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Mace and his wife watched as their daughter sucked greedily at his penis, seeing her slim back ripple with muscles. Her compact and smooth buttocks clenched from time to time as her own passion grew higher and higher. Her slender thighs parted and closed, her hips working up and down in gentle motion, pressing her pubic mound into the soft carpet. Intense sensations of sensual pleasure flowed throughout her young body as she happily sucked on her father's organ. As long as she could remember, this is what she had wanted to do. Now, at last, she was realizing her erotic, incestuous dream.

Diane, her mind inflamed from watching her daughter perform orally upon her husband, suddenly spread out on her stomach, her face above the smooth quivering buttocks of her Ellen. With amazement – delighted amazement – Mace watched as his wife pressed her lips to her daughter's rounded, quivering bottom. Diane kissed the young girl on the right cheek, then moved to the left. Her tongue fluttered out to leave wet traces of saliva as she licked about the luscious buttocks, her hands caressing the fullness of them. Ellen arched her bottom up into her mother's face, eager for the obscene love.

While still sucking on her father's penis, Ellen lifted her lower body from the carpet, pulling her knees below her stomach. Now, with her buttocks in the air, waving enticingly, Diane moved herself around behind the willing girl. She looked at the hair-fringed lips of her daughter's vagina, then rolled onto her back. She shoved her face between the smooth inner thighs of the girl and, gripping the rounded, compact cheeks, pulled the dripping orifice to her mouth. She began to kiss and lick at Ellen's vagina, nibbling delicately on the inflamed clitoris. Her hot tongue wormed its way between the sweet lips and delved deeply into the slippery opening. Ellen began to grind her buttocks down into her mother's face, groaning and sucking with frenzy at the throbbing, jerking organ of her father.

Her happiness overflowed. She gurgled as Mace lifted his hips, shoving his penis deep into her eager throat, feeling her mother's twirling tongue work in and out of her pulsating vagina. She squealed in delicious delight as the spasms of multiple orgasms erupted in her body. She squirmed and writhed her vagina against the insanely sucking mouth of Diane, gyrating her bottom in lewd abandonment. Then she found her bliss complete; her father's penis began spurting into her mouth. Gulping and swallowing wildly, Ellen strived to accept every drop of the thick, frothy sperm as it shot forth. She tasted the slimy liquid before it rolled down her throat, and she continued to climax with tremendous convulsions into the open mouth of Diane.

Totally exhausted, but happier than any other time in her life, Ellen relaxed in the glow that warmed her body. Every muscle – every fiber – seemed to be rubber. A small drop of her father's semen was drying at the corner of her lips, and she sighed up at them. She was on her back, sprawled as her firm breasts heaved up and down.

"Oh…" She said in a thick voice, "I love you both."

It was not revealed how the three went about sexually initiating Alex, the not yet fourteen-year-old son of this strange family. But initiate him they did. Once he was a member of the three in sexual games, he became quite eager to participate. Now, Ellen hardly ever dated, but stayed home and enjoyed her erotic activities with members of her family. When she did date, her sexual relations remained as always. Sometimes she would allow her date sexual freedom, and other times she would not. Although she thoroughly enjoyed any and all forms of sex, her preference was to either fellate her father or brother, or copulate with them.

The family no longer remained separated while indulging in sex, but would copulate orally or genitally before each other. Alex developed a preference for penetrating his sister or mother anally, and each was always willing to oblige him.

It was at a small gathering of the Smiths and Powells one summer night that they decided to make a huge orgy among themselves. Brien and his wife, Sally, were having drinks with Diane and Mace. Brien brought up the subject of wishing he could copulate with Ellen.

"You know, Mace," he said, "how good it is to fuck a tender young pussy. Nadine is quite good, as you well know. I've wondered about sticking the meat to that beautiful daughter of yours. She isn't a virgin, is she?"

Mace laughed. "No, Ellen isn't a virgin. And to tell the truth, since I enjoyed fucking that cute girl of yours, I've gone all the way. I've fucked Ellen quite a few times, myself."

"Is that a fact?" Brien said, studying Mace and Diane. "Say, you don't suppose we could get the kids with us, do you?"

"That's up to them," Diane said. "I believe your two would jump at the chance, but I'm not so sure about ours."

"Let's get them all together," Brien said. "We can sort of feel them out, you might say."

The four adults became excited at the prospect, and Sally called her two children on the phone. Ellen and Alex were in their bedrooms. They came out and sat politely, wondering what was up. Then Joel and Nadine entered the Smith's house. For a moment, nothing was said, then Brien suddenly spoke. "Nadine, you would like to get fucked by Mace again, wouldn't you?"

Alex and Ellen gasped at the statement, staring in wide-eyed shock at the man. Then, slowly, they looked from their mother to their father. Seeing the expression on their faces, understanding dawned on their young faces. Ellen was the first to react. She giggled softly, staring at Brien. "How wonderful!" she exclaimed, then let her eyes drop to his lap, her tongue licking her full lips suggestively.

Nadine, having a considerable amount of experience in such things, smiled shyly and walked directly toward Mace. With total lack of inhibitions, she dropped to her knees before him, her eager fingers fumbling at his pants. She found the zipper and tugged it downward. Once Mace's fly was open, she darted a small hand inside and pulled forth his growing penis. The small girl sighed and cooed over the hardening instrument for a few moments, then lowered her face and began to lick and kiss it as the head became swollen – the shaft hard. The four adults and three youngsters watched, all approving of this oral action on the part of this child.

The fuse was ignited, and the group became animated. Nadine's mother moved to her young daughter and began to remove her clothing as the young girl wrapped her lips about the throbbing penis of Mace. In moments, the slim child was naked. Alex, his own penis throbbing, knelt behind the girl and began to caress and fondle her small buttocks.

Ellen, her inner nature of erotic desires bursting through, reached for the young boy, Joel, her hands seeking his penis hidden inside his pants. The adults watched this sexual activity among their respective children, Mace the only one involved. They smiled their approval as Ellen leaned her head down and started sticking the growing organ of Joel, pulling the full length of the flesh deep into her throat.