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"She's right. We mustn't let anyone else know they're there," said Rob.

"Really? It's not like we have guests!"

I tightened my jaw, preparing to explain my plan, which I hoped they wouldn't hate. "Actually, about that. I have a plan..."

"Your plan," interrupted Rob. "Lexi, last night I went out for a couple hours for a business meeting that I couldn't get out of; and while I was out, this maniac broke into our home and went after my fiancée with an ax! I don't dare leave her side for a minute. I am terrified for her. Do you understand that?"

I did. Unfortunately after enduring a break-in at my own home, I knew exactly how it felt. Naturally, I understood the wave of anger emanating from him. "I do and I came as fast as I could when Juliet called."

"And we appreciate that, but it doesn't change the fact that this maniac disarmed you before shooting you with your own weapon and then shooting our friend, whom you fingered as the number one suspect! It also doesn't change the fact that I had to watch an ax getting unwedged from our bathroom door and sealed in an evidence bag! Or that last night, our house looked like a crime scene! Or that someone we don't know, but are sorely paying for, is watching our every move, every single minute of the day. It doesn't diminish the inconvenience or necessity for me to send my little boy over to his grandparents’ house for the week, because his mom got shot while coming by to check on Juliet! Tell me you can do something about all of that, Lexi, because we need to know what that might be."

"Rob..." Juliet placed a settling hand on his arm. He stopped, and took a deep breath before he continued, "All you can tell us is that you think Juliet's stalker is a woman and no one can corroborate that. I don't want you to take another penny from my fiancée if you can't stop what is happening to her... to both of us."

"We're very close," I started.

"The bathroom door can testify to that!" Rob sighed.

My aching wound told me that too, but I decided now wasn't a good time to mention it. I didn’t want Rob's sympathy, not that he would even give me any, and it would have been yet another unpleasant reminder that everything he said was correct. Someone eluded our defenses and disarmed me. It was a disaster.

"I understand how horrifying this must be for you both. I really do. Last night, we came incredibly close to apprehending the stalker; but she was a little too fast, and too ready for us. Next time, that won't happen."

"We don't want there to be a next time," Juliet said softly.

"We have enough evidence to get the police to drop the charges against you," I told them, switching to more positive news.

Juliet's head shot up. "You do?"

"Yes. Solomon and I combed the computer records; we cross-referenced them with your log-in and log-out times, as well as those times with your access pass. We've found several conflicting instances where we have you on camera at another location at almost exactly the time you're supposedly logging on to your work computer, or sending an email, or making a trade. We can substantiate that evidence with pings from cell phone towers for your cell phone too. We already know you didn't do the things you were arrested for." I had high hopes in handing over the file Solomon and I collated, along with some very helpful photos Lucas obtained from ATM and traffic cameras. I just hoped Donahue wouldn't dismiss it.

Juliet gasped and reached for Rob, her eyes suddenly bright and hopeful. "And it's enough to convince Detective Donahue it wasn't me?"

"Yes. It's enough. The person who set you up is smart, very smart, but even they can't make you invisible. They just didn't think we'd find you elsewhere."

"What about all those purchases from my home computer?"

"That's going to be harder to prove, as we can't show you left the house at those times, or that someone accessed your home computer remotely. We're still looking into whether your work computer was hacked remotely."

"There is a remote log-in for when I work away from the office, but it's supposed to be secure... So I'm still in the hole for all those purchases? All those wedding things?" Juliet's shoulders dropped.

"We can take the financial hit, honey. You're not going to jail, and that's the most important thing."

I perched on the edge of the couch, resisting the urge to check my wound while trying not to wince as the skin tightened. "Rob's right. You won't go to jail, but I think we might be able to find a way to get those purchases returned once we can prove to the stores you were being targeted by a stalker. If we can get the financial crimes unit to back it up, you'll have enough evidence to claim fraud. Until then, I have another idea."

"Such as?" asked Juliet, darting a glance at Rob.

"We're working on ways to identify the stalker, but we want to make the stalker come to us. Last night, we were caught offguard. This person was fully prepared in case she got interrupted and she knew how to evade us. We want to make sure she can't do that again. Like you said, Juliet, you're a sitting duck while you're here under house arrest. It's time to use that, and all the things your stalker bought, to our advantage."

"I don't understand."

"How do you feel about getting married?" I asked.

"Strongly," said Rob.

"We intend to. We thought we might have to postpone it, but everything can go ahead now," added Juliet.

"I meant, how do you feel about getting married a bit sooner? Like, a lot sooner?"

"We already paid the deposit on the venue," said Rob. "It's been booked for months."

I knew I had to be more specific. "How about this weekend, here, at your house?"

"What? Our wedding?" Juliet frowned.

"Yes, your wedding," I confirmed. "You have everything you need. You have dresses, flowers, suits, shoes, decorations. You have everything you need to stage a fake wedding."

"You have to explain," said Rob. "I don't understand. Weddings. Fake weddings. What does this have to do with anything?"

"Everything. Juliet, your stalker doesn't want you to be happy. She’s trying to do everything she can to interfere with that. She tried to take your job, as well as your freedom. She meddled with your finances. She alienated your friends and co-workers. I'm sure she caused more than one argument between you and Rob." The two exchanged a glance. Rob's guilty, silent gulp confirmed exactly what I suspected. "I thought so," I continued, "So far, what she hasn't done is split you up; but sending you to jail would do just that. Except, it's not going to happen! Now we're going to give her one last chance to try and take away the last promising event you have; and what better way to do that than to have her ruin your wedding?"

"Our fake wedding, this Saturday," said Juliet, frowning as she latched onto the plan.

Rob stroked a hand across his chin, and worry lines marred his forehead and eyes. "Just how do you think she'll do that?"

"I don't know, but I can bet you she will either be on your invite list, or do anything she can to get invited. She'll attend and do everything she can to split you two up for good."

"How can you be so sure?" asked Juliet.

"Because it's pretty hard to split up two people who've been through hell, are expecting a baby, and tying the knot. That's a couple who are never going to split up," I told them.

"Honey?" Rob said, reaching for Juliet's hand.