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“Some of your fellow-students. All unmarried, so far. You have no objection to marriage, have you, Arthur?”

Bags was staring at the picture of al slender girl with smooth dark hair there was something intriguing about her smile and the way she stood. For an instant Gloria Andresson’s image rose up in his mind, looking oddly oven fleshed and stupid; then it vanished. “No,” he said abstractedly.

“Or children? But that comes a little later; I mustn’t rush you. Well. I’m going to catch a few winks of sleep now, I believe; it’s been a busy day.” He tilted his seat back and closed his eyes in repose, his face fell into tired lines but there was the suggestion of a benign smile among the wrinkles.

The plane droned on, past a final tendril of cloud, into the depthless night and the stars.