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"That's me, Sally, generous Junior they call me." They both laughed at the assistant's snort that came over the line. Sally filled Junior in on all the appointments she had waiting for her when she got back to the office while Jillian sat back and enjoyed the scenery they were driving through. It had taken the state years, but they had managed to carve out a highway over the swamp cutting the drive time into New Orleans by hours. The cypress trees stood right next to their new concrete neighbor as the moss in the branches swung in the breeze.

"One more thing, Junior, Maria called this morning and asked you out to dinner tonight. She didn't say what it was about, but it sounded important. Would you like for me to call her back and set something up?" She didn't mean to, but from her seat Jillian didn't turn her head but started paying attention to the conversation Junior was having.

"She didn't say anything?"

"No, just that if you couldn't make dinner she would come by the house tonight. Once she heard you were on your way back today, she wouldn't be put off, so don't even think about it."

"Tell her eight at the Petroleum Club, I'll meet her there since it's in her building. Could you call and make a reservation for me?"

"You got it boss. See you in a little while."

Jillian watched her driver from the reflection in the window, seeing the pensive look on her face without having to look at her directly. Was Maria a lover, friend or an enemy? They didn't talk as the big sedan ate up the miles into the city, and before Jillian was really ready to say goodbye, Junior pulled up to the duplex where Jillian lived in the garden district part of the city. Jillian went to reach for the door latch when Junior told her she would get it. Junior not only opened her door, but also walked her up the path to her house carrying her bags.

"Thanks for the ride."

"You're welcome, could you lend me a twenty for gas? Some woman just fined me a bunch of money and I'm broke." Junior laughed when the inspector slapped her arm and laughed with her.

"I'm just doing my job and trying to keep the environment as clean as possible."

"Ms. Sterling, don't judge all oil people with the same ruler. Some of us just might surprise you." With a quick handshake, Junior was walking back toward her car and away from Jillian. It was tempting for Jillian to ask Junior to stay, but she couldn't think of a good enough reason as the long legs got closer to the black sedan.

"Thanks again for the ride." Junior waved to her before the car took off down the quiet street. Jillian smiled at the tail lights thinking that maybe they both expanded their thinking in the chance meeting.

She hurried with her keys when she heard her phone ringing and before Jillian hung up, she had her own dinner invitation.


Jillian stepped into the room from the elevator looking for her father. The Petroleum Club was located on the thirtieth floor in one of the buildings in downtown New Orleans. With the abundance of floor to ceiling windows, the restaurant had one of the more spectacular views of the city skyline. Her father waved to her from a table in the center, and her one hope as she waved back was that Junior wouldn't think she was following her, though now she would get a look at Maria.

"Hi, Daddy." Jillian bent down and kissed her father before one of the waiters came over and pulled her chair out for her. The table in the corner was set up for diners, with a crystal bucket of ice with vodka shots embedded in it. But for now it sat empty Jillian noticed. What made her take note at all was the brass plate on the wall over one of the chairs that said Baxter Oil Company.

"How are you, sweetheart? I'm beginning to feel like if I don't ask you out to dinner, I never get to see you." Behind Jillian the elevator slid open again and Junior stepped out. Gone were the shorts and the sandals, in their place stood the CEO of Baxter Oil. She was alone and the hostess showed her to the table after she kissed her hello.

"Ms. Sterling, nice to see you again. Robert, how are you?" Junior stopped at their table nodding to the hostess to just put the menus down.

"Junior, god how are you? You know Jillie?" Jillian's father stood up and shook hands with Junior as his daughter looked like she wanted to bolt from the table for some reason. If she had really tried, she could have talked her father into eating somewhere else but Jillian had wanted to see Junior's date. Now it was going to seem as obvious to the woman who had given her a ride as it was to her. I didn't know she wore glasses, Jillian thought as she looked up at Junior.

"Fine and yes, we've met. I just didn't expect to run into her again so soon. I was going over your proposal this afternoon and it's looking good. How about if I call you next week and set up a luncheon appointment?" Junior smiled, loving the blush that was coloring Jillian's cheeks.

"That sounds great." Robert was so busy talking to Junior that he never noticed his daughter's discomfort.

"I'll have Sally call you." Before she moved on to her own table, Junior bent down to shake Jillian's hand as well. "Nice to see you again, Jillie." Moving closer, Junior whispered, "She's just a friend." Jillian smiled at the laugh Junior was enjoying and because of the heat radiating off her ears.

"Where do you two know each other from?" Robert took a sip of his drink, as his daughter's eyes stayed glued to the Baxter table. Junior had sat down and picked up one of the vials of thick liquor out of the ice and tipped it back, draining it.

"I inspected Pegasus yesterday."

"Please tell me that you didn't slam her?"

"It's my job, daddy, and yes I'm afraid the price tag was fairly steep. What proposal did you submit?" Her father launched into describing a pipe contract his company wanted to enter into with Baxter, but her attention was on the entrance as a tall blonde entered and headed to Junior's table. When she reached it, Junior was standing and the person Jillian assumed to be Maria fell into her arms giving her a not so "friendly" kiss on the lips.

"Honey…honey, do you know what you want to eat?" Her father's voice tore her eyes away from the table in the corner and the two women now seated there talking.

"I'm sorry, I'll have the Caesar salad with grilled shrimp, please." Robert Sterling handed the menus to the waiter and looked over his shoulder to see what his daughter found so fascinating.

"What did you think of her?"


"Come on, sweetheart, I'm your father. Tall, good looking and powerful - could be a real catch to the woman that snags her heart."


"I'm your father, Jillian, but that doesn't make me blind."

She sighed deeply, now sorry for the self-imposed rules she had set for herself. "Yeah, she's all that but she works in the oilfield."

"I work in the oilfield, Jillie, and you love me."

From her table, Junior listened to what Maria was telling her, but she was looking over one blonde's shoulder to the other blonde sitting three tables away. "Wait a second, could you repeat that last statement?"