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11 a.m. – 1 p.m. — Heart — Food materials enter the blood stream. The heart pumps nutrients throughout the system and takes its lipid requirements.

1 p.m. – 3 p.m. — Small Intestine — Foods requiring longer digestion times (proteins) complete their digestion/assimilation.

3 p.m. – 5 p.m. — Bladder — Metabolic wastes from morning’s nutrition intake clear, making room for the kidney’s filtration to come.

5 p.m. – 7 p.m. — Kidney — Filters blood (decides what to keep, what to throw away), maintains proper chemical balance of blood based on nutritional intake of day. Blood works to deliver useable nutrients to all tissues.

7 p.m. – 9 p.m. — Circulation — Nutrients are carried to groups of cells (capillaries) and to each individual cell lymphatics.

9 p.m. – 11 p.m. — Triple Heater — the endocrine system adjusts the homeostasis of the body based on electrolyte and enzyme replenishment.

11 p.m. – 1 a.m. — Gall Bladder — Initial cleansing of all tissues, processes cholesterol, enhances brain function.

1 a.m. – 3 a.m. — Liver — Cleansing of blood. Processing of wastes.

3 a.m. – 5 a.m. — Lung — Respiration. Oxygenation. Expulsion of waste gasses.

Beneficial Information for EMF (Elecro-Magnetic-Field)

Description for EMF.

EMF stands for electromagnetic fields, which are invisible electrical and magnetic forces. Everything generates an electromagnetic field. The natural earth creates one, and so does the human body. You create an EMF of about 10 hertz.

Artificial electromagnetic fields are caused by human activities and technologies (from appliances to cell phones to high voltage wires). These EMFs have been shown to cause biological stress.

Studies have shown EMF exposure above 2mG (milli-Gauss) will start to develop biological stress.

Evidence links prolonged exposure to levels between 2 and 12mG+ with cancer and possible immune system effects.

Exposure to 12mG suppresses the human hormone melatonin (critical for sleep, mood regulation, and overall health)

EMF & Health Problems

Widely published, peer reviewed scientific studies document the many effects of high EMF exposure levels, from fatigue to chromosome damage that can lead to cancer and other serious illnesses.

Unless you live in an isolated rural area, you are probably being exposed to an unhealthy level of EMFs day-in and day-out.

Protection from EMF Pollution Produced By Household Appliances.

• Purchase new appliances. The older your appliances, the greater the risk, as more EMFs are emitted.

• Keep your distance! EMFs are strongest at 2-3 feet or closer.

• Limit the time you spend around your home’s electrical appliances.

• Place all clocks, cell phones, cordless phones and other electrical devices at least 6 feet from where you sleep.

Best EMF Home Protection

Utilize Safe Space Products to counter artificial EMFs, restoring coherence and balance to the fields around you by setting up a “corrective resonance.” In other words, they alter the EMF, changing it from harmful to harmless.

Safe Space products are affordable, easy to use and proven effective in independent laboratory studies. See below for products recommended for protection from the effects of EMF fields in the home produced by appliances.

Electromagnetic Spectrum in Your Home – EMF Danger Spots In Your Home

Circuit Breaker

These produce very high toxic readings, into radio wave frequencies and even microwave frequencies. This is because the electric wires attach to a fuse box draws a lot of electricity

Air Conditioners

Air conditioners can emit EMFs as high as circuit breakers. The older the AC unit, the greater the dangerous EMF radiations it would have.

In-Floor Electrical Heating

This mode of heating utilizes electrical wires that are embedded right into a home’s wood or concrete flooring. EMFs can reach 100mG+ at the floor and 30mG+ at waist height.

Fluorescent Lighting

Fluorescent lights create a higher level of EMFs than incandescent bulbs. A typical fluorescent tube may have a reading of 160 to 200mG at 1 inch away. Even electromagnetic radiation from a compact fluorescent light can be problematic.

Halogen Ceiling Down or “Can” Lights

These lights require a transformer that can transmit EMF upward as well as downward, which means rooms above as well as below are affected.

Electric Sockets

Anything that’s plugged into a wall socket gives off an electromagnetic field (EMF) of 50-60 hertz, even if that appliance is turned off.

Cordless Phones

Cordless phones emit a tremendous amount of toxic radiation—twice as much as cell phone masts! The danger is in the handset as well as the base stations, which continuously give off harmful radio waves well over 100 hertz every hour of the day.

Recently, the British Health Protection Agency found one of the causes of neuromas (tumours deep in the ear) is cordless phones. For cordless phones users the incidence of acoustic neuromas doubles in just 10 years.

Telephone Landlines

Even the handset of a land line telephone emits high EMFs. The telephone receiver, the part held to your ear, carries a harmful south polar magnetic energy.

TVs & Computers

TV screens and computer monitors radiate EMFs of 60Hz or more. Older style televisions and computer screens produce radio-frequency fields of 10,000-30,000 Hz (10-30 kHz) as well as 60 Hz fields.

The Dangers of EMFS in Your Bedroom

Because people spend so much time sleeping, bedroom EMFs are a serious concern. The EMF exposure is typically less intense than that of a kitchen, but the exposure is prolonged.

According to guidelines, bedroom EMFs (especially in the area of your head) should remain under 1mG while sleeping and never exceed 2-4mG.

Electric Blankets & Water Bed EMF

Electric blankets and waterbeds are major EMF sources, all the more dangerous because of how close they are to sleeping people for so long. A recent study linked electric blankets to miscarriages and childhood leukaemia. Similar health issues have been reported by people who sleep on waterbeds, which utilise electricity to heat the cool water inside the mattress.

Exposure Levels

• 1mG or less: considered safe for sleepers.

• Above 2 Mg: begins to create biological stress.

• 8 Mg: electric blanket or waterbed heater on low.

• 21 Mg: electric blanket or waterbed heater on high.

• 6-7 inches: how far nearby magnetic fields penetrate into your body.

Electric Clocks

That electric clock next to your head could be emitting a magnetic field of 5 to 10mG—even up to a yard away—the EMF equivalent of an electric power line!

Electric Razors & Hair Dryers

Surprisingly, these every day use devices can emit EMFs as high as 200 to 400mG when turned on. Because of this, experts recommend hair dryers not be used on children, because fields that strong can damage rapidly developing brain and young nervous systems.


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