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They had been challenging, exciting, almost as stimulating as the early years with the companies. Primarily because few people believed he could accomplish the major assignment given him. It had been to coordinate trade agreements with several eastern satellite countries—guaranteeing the business sectors of each country the most favorable conditions possible—without upsetting political balances. It hadn’t been difficult. He remembered that at the very first conference he had disarmed both sides by suggesting that the U.S. State Department and its Communist counterpart hold an international press conference in one room categorically rejecting everything the other side stood for, while in the next room the businessmen negotiated their agreements.

The ploy had its effect; the laughter had been sincere, and the tone set for future meetings. Whenever the negotiations got heated, someone would playfully suggest that his adversary belonged in that «other room»—with the propagandists.

He had enjoyed his Washington days. There had been the exhilaration of knowing he was close to corridors of real power, that his judgments were listened to by men of great commitments. And they were men of commitment, regardless of their individual political affiliations.

«Mr. Trevayne?»

«Mr. Webster?» Trevayne stood up and shook the hand of the presidential assistant. He saw that Webster was about his own age, perhaps a year or two younger, a pleasant-looking man.

«Sorry as hell to be late. There was a flap over tomorrow’s schedule. The President told the four of us to lock ourselves in a room and not come out till we got it in order.»

«I gather that was accomplished.» Trevayne sat down as Webster did the same.

«Damned if I know.» Webster laughed, flagging a waiter. «I got you cleared for eleven-fifteen and let the rest of them figure out the afternoon.» He gave his order and collapsed back into the chair, sighing audibly. «What’s a nice Ohio farmboy like me doing a job like this?»

«I’d say it was a quite a leap.»

«It was. I think they got the names mixed up. My wife keeps telling me there’s a guy named Webster wandering around the streets of Akron wondering why he spent all that money for campaign contributions.»

«It’s possible,» replied Trevayne, knowing well that Webster’s appointment was no mistake. He had been a bright young man who had risen rapidly in Ohio State House politics, credited with keeping the governorship in the President’s column. Franklyn Baldwin had told Trevayne that Webster was a man to watch.

«Did you have a good flight?»

«Yes, thanks. Much smoother than your afternoon, I think.»

«I’m sure of that.» The waiter returned with Webster’s drink; the two men remained silent until he left. «Have you talked with anyone but Baldwin?»

«No, I haven’t. Frank suggested that I don’t.»

«The Danforth people have no idea?»

«There wasn’t any point. Even if Frank hadn’t cautioned me, nothing’s definite yet.»

«It is as far as we’re concerned. The President’s delighted. He’ll tell you that himself.»

«There’s still the Senate hearing. They may have different ideas.»

«On what possible grounds? You’re houndstooth material. The only thing they might spring on you is your favorable press in Soviet publications.»

«My what?»

«They like you over at Tass.»

«I wasn’t aware of it.»

«It doesn’t matter. They like Henry Ford, too. And you were doing a job for State.»

«I have no intention of defending myself against something like that.»

«I said it doesn’t matter.»

«I would hope not… However, there is something else, from my point of view. I’ve got to have certain … well, I guess you’d call them understandings. They’ve got to be clear.»

«What do you mean?»

«Basically, two things. I mentioned them to Baldwin. Cooperation, and no interference. Both are equally important to me. I can’t do the job without them. I’m not even sure I can do it with them; without them, impossible.»

«You won’t have any trouble there. That’s a condition anyone would make.»

«Easily made, difficult to get. Remember, I worked in this town once.»

«I don’t follow you. How could anyone interfere?»

«Let’s start with the word ‘classified.’ Then jump to ‘restricted.’ Along with which can be found ‘secret,’ ‘top-secret,’ even ‘priority.’»

«Oh, hell, you’re cleared for all that.»

«I want it spelled out up front. I insist on it.»

«Then ask for it. You’ll get it… Unless you’ve managed to fool everyone, your dossier’s a study in respectability; they’d let you carry around the little black box.»

«No, thanks. It can stay right where it is.»

«It will… Now, I wanted to brief you on tomorrow.»

Robert Webster spelled out the routine for a White House audience, and Trevayne realized how little had changed since his past appearances. The arrival time half an hour to forty-five minutes before admittance to the Oval Room; the specific entrance to be used; the pass supplied by Webster; the suggestion that Trevayne carry no metallic objects larger than a key ring; the realization that the meeting was restricted to just so many minutes and might well be cut short—if the Chief Executive had said what he wanted to say or heard what he wanted to hear. If time could be saved, it should be.

Trevayne nodded his understanding and approval.

Their business nearly finished, Webster ordered a second and final drink. «I promised you on the phone a couple of explanations; I’m flattered you haven’t pressed me for them.»

«They weren’t important, and I assumed the President would answer the one uppermost in my mind.»

«That being … why he wants to see you tomorrow?»


«It’s all related. It’s why you have my private number and why you and I will make arrangements so that you’ll be able to reach me anytime of day or night, no matter where I am, here or overseas.»

«Is that necessary?»

«I’m not sure. But it’s the way the President wants it. I’m not going to argue.»

«Neither am I.»

«The President naturally wants to convey his support for the subcommittee, and his personal endorsement of you. That’s primary. And there’s another aspect—I’ll put it in my words, not his; if I make a mistake, it’s my mistake, not his.»

Trevayne watched Webster carefully. «But you’ve discussed what you’re about to tell me, so the variation would be minor.»

«Naturally. Don’t look so concerned; it’s for your benefit… The President has been through the political wars, Trevayne. He’s a savvy old duck. The State machine, the House, the Senate—he’s been where the action is, and he knows what you’re going to face. He’s made a lot of friends and I’m sure that slate is balanced by an equal number of enemies. Of course, his office removes him from those battles now, but it also allows him certain latitudes, certain pressure points. He wants you to know they’re at your disposal.»

«I appreciate it.»

«But there’s a catch. You’re never to try to reach him by yourself. I’m your sole contact, your only bridge to him.»

«It would never occur to me to try to reach him personally.»

«And I’m sure it never occurred to you that the official weight of the presidency was behind you in the most practical way. Namely, at the moment you may need it.»

«No, I guess it didn’t. I’m a corporation man; I’m used to the structures. I see what you mean. I do appreciate it.»