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Baru straightened his shoulders and swallowed hard, as if confronting his first glimpse of Etor’s mutilated body. “This Gulyas. He’s no Russian, yet he’s built a savage name for himself.”

Theron Tassos lit a cigarette and shrugged. He knew that men like Beryx Gulyas came and went all the time—burning bright for a few short years before descending back to earth—or rather, beneath it. Sadists rarely lasted very long. Egoists let their vanity override their intellect. Gulyas had both marks against him.

In the arms dealer’s experience, it took an impersonal character—someone imminently flexible, who took neither pleasure nor pain from his work—to last for any meaningful length of time.

“Don’t worry,” he said. “I have the perfect man in mind.”

About the Author

Victoria Dougherty

Victoria Dougherty is the author of The Bone Church. She writes fiction, drama and essays that revolve around lovers, killers, curses and destinies.

Her work has been published or profiled in the New York Times, USA Today, The International Herald Tribune and elsewhere.

Her blog — COLD — features her short essays on faith, family, love and writing. WordPress, the blogging platform that hosts some 72 million blogs worldwide has singled out COLD as one of the top 50 Recommended Blogs on writers and writing.

Currently, Ms. Dougherty lives with her family in Charlottesville, VA and has recently completed The Hungarian, her second in a series of Cold War themed historical thrillers.

Follow COLD at www.victoriadougherty.wordpress.com

Cold by Victoria Dougherty

It’s bling for your soul!

Daring escapes, backyard firing squads, bowlfuls of goulash, gargoyles, gray skies and bone-chilling cold. From the author of The Bone Church and Welcome to the Hotel Yalta come these confessions of a Cold War princess.

Get your FREE copy here:



Welcome to the Hotel Yalta

Text copyright ©2016 by Victoria Dougherty

Cover design by Coverkitchen, www.coverkitchen.com

Typesetting by Chris Bell, Atthis Arts LLC, www.atthisarts.com

All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the US Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the author.

Published by Wilderness Press

ISBN (paperback) 978-0-9974657-2-3

(ebook) 978-0-9974657-3-0

Visit the author at www.victoriadoughertybooks.com