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Bouncing her bottom cheeks to his belly, her ladyship cast all cares aside. Taking Pamela's oval face in her hands, she inserted her tongue once more in the girl's mouth and began to work it as vigourously as the Captain was pounding her.

Meanwhile, to further her education, Pamela felt down between them and tickled the conjunction of their parts, which made them heave all the more. Quite delighted at having such a willing pupil, Belinda took the searching fingers and guided them to her button. Having achieved this the wanton then saluted Pamela in like manner, whereat the proud girl spread her lovely legs wider and jerked up and down beneath them.

The bed shook beneath them. Cries of joy came from all. The most delicious quiverings seized them. Henry groaned and came. He had been caressing Pamela's spread legs meanwhile, and it was all too much. Dammit, he must get the girl on her own and teach her a few more tricks. A few guineas in her purse would do wonders. Panting, he expelled the last jets as hotly as Belinda received them. Collapsing in the final ecstasies, they all but squashed Pamela beneath them.

Wriggling her way from beneath, Pamela wore an air of great confusion.

“Oh, ma'am, what must you think of me! How wanton I must have appeared!”

“Tut, girl, we all have our pleasures. They shall not be our last today. Say nothing of this, however, or you shall truly be birched.”

“Yes, ma'am, I do understand. It all has to be a secret.”

“I am pleased, Pamela. You had best go see to the girls now.”

Belinda stretched herself indolently. The girl appeared useful at present. If she attempted to rise above her station, she could quickly be dismissed.

“Shall I take the birch ma'am? For the girls, I mean.”

“Take it, yes, but do not use it unless it is needful. Their Papa will expect to find them in good trim- quiet and obedient at all times.”

“Oh, yes, ma'am, that he will.”

Pamela smiled and went out. Whether she and Lady Bromley meant the same thing, she wasn't sure. If Lady Bromley did, then she would pretend that she didn't, for Mr. Rumple had taught her that that was the way of the world. They all knew, but they pretended they didn't. It surely was a fine game.

Chapter four

Quite content with her new charge, as she liked to call her, Belinda laid no special duties on Pamela. Nor did she intend to spoil her by indulging with her again with the Captain, for she had seen how his eyes had glowed and felt not a little jealous at the beauty of the girl.

Pamela therefore found herself comparatively free. Neither Helen nor Miranda had attended previously to lessons much, for it was felt that young ladies needed to know nothing more than how to dress nicely and behave with winsome charm. Being basically a serious girl, Pamela set to teaching them arithmetic in the morning and spelling in the afternoons. She also taught them a smattering of such French as she knew and determined to improve her own.

Upon asking for a French dictionary, she was told vaguely that there were French books in Sir Richard's study. It was a very grand room with a huge polished desk, bookcases, a red plush divan and pot plants that were tended daily. Pamela liked the study immediately and was only partly surprised to find another birch standing in one corner behind a large rubber plant. It seemed a good one, but she decided to leave it there.

As for the books she had to take a little ladder-a funny one that went along on wheels-and try to reach the highest shelves where the French books were. She could just see a little of their tides and was trying to reach one with her fingertips when Sir Richard entered.

He had just arrived home from London and, not having seen Pamela before, was rather astonished to see such a lissome young beauty foraging among his shelves. As for Pamela, she turned with such a start that she would have fallen had not his manly arms received her.

“Oh, sir!”

Pamela knew it was he immediately for she had seen a portrait of him in the drawing room. His finely cut features, crinkled eyes and trim moustache quite enchanted her.

“Are you a visitor?” Sir Richard asked. He could feel her breasts rising against him and the contact stirred him.

“No, sir, I am your daughters' new companion. You did say I was to come, and Lady Bromley…”

“Yes, yes, I understand, m'dear, and exceeding pretty you are, too. Come, close the door and let me hear what you have been at.”

Amused at her blushes and most taken with her form, Sir Richard poured some liqueur-to settle her after her fright, as he said-and bid her sit close to him on the divan. Haltingly Pamela told him of what she had done in the past three days since her arrival. Sir Richard listened solemnly. He had chosen her quite at whim upon receiving a letter from Mrs. Rumple in answer to his advertisement. Mrs. Rumple had said she was a “lovely girl,” and by Jove she had been “right.

“Very well, my dear,” he said in the middle of their discourse, “you may learn a little more French from my books as you wish. Allow me.”

A smile crossed his features as he went to the bookcase and drew down the very volume that Pamela had tried to reach. Whether she was an innocent or not he could not tell. There was a promising twinkle in her eyes occasionally. Handing her the book, he advised her not to open it then but to study it in bed.

“Very well, sir, I will study it diligently,” Pamela said, little knowing what awaited her.

“Tell me tomorrow what you have learned. I shall expect you to know at least a dozen words, Pamela. Do you know the French for lips as pretty as yours?”

“Levres means lips, sir.”

“Ah yes, but levres de velours means velvet lips.”

Saying this, the gallant knight slid his arm about Pamela's waist and kissed her full upon them, murmuring “Velours-velours” all the while his mouth hotly assailed her own.

Pamela could not but let a sigh escape her. Her face grew flushed, her eyes bright.

The Master's lips were firm and much nicer than Mr. Rumple's had been. Borne back upon the divan, she felt her head resting on a cushion while Sir Richard commenced to fondle first her breasts and then her thighs. Meanwhile, Pamela seemed to be receiving her first French lesson from him, for while his hand fumbled up her skirt, he explained to her the terms for thighs, bubbies, and other intimate parts of her adorable form.

Rather breathlessly, Pamela received his embrace and lay as quiet as a dove while he drew her skirt up to her hips and assailed the warm smooth skin of her thighs with his mouth. She felt quite sure that she was to receive another injection and was pleased that it was Sir Richard and not the rather rough Captain, who had made her bottom bounce so much.

“What riches!” murmured her Master as he parted her thighs. With some modesty Pamela had attired herself in white drawers. Murmuring fervently herself she received his lips exactly where her mount nestled beneath. Meanwhile she commenced to unbutton her dress at the front in case he wished to examine her more. As she did so, Sir Richard gently lifted the heavenly sphere of her bottom and began to ease her drawers down. Her muff was exquisite. Two pink lips peeped at him shyly from their nest and then he cupped her warm bottom on his palms, sliding to his knees as he did so and commenced to titillate her with his tongue.

Her breasts uncovered, Pamela began to buck and moan. She loved this just as she had liked doing it to Helen. Last night she had tongued Miranda and made her jiggle madly. Making the most delicious noises, she placed both legs upon Sir Richard's shoulders, the better that he could burrow into her cunny. His tongue licked within, making her feel quite heavenly.

An expert at this particular sport, Sir Richard had many times prepared a maiden for the fray by exciting her in this manner. Parting the lovelips, he swept his tongue upwards until he found her button which was excited now to the same degree as his cock.