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He did as she instructed, envisioning her full, round breasts with their beautiful rosy tips and his dick nestled between. Then he imagined her on her back as he drizzled lube all over her chest. Titty fucking was one of his favorites. God, he wanted to suck her nipples right now.

His phone beeped, and he glanced down.

It was a close-up picture of one of Piper’s breasts, her fingers pinching the nipple.

“Oh, yes.” He stroked his cock faster as he lay back on the bed. “This is going to be so good.”

* * *

“Okay, do one more.” Piper handed the phone to Emma for the fourth time. “This time, get down my pants. Use the flash if you have to.”

“I’m on it,” Emma said, giggling. “That lady who just left thought we’re having sex in here.”

They were in a bathroom stall at Dimitri’s.

Piper had asked Emma to lunch today. She hadn’t seen her in a while, so it’d been long overdue. Piper had taken Caroline’s words to heart last Thursday, and after three days obsessing about the state of her marriage and her sex life, she’d decided to take matters into her own hands.

Or, er, they were now in Emma’s hands.

“Here, let me get my finger down there,” Piper said, shimmying her pants down farther. The bathroom door opened, and someone else walked in. Piper began to giggle, though it sounded more like snorting.

Honestly, she hadn’t felt this good in a long time.

It was fun to be naughty again, and Emma was being a great sport.

“Hold still,” Emma whispered, choking back her own laughter. She snapped the pic, and the flash went off. They both covered their mouths, knowing that whoever was in the bathroom now knew they were taking pictures. “I think I got it,” she whispered.

Piper leaned over to look at the photo.

It was totally sexy. Her finger was right on her hot button. “Hit send, will you?” Piper asked her. “I need to wash my hands.” Piper scooted around Emma and exited the stall, heading straight for the sink.

Emma followed her out.

They’d been having lunch when Michael had texted Piper about the hotel clerk. The hot sexting had escalated very quickly from there.

Piper dried her hands and took the phone from Emma right as Michael’s last text came in.


Next was a picture of his spent cock.

Tingles raced up Piper’s spine.

It was the first time she’d been truly turned on in a long time—too long. She smiled, glancing at Emma. “It worked. He totally came.”

“Of course he did!” Emma exclaimed. “That was totally hot. You guys really went for it. I’m impressed.”

“Let’s go see if our food is still there.” Piper grabbed on to her arm. “We left so fast, our waiter probably thought we skipped out on the bill.”

“I left my coat behind for that very reason. He probably thinks what the first lady in the stall next to us thought.” Emma giggled. “That we were having sex.”

They strolled back to the booth like nothing was amiss.

Piper tried not to laugh too hard as she caught their waiter’s eye. He smiled from across the room. Dimitri’s was a little Greek place near the University of Wisconsin campus, and wasn’t too packed at the moment.

As they both slid into their seats, Piper picked up her glass and took a drink of her Diet Coke. When she was done, she cleared her throat. “Thanks for doing that with me. There’s not a lot of people I could ask to accompany me into the women’s restroom to take dirty pictures of me grabbing my boobs and touching myself. But it’s hard to get the selfie right when you’re trying to be sexy.”

“No problem. It was totally fun.” Emma’s face was bright. The woman was truly beautiful in an ethereal way. Perfect, with creamy skin and long, gorgeous red hair. “It’s really good to see you again.” She picked up her water glass. “It’s been too long. I know you told me before that everything was okay and that you guys just needed a break from the lifestyle, but I couldn’t help thinking it had something to do with us. Pete gets sensitive about stuff like that, too. So I was happy to get your call.”

Piper picked up her fork and dove back into her gyro platter. It was still warm, which was good. “It wasn’t you guys at all. It was us—well, mainly me. I’ve been struggling with the lifestyle for a while, so we took some time off. I need to do some soul searching.” She popped a bite in her mouth so she didn’t have to elaborate further.

“I hear you. And, really, I wasn’t that surprised you wanted out,” Emma said.

“You weren’t? Why’s that?”

“To be honest, you never really seemed that into it. And neither did your husband.” She held up her hand when Piper gave her a look. Michael had had sex with Emma on numerous occasions. “Yes, he went through the motions. But he was never, ever connected to the event. It was always about you for him, not the sex. He thought you enjoyed seeing him with me. He performed well. But I think he could’ve taken it or left it.”

Piper felt a bit flabbergasted by that news. She never would’ve let it go on for so long if she’d thought Michael hadn’t been into it. “Um, that’s a little shocking on some levels, to be honest. Michael always seemed happy to do it, even eager. He went along with the program each and every time with no complaints.”

Emma nodded. “Yep, but he did it for you. Did you guys ever talk about it after? I mean, discuss the details of the night on the ride home?”

Piper thought about it. “Not really. Once we left your house, we usually got it on. That’s how we rolled.” She gave Emma a wink. “The sex after was always great, and once we were done, I guess we never bothered to revisit it. I sort of attributed our great sex to what happened, you know”—she waved her fork in a small circle—“in the Pleasure Paradise.”

Emma snorted, then took a sip of her water. It was the most real response Piper had ever heard out of her. “The Pleasure Paradise has lost a bit of its luster,” Emma said. “Believe me, you’re not the only one who needs a break.”

“Trouble in paradise—really?”

Emma shrugged. “Not really trouble, per se. But when Caroline left our house so upset a few months ago, it was a big jolt for me. I didn’t blame her one bit. Pete and I could’ve intervened at any point that night and encouraged them to take it slower, and we didn’t. The pleasure had literally blinded us. But after that night, it was like the blindfold fell from my eyes and I could see again. We let things go too far, and it was time to take a few steps back.”

“Just so you know, Caroline doesn’t blame you at all,” Piper said. “She took responsibility for everything that happened. She’s doing really great now. She’s over it.”

“If she doesn’t blame us, it’s because she’s too sweet. Don’t get me wrong, I love this lifestyle, and I’m committed, but I need a break.” She absentmindedly poked at her salad. “Seeing you so excited about your husband, sexting like you’re dating again, makes me realize that almost everything Pete and I do revolves around other people. Selfishly, I’d love it to be about me for a change. I cater a lot to my husband’s wants and needs. I enjoy it,” she said, “but we could use some sexual rejuvenation in our own relationship—we meaning me.” She chuckled.

Piper could completely empathize with what Emma was saying. Piper had felt like she’d lost something along the way, and she definitely wanted to find that something again with her husband. But before Piper could tell her that, Emma leaned forward and said, “But I think I can help you first. I’ve known you guys for a long time, and I think I know how you tick.”

Piper was all ears. “Okay, how do we tick?”

“You need it exciting. Like, super exciting,” Emma said, her face animated. “That’s what got you into the lifestyle in the first place. You love being turned on by something only you both know, like a secret. Meeting up with us was fun, and it fulfilled that excitement for a while, but you need something to spark you when you have sex. Something out of the ordinary.”