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Holding her breath fearfully, the mystified teenage girl dropped to her hands and knees and inched forward until she was squatting by the French window. Then, closing one eye, she leaned her face, against the cold glass and squinted through.

There was a narrow gap between the curtains, and she could see it through the crack in the closed blind. The distorted slat was fairly low down, so she was looking slightly upwards into the bedroom. The bedside lights were on and, in a segment of the room framed by the slats and the edges of the drapes, she saw the foot of her parents, bed and part of an armchair standing beside it.

Susan sucked in her breath with horror. Spread-eagled nakedly on the bed, her thighs spread shamelessly wide, her mother lay locked in a lewd embrace of intercourse with a strange male!

Susan stared mesmerized. The man's muscular buttocks and shoulders were covered with a fuzz of coarse black hair. His lips were clamped greedily over one of her mother's nipples, and Eileen Templar's fingers were digging into her own breast, thrusting it hard up against his lewdly sucking mouth. His hips were pounding savagely up and down against the naked woman's undulating loins, and from her position below the foot of the bed, the girl could see the man's thick hard penis disappearing and reappearing with each cruel thrust he made into the hair covered furrow up between her mother's legs.

His hands were cupping her naked white buttocks with a fierce strength that cut red bloodless grooves into the pliant flesh, squeezing the firmly, rounded moons tight together, forcing the wads of her vagina closer around the thickness of his hard-driving penis. Susan could see the moist pink lips of her mother's cunt clasping hungrily around the stranger's cock, her sparse pussy hairs grazing against the narrow sperm-filled ridge, then ran the length of the swollen shaft's underside.

The shocked teenager felt the blood draining from her head and fought to save herself from falling backwards. She felt sure she was going to faint from the shock of seeing the unbelievable scene taking place before her eyes. There, on her own father's bed, her mother was obscenely coupled with another man, making violent love to him with every sign of eagerness! She could hear the sounds of heavy breathing and the lustful grunts of animal pleasure uttered by the lewdly embracing pair from where she crouched.

The man raised his head to gasp some remark as Eileen Templar's long trembling legs suddenly kicked high in the air and then locked behind his thighs, pulling his driving buttocks into her with all her strength. Susan gasped aloud herself: she recognized him now. It was Herr Eisenach, the local Burgomaster! He had often driven over after dinner to have drinks with her mother and father. How dare he abuse her father's hospitality by taking advantage of his hostess in her husband's absence!

Susan wanted to wrench open the French window and rush into the room to tear him off her mother's body. She felt a scream building her throat – and, a savage desire to hit and scratch the interloper until she drove him away forever. She tried to blot the horrible scene from her eyes, but she could not: some obscure compulsion froze her to the window, unable to move away as she watched in detached revulsion the ravishment of her mother's more than willing body. She could see the corded muscles standing out on her inner thighs as she struggled like a crazed nymphomaniac to force the man's long thick penis deeper inside her. Her nakedly churning buttocks were grinding faster now, and the groans and mewls of lewd pleasure bubbling in her throat were louder as she thrust her loins demonically upwards to meet the pounding drives of the Burgomaster's hips. Susan could clearly hear the squeaking of the bedsprings from her spy hole on the balcony.

And then suddenly a cold chill ran the whole length of her spine.

She couldn't distinguish the words, but a man's voice called out something urgent and harsh… and it wasn't the voice of Eisenach! There was a second stranger in the room, and it sounded as if he was egging the Burgomaster on! Two of them in there… taking turns fucking her mother!

The distraught girl's mind reeled. She shifted her position slightly, trying to get a glimpse of the other man. But the two cracks she had to line up were too smalclass="underline" the edge of the curtain restricted her view.

A moment later the second man moved into her field of vision. The appalled teenager saw a pair of hairy legs, the blur of a descending body, and then the lower half of a naked figure had dropped into the chair only a couple of feet away from the lewdly coupled pair.

He was leaning back holding his rigidly pulsating penis in both hands, stroking the long hard shaft up and down in rhythmic time to the wet obscene sucking noises Susan could now hear from the grinding loins of the couple thrashing on the bed!

For a moment she watched in horrified fascination as his fingers skimmed the thick foreskin rapidly up and down the full white length of the shaft, the huge bulbous head bursting evilly into view with each hard downstroke of his hand. A pearl of seminal fluid seeped from the slit in its tip, and soon the whole hard rod of flesh was glistening in the light of the bedside lamp. Consumed with reluctant curiosity, Susan shifted her position in an attempt to see the mysterious stranger's face. But before she was low enough to obtain a sufficiently acute angle of vision, the edge of the slat cut off her view. She was easing herself back to her former vantage point when her rubber-soled sneaker slipped on the wet tiles and she sprawled abruptly forward on to her face.

The teenage eavesdropper lay face downwards on the wet balcony quivering with alarm. She was sure they must have heard her! In her ears the sound of her fall seemed to have echoed all around the house! Her mother would never forgive her for spying in this way!

For a while she remained inert, breathless with suspense. But no angry hand jerked open the French window; no furious voice demanded to know what the hell she was doing there, no hand twisted in her collar to haul her reluctantly to her feet. Finally she rose cautiously to her knees and put her eye to the glass again.

The trio in the bedroom had changed their positions while she was lying on the tiles. Now Herr Eisenach was flat on his back across the bed. Her mother was on her hands and knees above him… but facing the other way around, so that her splayed thighs straddled his shoulders, the tautly erect nipples tipping the full mounds of her hanging breasts brushed aghast his belly, and her wetly ovalled mouth was poised above the throbbing staff of his penis. As the girl stared unbelievingly, her mother grasped the thick fleshy penis and guided the excitedly seeping head towards her parted lips.

Susan gasped and bit her lip. It couldn't be true! She wasn't actually going to… to suck him… down there? Her unspoken question was answered immediately. Eileen Templar's open mouth closed firmly over the throbbing blue tip of the Burgomaster's cock and her hand moved away, from the shaft to knead and cradle the heavy sac of his balls. As his pelvis arched convulsively off the bed at the hot moist contact of her lips, she lowered her head and began a gentle up and down bobbing motion, sliding her tightly compressed lips to and fro along the whole veined length of his penis. At the same time he raised his own head slightly from the bed, stuck out the tip of his tongue, and began hungrily lapping at the moist pink lips of her vagina.