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"AAAAAaaaaahhhh…" she moaned, her heart-felt cry a mixture of lascivious delight and slight shock at the girth of his cock inside her. As he continued to slide forward, the smooth walls of her vaginal canal caressed his granite cock like a velvet glove, until he reached the very tip of her cervix. The head of his rampaging prick teased and jabbed at the hilt of her womb, the sensation bringing little cat-like moans from the child-woman. June was flinging her head from side to side, a rosy blush spreading over her angelic face.

He began to fuck into her lithe, young pussy with long, hard relentless strokes all the way up, far into her belly, until he could go on no further. Still, he wormed his thick cock around inside her, probing at her feminine secrets, battering her ceaselessly in the age-old rite of subjugation. Her face was a contorted rage of desire as her fingers dug hard into his shoulders and she returned thrust for thrust, slamming her uptilted pelvis against him, spreading her quivering legs even further apart, to help him in her ravagement.

Perspiration broke out in little rivulets down their bodies, and Sid could feel the salt-taste of his own sweat as he labored over the young sinewy girl he had met such a short time ago. The sun was fading from the window now as the leather clung to June's flesh as she thrashed about under his fucking.

"Ohhhh, God…" she moaned, almost incoherently, "stick your finger in my ass… do it now, please do it!"

Her blatantly lewd request startled Sid and he was unsure at first of what to do. He wasn't sure he'd heard her right at first, but she continued to beg him, and, almost in a daze, Sid reached down and tentatively pushed between the twisting cheeks of her buttocks. His fingertip grazed the tight puckered lips of her anus and June moaned impatiently.

"Do it now, please… do it now!"

He loosened the tight ring, stroking its elastic resistance with his finger, and then he rammed it in to the first knuckle, the rubbery flesh closing tightly in on his digit. A strangled cry escaped June's throat and she grimaced with pain, but she immediately began to screw her rectum down on his finger, seeking to swallow it completely. He probed further, to the second knuckle, and then until it was all completely imbedded in her grasping nether passage. He twisted it around inside her, feeling his own still-pistoning cock through the thin membrane dividing the twin channels, and the pulsating veinous underside of his cock made a strange vibration on his finger as the two intruding implements fucked into her.

Her pelvis was flailing wildly between the dual intruders, and Sid began to saw in and out, his cock and finger in unison, bringing a shrill unending whine from June.

His bloated balls felt as if they were on fire and he knew that he would cum soon. But he wanted the pleasure of seeing her, this rich, high-class little bitch, writhing about in abandon from the orgasm he was giving her, before he spewed his cum into her hot blue-blooded little belly. She began to jerk in great body-heaving spasms, her hips smashing against his.

"Oh, God, I'm cumming… fuck harder, fuck harder!!!" she cried.

The words tore themselves loose from her in a mad jumble and at the same time, her creamy orgasmic juices gushed around his battering cock as giant tremors of sexual ecstasy ripped at her insides and the crashing walls of her gasping vagina milked at his churning prick now swollen beyond anything he had ever known and her cumming, the supreme act of submission acted as a signal for his own release and his thick hot seminal fluid began its headlong dash from his fomenting balls. His cock jerked again and again as the milky liquid splashed heavily into her still-quivering belly until finally he was milked dry and there was nothing left and they lay back on the sweat-dampened leather couch, already glistening with tiny trickles of shimmering cum-juice.

Sid lay on his side, looking up at the high ceiling, his teenaged sexual partner lay beside him, sleeping lightly. The glow of satiation fading, Sid felt embarrassed as he glanced over their naked bodies. The realization that anyone could had heard them in their nude fornication, combined with guilt over deceiving his wife, not to mention June's age, brought a blush of shame to his face. His shame and guilt began to give way to anger after a moment, anger at the way this rich girl had assumed his intentions. As if every man in the world would give up their marriage to get in her pants!

His thoughts were interrupted when he felt the youthful sprite stir beside him, and then she sat up, looking at him. "Mmmmm, Sid, I'm going to like learning French from you…"

"Yeah, good, because tomorrow we're gonna get down to business and start conjugating those verbs. You're father is going to be mighty angry if he finds out he's paying me to make love to his adolescent daughter."


Later that night as Sid sat in the quietude of his study, absentmindedly thumbing through his college French conversation books and the hordes of foreign literature he'd carried with him over the years of teaching, the idea that his departing words to June might have been a trifle cold-blooded filtered into his brain. But what could he do? His job was at stake, his reputation, not to mention his marriage.

Sybil… Lord what havoc would this new job reek on his marriage?

Transfixed, an open book in his hands, he listened to the silence and, hearing the buzz of the television station that had signed off the air for the night, Sid set down the book and headed for the bedroom. It would be safe now, and no doubt Sybil would be asleep before the television set. God, he wished she'd show more interest and enthusiasm for life rather than wasting her time before that damnable silver screen!

Just as well she was asleep tonight. Thinking back on the incredible afternoon, his feeling about June had changed to a warmer attitude now. Whatever the reason was for June's interest in him, he was willing to go along with it. He wanted to teach her and learn from her at the same time, and judging by her performance from this afternoon, he thought wrily, that was a hell of a lot!

He knew then, that he was caught by that teenage nymph!


"Sid, we have to pay the rent this week or Mr. Hansen's going to have us evicted! How could you be so irresponsible? You know I can't pay it out of the money I make from taking in sewing," she complained. Sybil refused to let up her tirade as she cleared the breakfast dishes from the table. In the month since Sid had started teaching the Dunlap sisters, everything seemed to take second place. Sid's meager contribution of taking out the garbage and cleaning out the garage had since ceased, and Sybil was getting tired of having to take full responsibility for everything.

"Damnit! I said I'd get to it," Sid stormed. "Just quit nagging me, will you?"

Sybil, fighting back biting words of anger, dashed out of the kitchen and rushed into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her and kicking the wall. She'd lost her temper completely, something she hadn't done since Sid last tried to do those awful things in bed with her.

"The irresponsible bastard! He leaves everything up to me! I'd like to get out this Goddamned house once in a while myself! But no…! I have to stay here and fix broken zippers and hem dresses for other women to pay the rent." She felt more than angry at Sid… a slow, burning hatred was taking over her being and controlling her mind. She felt just like the bills… forgotten, neglected, unwanted. Sid seemed to be living in a different world lately. At times, he was moody and dreamy and wouldn't come out of his study. At other times he'd come home from the Dunlaps and sleep until morning without even trying to make love to her! It seemed he'd lost all sense of time in these past weeks.