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The second man, who had been sitting in the chair furiously milking his own penis, now rose abruptly to his feet. Leaning forward – Susan still couldn't see his face – he placed his hands on the nakedly quivering mounds of her mother's buttocks and drew them slowly apart. Gradually the entire shadowy furrow of her vaginal cleft came into view. The aghast teenager could see the blood-swollen lips of her mother's cunt quivering as Eisenach's tongue speared into their fleshy folds; she could see the wrinkled, rubbery ring of her anus nestling above the cuntal slit; and she saw, with a thrill of additional horror, that the second man had lunged forward until the bloated head of his cock was poised only inches away from the lightly puckered anal orifice!

For the second time, the teenage brunette's mind reeled. Surely… surely he couldn't be going to… to put it into her… there? It was unnatural. It was vile. It was perverted. And anyway, surely it would be impossible? Her young mind had already been astonished and terrified by the sight of the two men's penises. She had never really looked at one before… and certainly not in that state! She'd had no idea they would be so big! If a man ever tried to stick one like that into her, she was sure she could never take it: it would split her apart! And as for having one rammed into your back passage… why, it would kill you!

Her jaw dropped in consternation as the anonymous man in the bedroom rubbed the glistening tip of his cock against the puckered flesh of her mother's rectal ring, lubricating the way. And then suddenly he wrenched her trembling buttocks even further apart and thrust his hips forward to press the iron-hard shaft straight into her dilating anus.

The muscles of his belly tensed. His own buttocks hollowed with effort. And at last her mother's tightly clenched flesh gave way: the blood-gorged head of his penis disappeared inside as the constricting ring of the slaving woman's anus clamped over the shaft like a rubber band.

Eileen Templar jerked forward involuntarily at the first shock of the unnatural invasion of her rectum. Then to her daughter's amazement she screwed her hips back fiercely on to the thick skewering hardness, sinking more and more of the man's cock into the depths of her rectum while she sucked and nibbled maniacally at Eisenach's penis and he slavered greedily beneath her cunt.

The wet sluicing noises emanating from the obscenely embraced threesome in the bedroom rose to a crescendo as the man by the bed began thrusting in and out of Eileen's wide stretched rectum with demonic fury… and all at once the Burgomaster seemed to be seized by some kind of fit. His hips arched suddenly off the mattress, and the shaft of his penis began a wild convulsive jerking as the lewdly sucking woman's cheeks hollowed and bloated alternately in time with his spasmodic thrusts. Judging from the rhythmic movements of her neck muscles, she seemed to be swallowing. A thin trickle of viscous white fluid drooled from the corners of her mouth to sway in thin strings towards the pubic hair covering Eisenach's trembling loins.

Susan could take no more. Stumbling to her feet, she stumbled blindly away from the French window and ran for the door leading to the stairs. It was not so much the sight of her mother coupled like a farmyard animal with two strange men that repelled and upset her – though that was bad enough, for Heaven's sake! Nor was it the mental and physical shock of witnessing adult sex for the first time in all its lewd secrecy. It was the shattering thought of the deceit and the disloyalty to her father that shattered the security on which her adolescent world was based and sent her flying out into the rain sobbing as though her heart would break.

She ran desperately down the quiet street with the rain driving icy needles into her face, her sneakers splashing and sliding among the puddles on the asphalt sidewalk, her hair plastered to her face as the tears streamed from her unseeing eyes.

There was a T-junction at the top of the road, where her father turned right every morning to cross the Rhine and head for his office in Bonn. She turned left and ran towards the drenched vineyards and the tree-covered, cloud-misted mass of the Petersberg beyond them. She couldn't go to her father – the thought of telling him what she had seen was beyond her imagination. Yet she knew that it would be more than she could do to face him naturally without telling him. Her innocent mind was numbed. All she wanted was to get away, away anywhere, away from the scene of debauchery and deceit she had witnessed in the bedroom. But the problem was too big for her to handle alone. The shameful secret had to be shared with someone before she could decide what to do.

Who could she talk to? For the moment, Stefan was forgotten. In any case, she couldn't possibly confide so personal a family matter to anybody in her own age group. The only person she could think of in her anguish and distress was her aunt Marian, who was a Ward Sister in the American hospital at Siegsdorff, near Bad Honningen, fifteen miles further upriver. Marian Templar had been the girl's confidante ever since Susan was a very small child. If anybody could understand, sympathize or help, she could. And at least if Susan couldn't go direct to her father, Marian was his sister: talking to her wouldn't be as disloyal as it would if she was a relative of her mother's. Of Eileen Templar herself, Susan couldn't even bear to think at the moment.

A quarter of a mile further on, the street turned into the main road leading south to Bad Honningen and Koblenz. She would thumb a lift and go to see Aunt Marian.

By the time she got to the hospital it was already dark. She was cold, hungry and soaked from head to foot. But she had decided that she would tell Marian the whole story and ask her what she should do.

The man on the gate knew her, for she was a frequent visitor with her parents, so she had no trouble getting in. She made her way to the surgical wing, where Aunt Marian's ward was on the ground floor at the rear of the building. If she was on duty, Susan could slip into the Sister's office by a side door and wait until she was free. If not, she would have to go across to the Nurses' Home and ask for her there.

The office was at the outer end of the wing. Susan squelched across a waterlogged lawn and rose on tiptoe to peer in through the lighted window of the office. She was just in time to see her aunt's back, neat and slender in its blue and white starched uniform, disappearing through the swing door leading to the ward beyond. She breathed a sigh of relief. Now it wouldn't be necessary to get involved with other people in the Nurses' Home. Hurrying round the corner of the building, Susan ran up the steps and let herself in to the office.

Beneath the glass doors of a wall cabinet full of medicines and drugs, a green-shaded lamp cast a soft light over a desk strewn with temperature charts and case-history files. In one corner of the room, an electric fire glowed cheerfully beside a white-clothed table laid out with syringes and swabs in enamel bowls. The warm air was tingling with the astringent odor of antiseptics. Stripping off her wet parka, the distraught teenager dragged a chair in front of the heater and sank gratefully into it, stretching her sodden shoes out towards the warmth.

It was very quiet in the dimly-lit room. Rain beat against the windows and gurgled in the gutters outside. An electric clock above the door clicked once every minute as the hands jerked forward. Somewhere a radio or television was relaying martial music. But otherwise no sound disturbed the silence.

For some tune Susan sat slumped in the chair, her clothes steaming in the heat, enjoying the calm. Then suddenly she realized it was quite a while since she had seen her aunt go into the ward. Surely she couldn't have gone off duty? Wouldn't there have been a relief Sister in the office if she had?

She waited another five minutes and then, becoming all at once impatient, she rose to her feet and walked to the door herself. There were four frosted glass panes paneling its upper half and only a dim radiance showed through from the ward beyond. Cautiously, she inched the door towards her and peered through the crack.