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Heterosexual Analism of a Teenager

“'Do you want to play a game, girls?'

“The fellow who asked us that was a puny guy with a pimply face and wearing glasses. I guess he was about eighteen. He had been sitting in the park all afternoon watching Dolores and me romp around. I was thirteen and Dolores was one year older. It was a sultry day in the middle of the summer; the grass was parched and the foliage just looked weary.

“We stared at him in surprise, especially because his voice had a sort of strangled sound, and he had this funny look in his eyes, a sort of glazed look.

“'We're not supposed to talk to strangers,' I said.

“'Why not?' he asked.

“'Because we're not!' Dolores said. 'My mother told me never to talk to strangers, and especially guys.'

“'So what?' I said. Dolores was a 'momma's girl' and she really gave me a pain sometimes. 'Anyway, you're not a man, you're just a guy.'

“'What kind of game do you want to play?' Dolores asked him. I knew, but Dolores is dumb.

“'Oh, Dolores, let's go,' I said. I didn't like this guy. There was something queer about him, but Dolores was a real ninny.

“'No,' she says. 'I want to know what kind of game he wants to play.'

“Then he said, 'If you come with me in those bushes over there I'll give you fifty cents.'

“That was just about as clear as anything. We'd been sitting on the grass and I got up to go, but Dolores said, 'Fifty cents apiece.'

“You could have knocked me over with a feather when she said that.

“'You know what he wants,' I told her. 'Come on, let's get out of here.'

“But Dolores sprang to her feet, giggling, and started for the bushes with this mischievous grin on her face.

“'You're not going?' I asked, absolutely flabbergasted. Dolores was a very pretty girl. She had wavy honey-blonde hair, bright blue eyes, beautiful legs, just so round and slim, and a bouncy bottom. She was very sexy looking, especially in those white shorts and tight blouse she was wearing, but she always used to act so innocent, like she didn't know anything. It was a joke at school, how innocent Dolores was, and she used to go along with it. Boys used to go up to her and say, 'let's fuck' or something, just to get a charge out of her, and she used to just look at them and ask them what it meant, and when they tried to explain, she'd just act dumb, as if she didn't know what it was all about, and after a bit they'd get all flustered and stop. That's why I was so uptight when Dolores started going to the bushes with this perfectly strange kid. I thought she'd gone crazy. 'Dolores, we'd better not,' I said.

“'Why not?' she asked in that same dumb voice.

“I couldn't just let her go alone with this guy, and, anyway, I was curious to know what he was up to. Dolores vanished into the bushes with the boy, and I followed. There was a clump of white oaks with Spanish moss, thick bushes, and, in the middle, a little grassy clearing. All the kids knew about that place because it was good for playing hide-and-seek.

“The guy was acting real nervous. He flopped down on the grass, and Dolores dropped to her knees in front of him. His eyes were glazed, and he looked scared. Then Dolores asked, 'Where's our dollar?'

“Then he said what I'd been expecting. 'I'll give you five dollars if you take off your pants.' You could hardly hear him because his voice was so husky, and because he didn't look at us but down at the grass.

“Dolores wasn't perturbed in the least.

“'You gotta give us the dollar first,' she said, 'and then show us the five dollars, and then maybe I'll think about it.'

“'Dolores, you're not!' I said.

“But Dolores just grinned like an imp. I'd never seen her that way before. The boy was trembling all over and his face was pale. He fished out his wallet and laid both a dollar and a five on the grass. I could see that there were several other bills in his billfold, and Dolores saw it, too.

“'Five dollars for her and five for me,' Dolores said.

“'No, not for me!' I said. 'You can keep my fifty cents, too! I'm not going to do anything dirty. I'm going.'

“'No don't!' Dolores shouted. Her voice sounded funny. I guess she didn't want to be left alone with the boy.

“'He wants you to do something bad,' I said. I knew I ought to leave.

“'What's bad about taking off your pants?' Dolores said and picked up the one- and the five-dollar bills. Then she stood up, unzipped her shorts and let them slide down, and then she took down her panties.

“The boy and I stared at her. I had never seen her undressed before, or her thighs and the triangle between her legs. It gave me goose pimples. I kept staring at her bare bottom particularly. She sort of sticks out behind, and her backside looked so creamy and round. I kept staring at the crack between her cheeks, and so did the boy. Both of us were absolutely fascinated with her fanny. She kicked off her shorts and panties so that she was naked from her blouse to her socks. I felt like I was going to keel over.

“She sat down on the grass again and the boy said, 'I'll give you five dollars more if you let me stick my finger up your rear end.'

“'What do you want to do that for?' Dolores giggled. I just gasped. I wanted to run, but I just couldn't move.

“'Never mind,' said the boy. 'I just want to.'

“'That's dirty,' Dolores snorted. 'You'll get your finger all dirty if you do that.'

“'I don't care,' he said. 'I just want to do it.'

“'Ten dollars,' said Dolores. 'The dollar for coming in here, the five dollars for me to take my pants down, and ten dollars more for you to do what you just said.'

“'Oh, Dolores!' I said. 'You're not going to let him do that.'

“'Why not? It's his finger.'

“'Dolores, you're bad,' I said indignantly. 'I'm going to tell your mother.'

“'You better not,' she said.

“The boy was all excited and acting queer. He reached for his wallet, though, and added a ten to the five. Dolores snatched it up, folded it, and stuck it in her blouse. Then she turned her bare bottom to the boy and knelt down with her head resting on her hands in the grass. The boy and I just stared astonished at her white cheeks. Then the boy reached in his pocket, took out a small jar of vaseline, rubbed grease on his long middle finger and started poking it up Dolores's rear. It was sort of hard for him to get it in at first, especially because he was trembling all over, but then it just slid up in. Dolores wiggled and giggled.

“'Oh, that feels funny. Do it again,' she giggled.

“'Do you like that?' I said. I just couldn't believe it.

“'Oh, yes… oh, keep pumping it in and out like that,' she said.

“'Doesn't it hurt?' I asked.

“'No, it feels nice,' she said.

“Then the boy pulled out his finger and wiped it off with his handkerchief. 'Maybe you'd like me to stick this in you?' he asked, all excited, then zipped open his pants and let his thing pop out.

“I'd never seen a boy's thing before, at least not since I was real little, and I'd never seen one that was stiff and hard. I almost fainted: But Dolores acted like she knew all about it, and I knew that the innocent stuff was just an act, and that she wasn't innocent at all.

“'I've never been fucked,' said Dolores, staring at it. 'It'll hurt.'

“'Dolores, get dressed and let's go,' I said.