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Dork snapped.



Pecker puked-up come.


Jizzom overflowed Mercedes's mouth. Her long sweat-sweetened hair flowered out about Randy's rutting thighs.

Cascades of curds cackled down all of Mercedes's cheeks.

Buttocks shiny with Bubba's ointment.

Randy's rutjuice frosting her lips.

Mercedes's teeth glued together.

Cock and arse tethered together.

"Fuckit. Fuckit somemore. I got to come some. I'm come-miiiiing,"

She moved her hips back. Took a deep whack from Bubba's jimjam.

Ramrodded hard.


Come bubbled inside Mercedes's mouth as she licked out the eyehole of Randy's hangar. Peppered her tonsils with scum.

Felt penis writhe in her bum.


He fucked her slickly.


Rutted ticklishly.


Blasted her brilliantly.


Bubba cracked her cranny wide.


Cockhead pressed up from where it had nibbled Mercedes's cunt and clitbud.

Stood hard and coated within her rosebud rectum. Pullulating cream.

Jizzomic extrusions added to the running cunt-come, rutsweat, assoils collected in Mercedes's erupting cunny cranny.

Sadie Mae finished stacking glasses and mugs along the top of the bar. She took the top off a long-necked bottle of brew and threw it off down her throat in a series of sucks.

Thought she would see if Randy, Bubba, and Mercedes felt like helping her load the glassware into the washer while she took a breather and maybe saw what fucking Sallie Anne and Little Ramona were up to with Yancey and that other dude whose name-Lafayette?-she really didn't remember because as she realized now she had been to busy looking at him.

Trying to see through all of that rock musician get-up of leather, tattoos, studs in his duds and ear. To get a handle on who he really was.

Sadie Mae got a buzz from the slug of beer. Paused an instant.

Glugged down some more.

"Shit," Sadie Mae said. "Have to peepee. Let's see if I can go another round-"


Yancey sat down at the desk across from Little Ramona as Sallie Anne drew out a long cigarette and lit one for Lafayette.

"So, Yancey," Little Ramona said with but a touch of snideness in her eyes, "You new on the local force? Haven't seen you before."

"Of course I could claim to have been sent in from another jurisdiction due to my vice squad specialties* But I only lie occasionally."

"Gimme a fucking break," Sallie Anne said. "You in with him, Lafayette?"

Lafayette let out a slow breath.

"Paid me up front to go through that stunt at the bar. Said he just had to put the fear of the law among you all and that I was more or less doing you a good deed-sides, there was some speed the other guys in the group had on them and-"

"Please," Little Ramona said with extreme leanness to her lips.

"I am an honorary deputy," Yancey said. "But that's mainly cause I helped the police out in connection with a robbery hereabouts couple weeks ago after I first got into town."


Lack of interest.

Yancey continued nevertheless.

"Well, you see, I am on the faculty of anthropology at State-specialize in crosscultural criminology-this semester's my first."

Ramona drew herself up tall behind the desk as she fingered a few ornaments of turquoise and jade laid out along the blotter.

Yancey kept his peepers right there where Ramona played with the gemstones as he spoke, now smoking one of Sallie Anne's cigs:

"Some artifacts were burgled-mainly Native American stuff-couple of the patrons at a certain art collector's party robbed-"

"Think I read about it," Sallie Anne slurred. "No, wait. I ain't read nothing lately like that-maybe it was on tee-vee?"

Little Ramona felt up a line of small stone statuettes and ornaments. Mauled her mein with mincing movements of skin and bone in combination cuteness and lewdness:

"So, Mister or Deputy or Doctor or Professor Yancey-you aren't in this for the money, the fuck, nor the fun of it."

Yancey smiled mildly.

"That's pretty near correct. You might say I'm in it for all of the above. Plus some other stuff that is equally important-"

"He wants us to screw him," Sallie Anne blew. "What do you say, Lafayette? Then he'll more than likely help hisself to our cashbox. Now that should be fun-"

Yancey yawned blindly:

"Save your imagination for the time being, sister-you'll need what's left of it a little later. Right now I've got something a bit more mundane in mind,"

Chapter 2

Two tits glistened in Mercedes's fists as she yanked her nipples out.

Grated her teeth.

Breathed heavily.

Gyrated her waist.

Tasted twanger between her teeth.

Reached up under rump and pumped nutsack from the back.

Slackness in her crack.

Dingalingdong and fingers dancing and prancing along Mercedes's underside.

She switched Randy's ass to get him to dash the cheeks faster.

Splayed buttocks poised faster against Mercedes's tits as she stuck her snub-nosed nipples into Randy's rumphole.


Bubba Buster was about to muster yet another load of nut buttercream right through Mercedes's chewing rack of choppers when she crushed his.cranker between her teeth.

For an instant Bubba ceased breathing.

His writhing orgasm subsided as his spermlets siinked back down the length of dingdong and fell fruitlessly into the sack.

"Not yet, Bubba. I wanted a few more whacks before I god the bacon drippings this round. How about it? Pound!"

Prick pulsed outward.

Poker stoked inward.

Rubbing over Mercedes's lower lips, cockmeat stroked her dentition with the underside along the beating vein.

Bubba pistoned.

Asscheeks glistened.

His pecker ricocheted from the back of Mercedes's palate down into her tongue. Hung to her tonsils.


Prick speared her craw.

Gagged her gullet.

Cock torqued down her throat.

As Randy's bloated ballocks walloped against Mercedes's brandished boobies.

Niptips pecking his anal, pucker.

Randy bucked into her boobcage.

Bent to come outrageously.

When Mercedes swerved her neck from Bubba's pecker and shot her tongue out; lizardlike toward Randy's beckoning pucker.


Mercedes suckered butt.

French-kissed fanny.

Then ran her finger up Randy's… ass. Stemming the tide of his jizzom.

"Thanks," Randy jerked.

"You're not the first," Bubba gasped crashing again into Mercedes's head.

"Likewise, I'm sure," Mercedes threaded through her twanger-toking yip.

She looked at the two dude studs through come-blurred eyes. Sat up fast on the deck of the liquor-strewn table.

Her asscheeks were incredibly glued to the top and her head swelled by the fumes from the gel of rutsweat, cuntjizz, cockcome, underarm smarm, nasal mucus, saliva, assoils, and incipient piss perspired in ammoniac vapors through the pores of their fucksuckrutting skins.

Mercedes jacked her clitoris maniacally for a moment. Angelically infused a snarf of alcohol down the tubes.

Opened her cranny and scratched at her pubes, "We have not yet begun to begin to have fun," she said with no apparent emotion or intention.

Smiled to herself and then smirked a cynical whitegal joke into her heart of dankness-the frankness with which she spoke to herself coughed out in a welter of postorgasmic inanity: "Depravity is the mother of invention."

"Hi, mom," Bubba blathered.

"Doe this really matter?" Randy jabbered. "Is this a literature class?"