in horrified amazement as the young girl walked into the room to stop beside the bed. His eyes went from the girl's face to the naked breasts of her mother. He was at a loss as to what to do or say. He choked in embarrassment, attempting to cover his genitals with his wide hands. Sally shoved his hands away, keeping her finger wrapped about his deflated penis.

"What do you want, Mother?" the small child said.

"Tell Mr. Smith," Sally said, taking hold of her daughter's hand and pulling the slim girl forward, "how much you like fucking."

"Oh, I do!" Nadine said happily, clapping her hands in front of her almost flat chest. "I love fucking, Mr. Smith."

While Mace sat in petrified terror, Sally instructed her daughter to remove her thin nightgown. "Show Mr. Smith what a lovely pussy you have, dear. I'm sure he'll be delighted with you."

Nadine eagerly stripped the gown from her slender body, tossing it to the floor and standing proudly in her nakedness. Mace stared at the pretty girl, seeing the very beginnings of her breasts, the almost hairless pink lips of her little girl vagina.

"Turn around, darling," Sally said. "Show Mr. Smith your pretty ass."

Nadine did as her mother instructed, presenting a pair of almost non-existent buttocks to his terrified eyes. "That's fine, dear." Sally said, moving her fist up and down on his penis, trying to work it into a state of hardness. But Mace was shocked almost out of his wits by what was happening, and he doubted very much if Sally could bring on an erection right then.

"Now, Mace," Sally said, smiling up into his popped-eyed fate. "Tell me you wouldn't enjoy fucking such a sweet thing. Why, think of how tight her little cunt would be!"

"Oh, yes sir!" Nadine said eagerly. "I've got a real tight pussy, sir. And I'd love to have you fuck me. Please, sir… please…"

"You see, Mace," Sally said triumphantly, feeling the stirrings of his organ despite the revulsion he felt. "You would enjoy fucking her sweet snatch, wouldn't you? Come on, admit it… don't be shy."

Mace swallowed hard, confusion reeling his brain. "You mean… you mean this little thing has actually, actually…"

"Oh, yes," Nadine danced up and down with excitement. "I've been fucked lots of times. Haven't I, Mother? I like getting fucked, sir."

"Now you know, Mace," Sally said. "That's why I wanted to trust you before I told you. I had to tell you because once you try it – fuck a little girl – you'll find it quite enjoyable."

"Then who…" Mace stuttered, feeling his penis start to throb.

"You mean, who fucks her? Why, Brien… and her brother, Joel, who else?"

"But that's… that's incest!"

"So what? God, you and all those others! Hypocrites, everyone of you! Goddamn it, can't you see it doesn't mean a fucking thing but pleasure? Because she's a member of the family doesn't mean she can't enjoy sex too!"

"Sure, but she's so young… and by her father, at that!"

"Don't forget Joel!" Nadine said, excitement bubbling in her voice. "I like Joel to fuck me."

"Christ!" Mace snorted. "How in the hell did I ever get into this, anyway?"

"You got into it by enjoying sex, darling," Sally whispered. "You like pussy so much, that's how."

"So what am I supposed to do? Fuck this little girl?"

"She would love it, I promise… and believe it or not, Nadine is a very good piece of ass!"

Mace, more confused than surprised now, looked from Sally to Nadine. Although he could not find anything about the twelve year old girl that appealed to him sexually, he found to his astonishment, interest growing inside his mind. It would be unusual strange, to say the least and very much different than making it with a grown woman. Nadine appeared quite eager to join with him in the insane game, and her mother was urging him to take the little girl.