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Again Tina stumbled, nearly upending herself. Her toes felt as if they were broken, bruised, and bleeding. But still she kept on, her hands dragging down on the ground, her body doubled over for better balance. She knew she would be tortured by the men if they caught her. She had to get away, had to escape, to bring help. Otherwise, Tina thought, they were all doomed.


She was almost there! Tina let out a happy shout, her arms stretched in front of her, her long blonde hair streaming out behind. She could almost touch those pines. In a few moments she could duck into the shadows. They would never find her in the forest!

The footfalls behind her grew louder. Max and Bart were catching up to her, stumbling over the uneven ground.

Tina ground her teeth together, putting on a final burst of speed. It was at the border of the forest that Bart brought her down, his fingers twisting around her hair. He rasped something to her, his hands dragging her down to the ground. Tina cursed, clenching her fingers into ruts. She realized she had failed. Twisting there on the ground, groveling at the men's boots, she had failed herself, her friend, and her mother.

Bart held her tight, pulling her blonde hair until her head was as far back as it could go. Still grabbing her hair, Bart reached down, slapping her tits, making the teen squeal and dig her knees into the ground. Laughing again, he pulled back, then jammed two fingers into her cunt.

Tina yelped with pleasure, feeling the sensation she had hungered for while he had been fucking her ass. Snapping her knees together, the teen fell back, her ass slapping against the wet ground. While Max gloated, Bart began dragging her to a small ravine. She twisted against him, so excited she pissed on his hand. Cursing, Bart pulled his hand away, shoving the soiled fingers into her mouth.

Tina screamed, afraid to pull her face away, but disgusted to suck at the fingers. When he shoved a knee into her back and made her cry out, the girl opened her mouth again and felt the filthy digits poking down into her throat. She could taste the salty, pungent urine as it washed over her tongue.

Her legs drummed against the ground. She could feel a prickly bush tickling her asshole and inner thighs as Bart continued to pull her into the darkness. Max was following along, panting heavily, slipping on the dew-slick grass.

Tina groaned, her mouth opening farther. She licked the fingers that probed against her tonsils, surprised at how depraved she was becoming. Tina realized they were going to disgrace her again, nearly in front of her mother. It would be worse than the pictures Bart had taken of her with that wretched enema poking into her asshole.

She fought them, screaming, kicking, biting, and writhing against Bart's strong grip. But the more she struggled, the more firmly the men held onto her. She felt her heels rutting the soft ground as they pitched her into the soft, low ditch.

Someone was shouting from the house, the cries echoing through the dark woods behind them. Tina dug her fingers into the soft dirt, grunting like a struggling pig as she tried to crawl away. It was useless.

Bart grabbed hold of her under her arms, pulling the teen deeper into the ravine. She felt prickly bushes whip her, clawing at her face until she had to shut her eyes for fear of having them poked out.

Tina was more afraid of what they were doing to her mother than what they would do to her. She could well imagine her mother being stripped, beaten, fucked.

A booted kick in the face knocked the worries from Tina's head. In a flash, she realized she had her own safety to worry about. Bart was angry, cursing and kicking her, while Max picked up the fury and began to slap her across the face. When she tried crawling up the edge of the ditch a second time, she received a sharp kick in the chin for her efforts.

Tina reeled back, her head exploding into stars while her body slapped against the ground. Again the girl regained her strength, screaming at them, clawing at Bart's face.

Max was quick, pulling a filthy handkerchief from his rear pocket and jamming it into her mouth. When Bart slid down into the ditch along with Max and grabbed the girl, Tina raised her knees, hoping to kick them away. It only gave them the opportunity to stick their fingers into her cunt and twist them around, making the girl shriek more loudly into her filthy gag.

"She's ready, man! You fucked her ass? Now she's ready to take anything!" Max gasped.

"Yeah, she was hot back there. But man, she's gonna fry up anything shoved into her pussy," Bart said.

They both squatted, holding Tina down in the dirt by her knees and shoulders. Tina's eyes were big, unblinking, and rounded against her skull as she looked pleadingly from one man to the other. Pulses erupted in her throat, her tits, her thighs. She could feel her heart beating so quickly while an odd kind of tension made her belly muscles cramp.

Bart was bringing a small fishing knife round, pressing the flat edge of the weapon against her right cheek, then drawing it down her threat, leaving a long, white line in her flesh.

Tina calmed quickly, afraid to make a move. She could feel the steely sharp cutting edge against her flesh. The girl shivered, her skin puckering, while every nerve ending became alive with sensation.

Backing away from the tree, he grabbed both her hands, holding them around the trunk.

"Let's tie her up. You got same rope?"

"Never without it," Bart said with a leer, pulling a length of line from his pocket and wrapping it around Tina's wrists.

She groaned, her nose flattening against the hard, scratchy tree while her toes slipped along the tree's roots. She struggled back, finding it impossible to move now that her arms were pressed up against the tall pine. They were talking about fucking her in the ass as if she were some mindless animal to be played with, then thrown back into the filthy ditch.

Tina turned her head around to see what was happening. Her eyes were wide while her cheeks stung with hot tears. Sweat made her naked ass glisten in the moonlight, pressing against the wide trunk. Tina was surprised to feel delight in her cunt as she rubbed against the rough bark.

She bit her lower lip. It was awful to feel something like that, especially while the men were behind her, staring at her naked ass. The teen shuddered, her shoulders shrinking together while her head shook with the temptation to fuck herself against the tree.

The blonde began to rise on her toes, feeling the tree bark digging into her cuntflesh, pricking at the sensitive nerve endings and making them tingle with delight. Tina shivered again as she bent her knees, opening them wide enough to get her clit up against the rough bark.

"Look, she's fucking the tree," Bart said, pointing at the young girl.

"Make her behave!"

"Yeah, I don't want any termites nibblin' at my cock!"

"Fuck! The younger they are, the more depraved they are."

"Yeah, and they call us sick!"

Tina heard the hiss of leather scrape along rough fabric. She heard the snap of his belt as he doubled it. She heard the crunch of a purposeful step crushing dead leaves and twigs.

Tina stopped her fucking movements, freezing as if someone had poured concrete in her veins. Turning around slightly, she could see Bart's massive frame behind her. He was about to beat her with his belt. He was going to stripe her body with the leather until she was nothing more than a meaty pulp. The thought made her shiver with more delight, her fingers opening and closing, the nails digging into the bark.


Tina heard the belt whistling through the air. Then there was the sudden shock, the feel of the leather biting into the flesh between her jutting shoulder blades. Her knees jerked out and her body slammed against the tree. Then she felt the stinging pain burning its way through her flesh and up into her spine.