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Julian grabbed my jeans by the waistband and jerked me towards him. “Please.

We could do this in the alley out back and get caught? Or we can do it here. You don’t think anyone’s actually paying any attention to us, do you?” He leaned in close, that whiskey scent sharp on his breath, his tongue licking out for my lips. When I turned 295

away in disgust, Alan pushed Julian back from me and he laughed. “I know, I know,” he said, sinking down to perch on the toilet. “Keep it below the belt. Don’t worry, Romeo.

I’m not looking to move in on your block.” He rubbed his hands together and looked from Alan to me and back again. “Thirty bucks, right?”

“When we’re done,” Alan said.

“Well shit,” Julian drawled. He grabbed the fly of Alan’s jeans and tugged, popping open the snap. The zipper spread beneath Alan’s erection. Julian rubbed my lover’s sheathed cock, his mouth already pulling into a wide grin. “Let’s get this party started.”

Leaning forward, Julian buried his face in Alan’s crotch. My lover took a step back but Julian held on, his nose mashed against Alan’s briefs as he tongued at an already hard dick. I watched, fascinated, my body humming with lust at the sight of someone else pleasuring Alan. Why hadn’t we done this before? And could we ever possibly do this again?

Soon Alan’s briefs were damp from saliva and pre-cum. The red tip of his cock strained against the material, and each time Julian’s lips closed over it, Alan gasped in delight. He leaned back against the wall of the stall, his knees threatening to give out, one hand clamped tight around the handicap bar while the other reached for me. His fingers fisted in the front of my shirt and pulled me in for a rough kiss. “Chris,” he sighed into me, his hand smoothing down my chest to fumble with my belt.

Julian was already there. Swatting Alan’s hands aside, Julian undid my pants and pushed them to the floor, then yanked my underwear down below my knees. My erection jutted out at him and he rubbed at the shaved skin above my cock before cupping my smooth balls in one hand. “Nice,” he said, giving a little tug on my balls to bring me a step closer. His lips puckered on the tip of my dick in a quick kiss, then he opened wide and I plunged inside his hot, soft mouth. I felt a hand on my stomach and I turned towards Alan, my lips seeking his. He pressed me against the wall as Julian pulled back, his tongue licking from the base of my dick to its aching head. A warmth enveloped me, an unbelievable stirring of my blood that make me thrust into Julian as Alan licked deeper into me. One of my lover’s hands strayed down to thumb over a hard nipple, sending delicious waves of heat radiating through me. It felt like a dozen men touching me, hands on my chest and cock, my face, my ass. I felt thirteen again, discovering my body for the first time, lost in the daydream that had plagued me since my teenage years, the one where I’m ravished by two lovers at once.

Then Julian sat back and let me slip free. The air was cool on my heated skin, and a fine sheen of sweat beaded above Julian’s glistening lips. “Your turn, cowboy,” he said, easing Alan’s briefs down to reveal a thick erection and swirls of dark, kinked curls. Without thinking I reached down and buried my hand in the mass of hair to stroke at him. There was a freckle just above his balls, I knew, that marked a sensitive spot for my lover-massaging it could make him come in seconds. I leaned against him, fingering the slight bump, and giggled into his shoulder as his cock straightened beneath my touch. Alan reached for my own erection, warming the damp skin, rolling the tip of my dick in the palm of his hand. This time Julian took Alan in, his lips sliding up my lover’s length until they met my hand, then easing back to suck at the swollen cockhead. When he did it again, I stopped rubbing Alan long enough to wipe the sweat from Julian’s upper lip. He glanced at me, eyes dancing with light or liquor, or both. For 297

a moment I almost forgot that we were in a crowded public restroom, getting it on in a cramped bathroom stall, but someone slammed against the door beside me and brought me back to reality. Julian banged a fist on the door and yelled out, “Can’t you see we’re busy here?”

I giggled again, a little high from the smoke that lingered in the restroom. It stung my eyes and throat and made my head swoon. I wanted Alan’s mouth on me again, I wanted his hands on my body, and I curled into him, turning his face towards mine to claim a hungry kiss. “Fuck me,” I whispered into him. “Here, now, please.”

“I thought this was about getting a double blow,” he replied. “If you want to call it off …”

But Julian pried us apart. “Not ‘til I get paid,” he said, taking my dick in one hand and Alan’s in the other. He held them up between us, licked one red head then the other, and made us shuffle closer so he could lace his fingers together, trapping us between his sweaty palms. On his knees now, Julian pressed my erection alongside Alan’s, stroked us against each other. Then he licked out again, his tongue flickering between the tips of our dicks, before his wide mouth closed over us both.

He took us in fairly deep-I felt his lips about halfway down my shaft, massaging my length. His tongue kept rubbing between Alan and me, reaching down as far as he could lick and then up to our weeping slits. My tender cockhead bumped against the roof of his mouth, against the back of his throat, against Alan’s tip. Julian’s hands kept up a steady rhythm, one working at the base of our erections, the other fondling our balls. He would take me in his palm and finger Alan, then roll our nuts together before concentrating on Alan for a bit. I hoped that he would move a little farther back-I wanted something in me, something hard and unyielding, I wanted the fullness of intercourse and I didn’t think I could wait until we got home. I kept spreading my legs, hoping he’d get the point and work a finger back to my quivering hole, but he was too busy with our cocks and balls to focus on anything else.

Alan knew me so well. Pulling me towards him, he licked his tongue between my lips, arms encircling my waist to hold me close. Julian’s hair tickled my lower stomach where he worked between us. As Alan leaned into our kiss, he ran a finger between my buttocks to rim my puckered skin. I arched back into his hand and his middle finger eased inside me. I bucked into Julian, eager to fuck and get fucked at the same time. I wanted more than one finger, though-I wanted the hard cock that rubbed against mine, I wanted my lover’s dick as far inside of me as it could go, slick with another’s spit. And I wanted Julian to drink me down as I came. “Alan,” I sighed against him. I could barely pull away from his insistent lips long enough to speak. “Please.”

Fisting a hand in Julian’s hair, Alan shoved him away from us. “Change of plans,”

he said, turning me around in his arms. I felt his wet erection slide between my buttocks and then he filled me completely. I reached out to grip the hook on the stall door with both hands, legs spreading as wide as my pants would let them go, as Alan eased me back onto him. To Julian, he asked, “Can we do it this way instead? Don’t worry, you’ll still get paid.”

Julian, kneeling before me, nodded. His wide mouth opened and I thrust into it as Alan pounded into me from behind. The soft lips stroked my length as he sucked at me, his hand easing between my legs now to play with both of our balls. Each thrust elicited a tiny yes from me, a small sound that escaped me and grew louder every time Alan 299

rocked into my ass and Julian kneaded my cock with his tongue and the roof of his mouth. Between the two men I lost myself, forgetting who and where I was, forgetting everything but the sex and the lust and the pleasure of skin on skin. Then I came, a rush of release that surprised me with its intensity, and I let out a guttural shout, a resounding YES! , that silenced all the men in the restroom.