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First they made her put on a tiny matching pair of white bra and panties. These were followed by white stockings and black high heeled shoes. Then came the white blouse that fitted tightly over her tits and was unbuttoned almost to the waist, showing the clasp of the bra. Then they made her put on a black skirt that was so short it showed the stocking tops and so tight it showed the outline of her panties. Finally they handed her an academic gown and mortarboard cap.

Claudia looked at it and gaped. "What's this?"

"Put it on," Trixie said.

When she had got the flowing gown on and the cap, Claudia got one look at herself in the mirror. She gasped and wondered how she could ever look so depraved and sexual. The gown showed the black skirt and the bulge of her tits under the blouse, while the high heels showed her lovely legs to the best advantage. She looked at the two maids and wondered what perverted performance they were supposed to put on, all of them dressed for school.

"Come on," Trixie said.

Claudia didn't protest, she knew what would happen if she did. They took her to a back room that Claudia was sure was one of the rooms that led into the main one where she had been so cruelly tortured the night before. But the door was closed and she had to stand there, waiting. Her nerves were at the breaking point. She couldn't understand what this charade was about. Dressing her up as a fantasy teacher. It was a humiliation as bad as any she had suffered.

The door opened and Heidi came m. She was dressed almost as severely as the night before, with a black pants suit and white blouse. She looked Claudia over carefully.

"Good," she said. "In there you two."

The two maids left. Claudia and Heidi were left alone.

"Well," Heidi said, "have you learned your lesson?"

"What is this?" Claudia demanded, torn between fury and fear.

Heidi paraded to the table and picked up one of the thin canes she was so fond of using. Claudia tensed, ready to fight the blonde bitch who had caused her so much pain. But that wasn't what Heidi had in mind. She propped herself against the table and looked at Claudia.

"You mad about what happened last night?" Claudia stared at her, breathing heavily.

"Come on," Heidi said, "are you…"

"Yes!" Claudia hissed.

"Good!" Heidi pushed herself off the table and came over to Claudia, tapping the cane in her hand. "Because I'm going to give you the chance at revenge. All you have to do is go out there. It'll be dark with one spotlight on a desk. You walk up to that desk and slap this down on it and demand, in your best teacher fashion, what is going on. The lights will come up and then you can get your revenge on the friends we have for you there."

"But what…"

"No more questions. Yes, we will be watching and enjoying, but you'll have the cane, it's up to you what you do with it." She smiled nastily. "Revenge!"

"But who…"

"No more questions. Do you want to take it or not?"

Claudia's head spun. She got it now. It had to be Trixie and Mona. Claudia had wondered so much why they had been dressed as schoolgirls. Now that would be revenge. Her heart pounded, of course she would do it. Just the idea of caning those two in front of an audience drove Claudia crazy with lust.

"Yesss!" she purred. "I'll do it."

"Good," Heidi said smoothly. She led Claudia to the door and handed her the cane.

"You see the spotlight?"

"Yes," Claudia said breathlessly.

"Off you go."

With her heart beating so fast she thought it would burst, Claudia walked toward the spotlight. It shone on the big wooden desk. She reached it and took a deep breath. She was going to whip the shit out of those two whores. She lifted the cane and slapped it across the desk. The sound rang out like a pistol shot.

"And just what is going on here?" Claudia demanded.

More lights came on and Claudia choked. She didn't understand. The extra lights shone on three rows of chairs laid out as if for a classroom. Beyond that was darkness with slight movements. Claudia didn't need to be told that the audience was out there.

But that wasn't what made her gasp. It wasn't Trixie and Mona in the seats, but the three young boys who had always given her the most trouble in school. There was Brad, the tall lanky one with a perpetual sneer on his face. There was Jack, the biggest, fattest slob in the school and Perry, the leader of them all.

"Hi, Teach." Perry grinned.

"What are you doing?" Claudia gasped and slapped the cane across the desk again.

"Well, we heard you were a great fuck after school, Teach," Perry said, swinging to his feet.

He tried to affect the calm assurance of Tom or Luther, but his eagerness showed as clearly as the bulge in his jeans.

"You what?" Claudia realized she had been tricked. "Get over this desk! I'll cane you for that remark."

"Oh, no, Teach," Perry said as he walked up to the desk. "You got it all wrong, you're the one going over the desk, and we're the ones gonna fuck you."

Claudia lashed out at him with the cane, catching him across the face. He yelped and grabbed it, tearing it out of her hand.

"You're gonna regret that, Teach!"


"Get away from me!" Claudia yelled, swinging around on Perry. But he had already grabbed her and his grip was almost as strong as Tom's. Claudia shrieked, her fury rising to fever pitch. She'd been tricked, they'd pay for that. She struggled, but Perry had her by the arms. That thrust her tits out and she stared in horror as Jack, the fat slob that he was, got out of his seat and came closer. "Get him away from me!"

"Now, come on, Teach!" Perry said in her ear. "You like a good time, don't ya?"

"Stop it!" Claudia raged.

"Come on, Teach, how about Jack here getting a feel of those tits huh?"

"No!" Claudia yelled, but it was hopeless.

Jack stood in front of her, slobbering with lust. His cock pushed out the front of his jeans like an iron rod and his fat hands were already hovering over the tight material of her blouse.

"Go on, Jack," Perry said.

"Heh, heh," Jack gasped. His eyes watered as he touched the front of Claudia's blouse.

"Get off me!" Claudia screamed, but Jack got bolder.

"Ohhh shit," he moaned and his hands roved over Claudia's blouse, feeling her thrusting tits under the stretched material.

Claudia shrank from the touch. It wasn't just that he was her pupil, it was more his fat, dirty fingers running over her tits, squeezing while his blubbery body heaved with lust.

"Oooohhh, fuck," he gasped, "what a pair of tits."

"Well, get 'em out," Perry said, keeping his grip on Claudia's elbows, puffing her arms back even tighter.

Jack's hands went to the neck of her blouse and gripped it. His fingers trembled, but he pulled and the neck of the blouse pulled out until the button below her tits popped. Jack panted. He reached down and pulled the material farther, straining the next button until it broke off too. "Ooooooh, fuck!"

"Well, get that bra off," Perry said impatiently.

"Stop it!" Claudia screamed, struggling for all she was worth. The thought of Jack's hands on her tits was enough to make her throw up. She kicked back at Perry, but he avoided her easily.

Jack's slobbery hands reached in and took hold of Claudia's bra. His eyes glazed as he felt her tits through the lacy material. His panting got harder and faster as he pulled one cup away and partially freed one of Claudia's tits.

"Oooohhhh shit!" he gasped, his fingers pinching and squeezing Claudia's tit-flesh.

"Get him off me!" Claudia begged, swinging as hard as she could in Perry's grasp. He just held her tighter and bent her back for Jack's disgusting attentions.

Jack pulled at the bra, but the clasp held. He panted, sweat running down his face as he pulled at the little lacy bra again. It was almost comical as he panted and gasped, pulling at Claudia's bra cups. Finally, with a wheezing pant he gave an extra pull and the clasp broke, letting Claudia's tits break free.