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“Why, Princess? Why did you come back?”

“Because . . . because even though I know our worlds are so different . . . and it will be hard on us both . . . not to mention our families . . . I want us.” Ryder was a straightforward man, so I gave it to him straight.

He sighed. “Yeah, I know. But it will be worth it, don’t you think?”

I thought about his words before answering. It was flattering that he thought so. My heart swelled, and filled with so much love for this man that it was close to bursting.

“Yes, I guess so,” I replied carefully.

“Fuck, Princess. Here I’m ready to bust my balls and do battle for you, and all you can say is ‘I guess so’?”

I couldn’t help myself—a small giggle escaped my lips. My Ryder was back. The man who spoke his mind, and said what he thought in no uncertain terms.

God, I loved him.

“You’ll fight for me?” I asked, needing to reassure myself that I’d understood his intentions correctly.

“Fuck yeah . . . to the death, Princess. Because life without you ain't worth a damn.”

“Really?” I breathed.

A smile twitched at the corners of his lips. “Yeah, really. I want to be with you till the last breath leaves my body.”

Those words from this man’s lips were so beautiful—exactly what I needed to hear.

Small circles rubbed up and down my back, making me go limp in Ryder's arms, but he had to clarify many things before I was satisfied. Especially after what he’d said before he left.

“Why the change of heart now, Ryder? What changed?”

He grinned sheepishly. “Woman, you are fucking exasperating. Cross-examining the witness till you have your answers.”

“I need to know, Ryder, otherwise I’ll always wonder. So if you tell me straight up, that eliminates a lot of second guessing.”

“Christ. I’ve often thought that you’d be the best lawyer in the state. But I was wrong.”

“What?” I asked, shocked at his words.

He chuckled. “Because you’re gonna be the best fucking attorney in the country.”

I laughed. “Pressure much? But that may just mean I’d have to prosecute your biker ass.”

“Not if I’m your husband. I won't allow it.”

I sucked in a breath. What did he mean?

“Yeah, don’t look so surprised. Cause I ain't ever letting you go after tonight. Deal with it.” His eyes were serious, not a trace of mockery to be seen.

“’The Princess and the Badass Biker’. I can just see that headline in the papers.” I joked, keeping it light. I didn't want Ryder to run scared if I used the L word again—certainly not like the way he bolted the last time I’d told him I loved him.

“You gave up on us, Princess. That hurt,” he said, taking me completely by surprise. Wasn’t he the one who walked away? He left the city and rode his bike more than a thousand miles to get away from me. Talk about hurting.

“Why do you say that?”

“Going off with Cowboy. You were going to let him fuck you if I didn't get there in time to stop it. Fuck, I'm going to spank that ass for putting me through such agony.”

My core clenched at the thought. A spanking from Ryder was erotic, and even though it hurt, he made good afterwards. I’d even risk his ire from time to time just to get a good spanking. Somehow it made the sex afterward even better, running the thin line between pain and pleasure.

“You were the one who didn't want me. You said so yourself.”

Baby. I’ve wanted you from the first moment I laid fucking eyes on you. The bossy bitch who looked down her pretty little nose at me was sexy beyond belief. You had me from day one, my Princess.”

“I did? You could have fooled me.”

“My cock knew even then—though my heart didn't at the time.”

“Your heart?” I placed my fingertips over his heart. It was beating faster than normal. So was mine. It was beating so hard I was surprised I hadn’t broken a few ribs in the process.

“My heart’s a bit rusty, baby. It didn't know how much I loved you until I thought you’d moved on.”

“You love me?” I whispered.

“Quit the question time. You heard me.” The mischievous glint in his eyes was making my toes curl. How hard was it for him to say the three words again? I’d have to use all my lawyer skills to draw it out of him. Ahhh, men.

“I'm not sure what exactly I heard. I may have misunderstood. Just want to make sure we are on the same page here.” I coaxed.

“As long as it’s my page, I can live with it.” He smirked.

“Cocky, arrogant, demanding . . . hmmm . . . Let me count the ways I love thee . . .”

He laughed, a goodhearted laugh from deep within his belly. Planting a kiss on my forehead, he sighed. “Shakespeare had nothing on us. But since I’m not a dumbass biker, and you’re quoting him . . . let me tell you something.” He paused for dramatic effect, smiling at me in such a way it had my insides a-flutter. He stared directly into my eyes. “You’re my fucking Juliet. I’ll die for you, baby.”

It wasn’t exactly how I'd ever imagined having a classic quoted to me, but from Ryder’s mouth it was perfect—the most romantic thing a man had ever said to me.

Just fucking perfect.

Chapter 34 ~ Ryder

I'd never said those three words Jade needed to hear to a woman; and fuck me, they just wouldn’t come to my lips. My heart exploded with love, with joy and happiness. Yet saying those simple three words was torture. It was the biggest fucking deal in my whole life.

Finally, I did have a name for the way I felt about Jade. Love. It was that simple, and that complex. It completely consumed me. Overwhelmed me. Brought me to my fucking knees.

There was a better way to let her know just how much I loved her. Instead of telling her, I wanted to show her. Yeah.

Cupping her face with my hand, I dipped my head and kissed her—gently, slowly, deeply—putting every ounce of my love into that one single kiss. She softened against me, kissing me back with everything she had. Yeah, we were on the same page, alright.

It’d been so long since I'd felt her skin against mine that I was yearning to make love to her. Yeah, not just fuck her, but really make love. There was a difference; before I’d only ever fucked, but tonight I wanted to show her my love.

I kissed along her jaw, nibbling and tasting her skin till I got to her ear. I sucked a lobe into my mouth, and tugged gently. Although I was burning to get inside her, I was going to take this really slow, enjoying and worshiping everything that was Jade. She moaned softly, and I knew that the skin beneath her ear was super sensitive, so I kissed and licked that area too.

Pushing her dress down her shoulders, I growled as I took in the missing buttons on the top. Damn cowboy. How fucking dare he?

I rid her of her dress and sucked in a breath when I saw her lying there in her underwear only. God, she was so beautiful, her soft skin begging for my touch. And I would touch her—worship every inch of her skin—all night long.

Scooting off the bed, I sauntered into the bathroom. Yeah, just as I’d thought: a bath the size of a mini swimming-pool, with jets and sprays, dominated the spacious room. I ran the bath while lighting all of the fifty candles surrounding the bath. My princess deserved the best. I was going to make sure she got it.

Peering into the refrigerator, I grinned. Cowboy had stocked up on enough champagne to fill the fucking bath. Luckily we’d prefer to drink it, so I grabbed two iced flutes and the ice bucket and took it to the bathroom, filling the glasses to the brim. I slipped out of my clothing and went to get my girl.