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As he was waiting, musing over the map, his finger tracing imaginary trips he knew he'd never take, could never afford to take, June came back into the room.

"My sister's upstairs getting dressed. She's a late sleeper," June giggled, her hazel eyes twinkling as her wide smile showed off a row of pearl-white teeth and deep dimples crinkling her cheeks. She walked around the room, eyeing her tutor who stood stoically erect, his brief case under one arm while he stared, a bit absentmindedly and engrossed, in the map.

"Have you traveled much?" she queried, a maturity to her voice putting Sid on edge. Turning, he watched her stroll over to the window and open it, the material of her brief shorts slipping into the crevice of her rounded bottom as she bent over. Sid felt a rush of pleasure sweeping through him, his cock leaped in awareness and he could feel it growing along his leg. He felt an almost uncontrollable urge to reach out and knead the enticing cheeks of her buttocks in his hands but just then, she turned around. He was aware of June talking to him, though the words were meaningless, and he dumbly nodded his head, his eyes reluctantly leaving the tight moons of her creamy flesh.

"You like books, don't you?" she asked, knowing what the answer would be. Sid nodded. "Have a look at these…" She pointed to a special glass covered case where a startling number of leather-bound books with ribbon markers, all obviously expensive and rate collector's items, stared back at him. "These are Daddy's pride… all first editions… some of them are signed." June knelt down and opened the case. Sid remained standing and sucked his breath as the girl leaned forward to point out the titles. He could see directly down the top of her blouse, to where the butter-colored tops of her young breasts pushed up out of her lacy pink bra. He could almost feel their tender softness and the warmth of the secret valley cutting between them. His prick awakened again, this time more insistently and he felt sure that at any minute, she would look up and see the tell-tale bulge. Kneeling down put an extra strain on the already tight shorts and Sid could just barely see the outline of the fleshy folds of her pussy. A tiny wisp of black pubic hair curled around the tight leg band of her shorts and Sid's eyes were riveted on the escaping fleece. His eyes burned in his head and he could not release his gaze from between her thighs, as if in hope that his staring would strip away her protective clothing.

His own groin was maddeningly alive with sensation, and he began to feel the perspiration breaking out on his face. The muscles of his thighs felt like cruelly stretched rubber bands and his stomach was a churning knot of tension. His discomfort must have been mirrored in his face for June looked up at him and said solicitously, "Are you all right, Sid?"

Her bright green eyes flicked over his trembling form, and rested briefly and a trifle daringly on the tremendous bulge of his cock, before returning to his face.

"It's just… too much coffee, I guess…" he stuttered, feeling as inept as a schoolboy. "When do I meet your sister?" Sid tactfully changed the subject.

"Oh, May…? She's not feeling very well today. I'll go up and check on her… sorry to leave you alone down here again." Coltishly, she raced out of the study, and Sid could hear a muffled clump, clump as the lithe sixteen year old ran up the carpeted steps. In what seemed like seconds, June was down in the study, apologizing for her sister's absence.

"I'm sorry, but May isn't feeling too well…" June wrinkled up her nose and cupping her hand to her mouth, whispered throatily: "Just between you and me, I think she's hungover from last night…"

"Oh…?" Sid's eyebrows raised. "How old is May?"

"Three years younger than me. Well, almost. She'll be thirteen on May first, but everybody thinks she's my twin because we look so much alike. Some people go crazy trying to tell us apart. But look…" June stretched out one golden leg and with her hand squeezed the flesh to show off a rosy red mark. "See that? That's my birthmark." She giggled coquettishly.

That tempting, teasing curl of black pubic hair curled out again from the tight band of her shorts and Sid stared dry-mouthed at the birthmark, a red splotch that formed a perfect rose petal on her inner thigh. Far from being a blemish, it resembled a rose-petal tattoo.

"I'm really sorry you drove all the way over here for nothing," the teenager apologized with a tilt of her head. "But if you'd like, you could stay and have lunch with me and I'll show you about the grounds…"

Sid's eyes raked over the succulent teenage flesh for a final appraisal, then nodded his head in acquiescence. "That sounds lovely."

Gleefully, June bounced off down the hallway leaving Sid to make his own entertainment in the thought-provoking surroundings of the study. He settled down on the leather chair, hoping to silence his palpitating heart, and gather his thoughts together.

Guilt… guilt was creeping in like an indestructible army of red ants, and his nimble mind quickly combated that invasion by a slanderous appraisal of his wife's pruddishness. He knew he was hopelessly attracted to this young rich girl of sixteen.

His mind snapped back to his wife. "Frigid!" he thought, thinking of the contrast of his wife's apparent sensuality and the actual Victorianness of her nature. Image after image of her timid responses flicked through his brain, each session of lovemaking terminating in a cold, unfilled letdown for him.

Still, he had to admit he was still in love with his wife. He was still attracted to her creamy, ivory-like proportions, her Raphealite hair and her Titian physical maturity. She only had to look at him in a certain way from those shadowy green eyes and he was ready to make love to her on the spot. All the humiliation of his attempts to experiment with her would be forgotten if she would just loosen-up and make love to him completely. That had happened once, and that coincidentally, was the night he became engaged to her. But it hadn't happened since, and their love-making seemed to cool to one degree above freezing.

When reality came back to him, he was surprised to see June standing before him, a silver tray in her hands with an assortment of dainty, crustless sandwiches, and crab salads.

"Lottie – she's our housekeeper – had this ready for lunch. I hope you find it satisfying."


They were sipping their tea when Lottie, a middle-aged black woman collected the empty silver tray and disappeared through the heavy oak doors, winking to her teenage employer before closing the doors solidly behind her.

Nonchalantly, June sipped her tea, carefully observing her tutor, her eyes strangely narrowed to smoky slits. A sliver of afternoon sunlight shimmered through the window striking her blue-black hair at an oblique angle, the blue highlights of her hair disappearing into colorless streaks. In that sunlight bath she looked ethereally tempting, almost menacing.

Sid wondered just what was expected of him and he felt nervous, sitting so close to this strangely mature girl. Her heady perfume wafted over to him across the slender expanse of the leather sofa… an erotic scent that bespoke of worldly experience and sophistication. He couldn't keep his eyes off her legs where the shorts revealed all but the vee of her thighs. The superb line of her long legs tapered to a womanly expanse of thigh and the whole sweep from hip to ankle was exquisitely beautiful.

"I want to kiss you!"

Sid's mouth dropped open and remained there a second before he had the presence of mind to close it. He looked at June's face, but her expression was inscrutable, as if not a word had been said. For a moment, he thought he had imagined it, or perhaps he was still lost in the daydream of Sybil on that one occasion when she'd been open to his advances.