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“'You won't tell?' the boy blurted. He was looking scared. 'I've given you a lot of money.'

“'Of course not, silly,' said Dolores. 'Do you think I'd want anybody to know what you did to us?'

“He fumbled with his clothes. 'Well, I'll be going, I guess,' he said hastily, and disappeared into the bushes.

“'We better be going, too,' said Dolores.

“It was getting late. We got to our feet and started through the bushes for home. We were glad that there was nobody in the park. If there was, and they saw the boy come out, and then us, they'd probably figure out we'd been fooling around. But there wasn't anybody, so it was okay.

“'What does it look like going up my bottom?' I asked Dolores as we walked home.

“'Real good,' said Dolores. 'It looks like a big white sausage going in, and your bottom is so pretty. You have a real small fanny and the skin is so soft. I just love your bottom.'

“'I think bottoms are really beautiful,' I said. 'Your bottom is all round and real white. I guess mine is sort of dark.'


“'Let's fool around again sometime,' I said. 'I mean, just us two. Maybe when nobody's home at my house you could come over and we could take off all our clothes and fool around, stick things up each other's rear ends, and do other stuff.'

“'Okay,' said Dolores with enthusiasm. 'I really liked being cornholed, though.'

“'Is that what that boy did to us?' I asked.

“'Uh-huh, that's what they call it. Cornhole.'

“'How come you know so much, Dolores? I didn't think you knew anything.'

“She winked. 'I got a brother, remember?'

“'You mean you and your brother do stuff together?'


“'Does he cornhole you?'

“'Uh-huh. We do it that way because it's safer, at least that's why we started doing it that way. Then we tried it the regular way once, and I found out I'd rather have him do it to me up my rear. I like it better that way. I really do.'

“'Do you suppose your brother would do it to me sometime?'

“'Do you want him to?'

“'Oh, yes. I think I would.'

“'Okay. Maybe sometime you can just spend the night at our house, and we'll fool around, all three of us.'

“'I'd like that,' I said. 'My bottom feels sort of sore. Does yours?'

“'Sure, it always does, but it'll be okay. It doesn't hurt anything if you do it back there, providing you're careful.'

“'It's queer, though, isn't it, Dolores? I mean, that's not the way you're supposed to do it.'

“She shrugged her shoulders. 'So what?' she said. 'If you like it that way, what difference does it make?'

“'I guess not,' I said uncertainly. I wasn't sure of that part.

“Suddenly something else occurred to me. 'He gave you a whole mess of money to do it to you. And he did it to me for nothing.'

“Dolores grinned. 'Live and learn,' she said. She reached in her pocket, took out the green bills, unfolded and counted them. 'Yes,' she said, 'if he wants to do that again I'll probably let him, but hell have to pay.'

“'I should make him pay me the next time, too,' I said.

“'That's up to you.'

“After I thought about it, though, I was glad I hadn't taken any money for it, because then I'd be a prostitute. That's what Dolores must be. I'd just rather do it because I like it myself. Sex is nice, I decided, and if you do it that way, you don't have to worry about having a baby or anything. You can just enjoy the whole thing. I began thinking about Dolores's brother. That would be sort of fun, all three of us doing stuff together. I decided that I wanted to.”

Rosalind's case illustrates two fairly common situations involving anal eroticism. She was introduced to analism by an older youth who was a stranger to her, and she experienced it with another girl around her own age. The whole experience was an experimental one, coming in very early adolescence, at a time when young people of both sexes are very curious about sexual practice. She was actually more innocent than her friend who had been feigning ignorance and who had been actually engaged in acts of incest. Once again, Dolores preferred anal intercourse initially because of the risks involved in normal intercourse. After a few experiences, she came to prefer it for its own sake. Rosalind's initial experience was so very gratifying that it is not surprising that she wanted it repeated.

Havelock Ellis's classical Studies in the Psychology of Sex mentions several cases of anal intercourse, as does Krafft-Ebing. According to Kinsey, however, (Sexual Behavior of the Human Female) the anus is erotically responsive in some persons. “As many as half or more of the population may find some degree of erotic satisfaction in anal stimulation, but good incidence data are not available.” Kinsey goes on to suggest that “the erotic sensitivity of the anal region depends upon the fact that there are abundant end organs of touch throughout the anal surfaces, and in part upon the fact that reactions of the muscles, (the anal sphincters) which normally keep the anus closed, may be erotically stimulating.”

Both Rosalind and Dolores belong to that fifty percent of the population responsive to anal stimulation. A chance experience in both cases led to the discovery that anal penetration was pleasurable. However, what caused them to experiment in the first place was a combination of curiosity and desire for adventure. They wanted something to happen. To young adolescent girls, like these two, sex as yet had little or nothing to do with courtship or procreation. Unless their anal eroticism developed into a distinct deviation, all of that would come a year or two later. At this point, midway between childhood and puberty, sex was still mostly a game, like playing “house” or “high heels,” but more exciting because it involved disrobing, the anticipation of something new, both pleasurable and painful. There is evidence of masochism here. The very painfulness of anal penetration seems to have added to their delight. But ultimately, because of the stimulus of that bundle of nerve endings, the experience was pleasurable to the point of ecstasy, so very pleasurable, in fact, that both could only anticipate a repetition with shameless enthusiasm.

But alongside the purely physical pleasure, and the adventurousness, went the fact that this was something “naughty.” It was not exactly bad or sinful. The backgrounds of both of these girls were not such as to inspire great guilt. Their parents were professional people, educated and affluent, liberal in outlook, especially where social and sex mores were concerned. They lived in the wealthier part of a small Southern city where many, if not all, of their neighbors shared the same values, those of the permissive society. Rosalind's mother never taught her that sex was bad, only that there were reasons, perhaps, to wait until she met the man she wanted to marry. She knew about the variations, in general, at least; her parents practiced them as foreplay, although she was only vaguely aware of that. Sex was, to her, a natural thing, part of life, interesting, somewhat “naughty,” to be sure, but not “dirty.” Dolores's parents were somewhat more conservative and both she and her brother were much more secretive, but she shared the attitudes of her peers, even though she pretended not to, if only because she enjoyed tantalizing and confusing them.

For Rosalind this experience in the park was her first remembered sexual experience, if one omits the occasional situations when she was very young and disrobed with other children. Part of the enjoyment of the sodomy performed on her was the fact that she had to disrobe and relive, therefore, those vague childhood experiences. But mostly, her enjoyment was in the sheer physical pleasure of having the boy's penis thrust up her rectum, a stimulus that caused her to have her first orgasm. No other form of sex thereafter would ever be quite as sweet. That one experience was enough to veer Rosalind toward anal eroticism. She had never experienced anal intercourse before, had never been given an enema, nor had had any sort of anal masturbation performed on her. But, latently, the anal tendencies must have been there to be triggered, and were strong enough to cause her to-set aside all modesty, moral inhibitions, and self-restraint, and participate in an act usually considered degrading, with a perfect stranger and the assistance of another girl.