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Sticking a thermometer inside the meat I estimate another five minutes until it’s done. “Evie, you have an ETA on Kate? Dinner’s almost ready.” Our front door swings open with a loud bang. Lifting my chin to a frazzled, wild-eyed Kate waltzing through the threshold.

“I just got the worst news of my life. Well not worst news, but close to it! I’m being kicked out of my apartment! What the hell am I going to do?” Kate rants her way inside, throwing her bag on the couch and coming over to give Evie a big hug. She nods a greeting at Tate, then me. Her head swings back to Evie.

“I’m homeless!” Kate throws her head in her hands and Evie pats her on the back.

“Okay drama mama, start at the beginning. What happened and why are you being kicked out of your apartment?”

“It all started with pussy.”

Tate nearly drops the glass of water he’s holding. I slam the salad bowl on the counter. Kate’s head lifts and her shoulders droop.

“What?” Evie barks.

“Pussy. Always the damn pussy. Making my life complicated.” Kate muses to herself, eyes raised to the ceiling.

“Kate Guinevere Bryant! What the hell are you talking about?” Evie grips Kate’s shoulders and gives a slight shake earning her full eye contact. “Get to the point. You are giving the boys a heart attack with all this pussy talk.” It’s true, well, she has our complete attention to say the least.

“Wait. Your middle name is Guinevere. How did I not know this?” I interrupt.

“My mom had a thing for King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table—the Monty Python version. Weird I know.” Kate waves a hand, tossing her blonde locks over one tan shoulder.

“That explains a lot.” I mutter.

“Okay, so back to the pussy problem.” She blows out an exaggerated breath. “Well, the entire ordeal started when this damn cat decided to go and have her babies in the vent shaft between the third and fourth floors of my building.”

A collective “ahh” sounds as the lightbulb goes off. That pussy.

“Mrs. Vanlandingham called the super because she kept hearing them crying. Then, the fire department was called out to try and rescue them, but they were tucked into a hard to reach space. No one wanted to the kill the poor creatures because then the entire building would smell like dead animal, so they cut into the walls to make an entry point and that’s when they found it…”

Kate stops her story, closing her eyes to shake her head.

“What? What did they find? Please tell me the kittens were okay?” Of course Evie’s concerned about the damn strays.

“The kittens were fine. But they found asbestos in my building and it’s apparently toxic or something so they have to remove it from all five floors. Pain in my ass. I’d rather take my chances with poisoning.”

“I doubt that Kate, it’s really dangerous shit. Causes cancer and all that.” I add and she glances my direction, eyebrows raised.

“Yeah, okay. I guess it’s best. But now I have to find a place to live for the next three weeks.”

“Why don’t you just stay here?” Evie suggests. Oh god, please no. Please say no.

“No, no. I couldn’t impose on you and Jon like that. Besides there’s not enough room for me and my clothes!” Kate laughs before adding in a much sadder tone, “I’ll just have to find an extended stay hotel or something. Yuck, I hate those places.”

“You are welcome to bum showers at the gym if you decide to live in your car.” Tate teases.

Kate laughs. “I’m good, but thanks.”

“Wait. Don’t your parents still live here in Arizona? Why don’t you just stay with them?” Both Evie and Kate pin me with a horrified glare. Kate’s posture stiffens and she places her hands on her hips with attitude.

“Just because they brought me into the world does not mean I can stand their company. You should know how that feels better than anyone, Jon.”

Her taut, harsh words ring true. Although I don’t remember her having such negative feelings for her parents. My own parents had gone through a nasty divorce, with me as the chess piece in the middle, during my junior year of high school. One of several reasons I couldn’t wait to join the Army and get out of town the minute we graduated. I still haven’t been by to visit my mom or my dad since moving back to Arizona.

Opening the oven door I pull the kabobs of chicken and steak out, setting them on the range.

“Evie, why don’t you come stay with me for a few weeks? Kate can stay here with plenty of room for her wardrobe and that way everyone’s problem is solved.” Tate, Mr. Helpful, chimes in. Slamming down the oven mitts I contemplate punching him in the face.

“I don’t know, are you sure? You really think Carly would be okay with that?” Evie bites her lip. Tate stands from his chair, pulling Evie close and wrapping her into a loose hug.

“Well, it’s my house, so technically I can do whatever I want, but believe me she won’t mind. She loves you and so do the boys. Hell, she’ll probably be happy because she can hit us up for free babysitting.” Tate smiles wide, his dimples on display. Fuck. This doesn’t look promising.

Evie worries her lip with her teeth. “I just don’t want to put you on the spot. You should think about it first and make sure you’re really okay with me staying with you.” Tate leans in but we can all hear his soft reply. I’d bet Kate is straining to overhear just as much as I am.

“It’s my dream to be able to hold you in my arms every night and wake up with you in my arms every morning. So, yeah. I think I’ll be okay with it. I don’t need time to consider.” Evie grins, placing a sweet kiss on his lips. “I may never let you leave.” Tate growls.

“Alright, alright. Enough with the lovebird shit. Thank you Tate, that’d be fantastic. Thanks, Evie. As soon as my place is fixed I’ll be out of here.” Kate disrupts the couple but my mind is reeling. What. The. Fuck. This entire situation has disaster painted over it in giant graffiti lettering.

“Kate? Can I please speak with you in private?”

“Yeah, sure. Let me just text back my super first.” Focusing on her phone screen and nonchalant about the fact we’re soon to be roommates angers me further.

“No, Kate. Now. Let’s go take a walk. We’ll be right back guys. Evie and Tate, can you please cover the food so it doesn’t get cold?” I don’t wait for replies. Grabbing Kate’s arm, I drag her out of the apartment. I keep a brisk pace until we’re far enough from any watching eyes or listening ears. I turn to Kate, downright exasperated.

“Don’t you think it’s going to be a little weird living together after we—you know—” Spit out the words, Beltran.

“What? Because we fucked?” Damn it if my dick doesn’t twitch just at the mention of that dirty word coming from her sassy mouth.

“Yes!” I growl in frustration.

“Why would that make it weird, Jon?” She tilts her face with a most earnest expression. Is she really so clueless? Had our one night stand meant nothing for her? Was I the only one of us hung up on that night? I shake my thoughts away.

“Because… being in such close quarters might make it difficult. Feelings could resurface and I just don’t want there to be any confusion about our relationship.” I try to explain but she laughs in my face.

“Oh my god! What? Just because we fucked one time you think I want to fuck you again? Like I wouldn’t be able to control myself just by being around you? Ha! You think awfully highly of yourself big guy.” Her passing attitude about my concerns pisses me off and anger boils to the surface. “Look, I just need a place to stay and this is my best option. Nothing personal but I could care less about who I stay with as long as it’s not my parents.”

“You are impossible, you know that.” I bite out.

“Whatever, can we go back inside now? I’m starving.”