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Many of us served in the war, many died. We have written for Germany, we have died for Germany. We have spilled our blood for Germany in two ways: the blood that runs in our veins, and the blood with which we write. We have sung Germany, the real Germany! And that is why today we are being burned by Germany!

Cahiers Juifs (Paris), September/November 1933

(from the French)

Credits and Sources

Archiv Ernst Thormann, Berlin: 40

Archiv Abraham Pisarek: 22

Bildarchiv PreuBischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin: 83, 94, 124, 177

Bundesarchiv Koblenz: 62

Deutshes Historisches Museum, Berlin: 182

Editor’s personal archive: 84, 116, 136, 140

Kiepenheuer & Witsch Verlag, K¨oln: 4

Landesbildstelle Berlin: 30, 51, 78, 104, 109, 129, 130, 178, 188, 194

Märkisches Museum / Stiftung Stadtmuseum, Berlin: 36, 92, 170

Ullstein Bilderdienst, Berlin: 70, 110, 152, 158, 206

Verlag Willmuth Arenh¨ovel, Berlin: 151


Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.

Admiral’s Palace (steam baths), 69–73, 70

Adriatic Sea, 215

Albert’s Cellar, 56–57

Alexanderplatz, 31, 53, 57, 81

Altenberg, Peter, 212–13

Angels’ Palace (Café Dalles), 54–55

Annie (from Bavaria) (Gipsdiele friend), 60–61

Annie (from Silesia) (Gipsdiele friend), 60–61

Apache Fritz, 54

Ariosto, Ludovico, 184

Arminiusplatz, 81

“Arnhem” (char.), 183n

Austria, 17, 179n, 213, 215

Barthels, Adolf, 216

Baruch (middleman), 32–34

Becker, Carl Heinrich, 202

Beckmann, Frieda, 201

Beer-Hoffmann, Richard, 213


architecture and design of, 115–18

barbershop in, 130, 131–34

bicycle races in, 151, 160, 161–65

City Hall in, 111

department stores in, 109, 119–23, 120

election campaign in, 189–92

election propaganda in, 188

homeless in, 62, 63–68

nightclubs in, 170, 171–75

police station in, 79–82

Reichstag in, 177, 193–98, 194, 200, 203

roadwork in, 83, 98

Roth’s walk in, 23–27

skyscrapers in, 110, 111–14

traffic in, 97–103

triangular railway junction of, 104, 105–8

West End of, 138, 173, 174

Berlin Wall, 14

Bersin, Lieutenant Colonel, 67

Bienert, Michael, 13–14

Big Max (plasterer) (Gipsdiele friend), 60–61

Bismarck, Otto von, 202, 209, 210

Blumenthal, Oscar, 213

Brahe, Tycho, 213

Breslau, 13

Brod, Max, 213

Bruckner, Anton, 202

Brünningen, Hans Flesch von, 18

Budapest, 35, 56

Café Dalles (Angels’ Palace), 54–55

Café des Westens, 135, 137, 138

“Café Grössenwahn” (“Café Megalomania”), 136n

Canaan, 49

Carossa, Hans, 217

Chesterfield, Philip Stanhope, Lord, 184

Cologne, 13

Conrad, Joseph, 18

Cracow, 33

Czechowski, Heinz, 20

d’Abernon, Lord, 196

Dante Alighieri, 70

Döblin, Alfred, 213

Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 215

Drohobycz, 42

Düsseldorf, 13

East Prussia, 63, 186

Ebert, Friedrich, 20, 199–204, 199n, 200

Elli (Café Dalles denizen), 54

Elsasser Strasse, 60

Else (Gipsdiele friend), 60

Erna (Gipsdiele friend), 61

Fechter, Paul, 216

Feuchtwanger, Lion, 214

France, 148, 179n, 196, 215

Frank, Bruno, 213

Frankfurt, 13

Franz (burglar), 58

Fred (lightbulb thief), 59–60

Frederick the Great, 126, 127, 157n

Friedrichstrasse, 69, 70, 73, 174

Fröbelstrasse, 63–65

Fulda, Ludwig, 213

Fürst, Geza, 18, 35–39

Galicia, 17, 37

Gay, Peter, 12

Georg B., 86–88

Gipsdiele, 60–61

Gipsstrasse, 60

Gleisdreieck, 20

Glorietta Hill, 18

Goebbels, Joseph, 197n, 208, 212

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 11, 154, 184

Göring, Hermann, 208

Great Britain, 11, 72, 215

Grenadierstrasse, 19, 36, 36, 39, 42, 45–47, 46

Grete (Margot) (Gipsdiele friend), 60

Gustav, 59

Halensee Bridge, 157

Hamburg, 35, 38, 132

Hamsun, Knut, 18

Harden, Maximilian, 213

Hasenclever, Walter, 213

Hauptmann, Gerhart, 208

Hegemann, Werner, 126–28

Hermann, Georg, 213

Hermannplatz, 120

Heyse, Paul, 213

Hindenburg, Paul von, 195n, 211, 212

Hiram, King of Tyre, 41, 44

Hirtenstrasse, 30, 31–34, 36, 42, 43, 56

Hitler, Adolf, 195n, 208n, 210, 214

Hofmann, Michael, 11–20

Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, 213

Hohenzollerns, 210

Holland, 37

Holstein, 66

Hungary, 35, 37, 56

Ibycus, 82

Isherwood, Christopher, 11

Italy, 196

Jarrell, Randall, 16, 19

Jerusalem, 45, 47

Jessner, Leopold, 201

Kafka, Franz, 213

Kaiserdamm, 162

Kant, Immanuel, 184

Karlchen (lightbulb thief), 59–60

Karstadt (department store), 109, 120

Kerr, Alfred, 213

Kessler, Count, 12

Kesten, Hermann, 214

Kiepenheuer, Gustav, 16–17

Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig, 18

Kirsch (burglar), 54–55

Kisch, Egon Erwin, 214

Koeppen, Wolfgang, 136n

Königsallee, 139, 183

Königsberg, 13, 145n

Königsplatz, 193, 202, 203

Kracauer, Siegfried, 214

Kraus, Karl, 213

Krug, Arnold, 201

Kruleweit, Franz, 201

Kurfürstendamm, 13, 15, 21, 22, 24, 29, 32, 116, 129, 139, 144, 146, 147–50, 157

Lasker-Schüler, Else, 213

Lenin, V. I., 215

Liebknecht, Karl, 12