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The brunette smiled as she glanced at the clock again on her way out the door, totally ignoring Sam’s question. Stopping short after she pulled the door shut, she opened it back up and this time made sure the door was unlocked. She closed it again, gently. The young woman shouldered her bag then dusted her hands off on each other, letting a happy whistle escape her lips. C.C. walked off down the hall obviously happy at the ease with which she was able to pull off her plan.

Sam walked out of the bathroom a moment or two later, dressed in her underwear with the T-shirt still in her hand. She wasn’t worried about wearing too much more since it was too warm and she was by herself now. The petite woman placed one of her favorite CD’s in the stereo and cranked up the volume. She wasn’t too concerned about disturbing anyone. After all, it was a Friday night and the majority of the dorm’s occupants were at various parties to celebrate surviving the first week of the new school year.

The provocative tempo of “All Or Nothing” by Europe started to blare from the speakers, filling the air with words and music that made it hard to keep still. Before she realized it, the beat was driving her to dance as she moved her freshly done laundry from the basket to the homes that she had declared for them in the next year. The young blonde’s mind was soon completely absorbed in the music.

Brooke stepped off the elevator onto the third floor. She was a little surprised at how quiet the dorm was. Standing there, the older woman remembered how loud the place had always been when she was in college. How can they study in all this quiet? Man, if we could hear ourselves think, the music wasn’t cranked up loud enough. I guess times have changed.

The tall woman stood perfectly still and listened for a moment, then a small smile tugged at her lips when she detected the sound of music coming from a dorm room down the hall. She could make out the muffled sound of a stereo and followed it up to her sister’s door. Yeah, that’s the way C.C.; I knew you had at least one of my genes in you, besides the looks.

Brooke found herself tapping her fingers on her pants as they hung over the pockets that her thumbs were looped in. She walked up to the door. Even though she knew it wouldn’t do any good, Brooke tried knocking on the door anyway, finding the beat of the music mimicked in her knock itself. Getting no response, she tried the doorknob. Surprised that it turned with ease, the door opened. I’ve got to read C.C. the riot act about security and keeping her door locked. She opened the door some more, then poked her head inside. What she saw brought a smile to her face as she hastily stepped inside the room and shut the door.

The blonde dancing on the opposite side of the room was oblivious to her surroundings. With exaggerated motions, she kept the rhythm of the music as she teasingly pulled the cotton shirt on over her head, seductively advancing it down over her body until it was in place.

The tall brunette leaned back against the door, crossing her arms over her chest as she admired the view. Sam was dressed in a baby doll T-shirt and underwear, dancing like there was no tomorrow. The sight of the small blonde was doing things to her being that Brooke couldn’t believe. Settling in for the show, Brooke stood with her back against the door. She bent one of her long legs and let the sole of her boot rest upon the door as she listened to the blonde sing with the recording.

“Can’t stop me now, I’ve set my sights on you. Right to the heart, my aim is true. Yeah, that’s why…All or nothing at all is how I feel about it. Won’t stand my back tothe wall. I’ll find my way around it. All or nothing at all… there’s nothing I won’t do…And the one thing I want all of is you.”

Brooke’s smile grew through the remainder of the song, fighting every urge she had to walk up behind the girl and join in on her impromptu dancing. The sight was stimulating enough that she dare not get any closer.

Once the song finished, Sam flopped down onto her bed and pressed the stop button on the remote. That’s when she noticed the tall, very relaxed woman in the doorway. “Ohmygod! Where’d you come from?” Sam clutched at her chest, wondering how long Brooke had been standing there.

“My Mom and Dad,” Brooke answered with a grin. “You didn’t mention that you were a dancer,” she added with a wink.

“Well, you never asked.” Sam stood and walked over to her dresser to grab a pair of jeans to put on.

Brooke was impressed that the girl acted like it was the most natural thing in the world to be in this state of undress around her. Out of respect for what privacy she could offer, Brooke turned her head away looking in the direction of C.C.’s bed, as Sam pulled on her pants.

Sam turned around to face Brooke and smiled when she saw the older woman looking anywhere in the room but at her. Could it be possible that Brooke is more embarrassed than I am?

She took in the sight of the older woman who was leaning casually against the door. Her eyes traveled down Brooke’s face to her shoulders, where ebony tresses cascaded over a light jacket that was slightly open, revealing a black tank top underneath its light weight. Sam’s eyes continued down the muscled abdomen to thighs encased in tight black denim and she had to remind herself to try not to stare. Sam took in a breath and moved her gaze to more tranquil scenery, the woman’s face.

When Brooke lifted her eyes back up from gazing down at the floor, they were met and held by Sam’s. Neither woman said a word for the first few moments. Their eyes seemed to be doing all of the talking for them.

It was an eerie feeling for Brooke, to be so mesmerized by anyone let alone this small imp of a woman. She waged a hard-fought battle with her numbed brain to speak, using the first thing that she could think of to break the silence. “So, you like Europe?”

“Doesn’t everyone?” Sam’s simple response was without skipping a beat.

Brooke shook her head in the negative. “Not too much anymore. Not really since ‘The Final Countdown’ was released in `86.”

The blonde began to walk over toward the tall woman, closing the distance between them. She wasn’t sure where her nerve was coming from, but she couldn’t help not being nearer to Brooke.

“Well, I guess I’m just a retrospective kind of girl,” she smiled not taking her eyes off the seas of blue that were on the horizon.

She stopped within a couple feet of the taller woman when another of her senses kicked into gear. That cologne…She was close enough to smell it and found herself inhaling deeper. It’s so subtle, but it’s definitely her. She thought about how being on Brooke’s skin, and being heated by her rising temperature, made it just that much more fragrant than last week when she met her at dinner.

“How old were you then… two?” Brooke grinned as she tried to imagine the woman in front of her as a toddler.

“I think ‘Countdown’ was their greatest,” Sam answered, ignoring the jibe at her age.

“That it was,” Brooke nodded knowingly.

“And who said that music has any kind of time limit on it? As long as you have ears, you can listen to it,” Sam began as Brooke raised an eyebrow in response. God, does she realize how sexy she is when she does that? The blonde found her gaze lingering over that eyebrow.

“Good point. I stand corrected.” The cool exterior never wavered but inside, Brooke was sure that if Sam walked any closer, she’d die on the spot.

I stand corrected. The words echoed in Sam’s head, suddenly causing her to remember her manners. “I’m sorry, why don’t you have a seat. You’ll have a long wait if you’re looking for C.C. You just missed her.”

“Really? I talked to her earlier in the week and she told me to pick her up here at seven.” There was a puzzled look on Brooke’s face as she walked over and sat on her sister’s bed. Looking at her watch, she wondered why C.C. hadn’t told her about a change in their plans.