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"I don't give a fuck what you want. Now I'm gonna give an address. And you come there, understand? You get your ass over here pronto, or I'm gonna bust down the door and drag you out by your hair," Chuck threatened, his voice cracking into laughter after several moments. "‘N you can guess what the fuck your neighbors are gonna say when they see that."

Joan held the receiver against her right ear, feeling the speaker grow damp against her flesh.

"I can't come now. My daughter's not feeling well and…"

"I don't give a fuck about your daughter. Take her to the fuckin' hospital ‘n get your ass here now. I'm fuckin' horny and I've gotta get off. You're the best thing around for that," he said, laughing softly again into the receiver. "Now move it, bitch, or I'm comin' there to get you, understand?"

Joan was about to protest again. But the clicking sound followed by the dial tone told her he had rung off. Joan stood in the darkness a moment longer, her fingers clutching the phone tightly. Chuck. He wanted her tonight. And at his place. Joan had misgivings about going there. She hardly knew the man. He had been an intruder, a would-be thief who let his animal instincts get in the way of his professional ones. And now he wanted her there at his place to do God only knows what. But then she thought of the alternative-Chuck coming here, kicking down the door, dragging her out of the house in front of her screaming daughter and gawking neighbors.

Joan trembled, closing her eyes and putting the receiver back into the cradle. No, that was impossible to contemplate. She would go to his house in spite of her fears. Besides, that electric tingle up and down her thighs was getting worse with each moment. The thought of Chuck, of his darkly handsome face, of his hard-muscled body rubbing against hers made her pussy start to tighten and itch terribly. It was that swollen, near-liquid feeling she felt between her legs as she walked into the living room that was ruling her now. She wanted to be with Chuck to be his slave, to knuckle under to his orders and then be rewarded by the hardest fuck of her life!

"Was that anyone in particular, Mother?"

Shari lay half-reclined on the couch, idly flipping through a magazine while the television droned on in front of her. She had feigned illness for the past four days, staying home from school while carefully wearing long nightgowns to hide her whip marks.

"Oh, just Mrs. Dennis down the way. She wants me to take her shopping again tomorrow," Joan said, somehow managing to mask her growing nervousness. She would have to leave soon or Chuck would come hunting for her.

"Mother? I was wondering," Shari asked, turning her face up and closing her magazine. The girl felt a need to talk to someone about her ordeal, yet feared telling everything about what had happened to her. "You know, I'm just kinda curious about… well, the things a man and a woman do together."

Joan blushed, reaching out and bracing herself against the back of the sofa. She was on her way to a hellish interlude, and her daughter wanted to talk about sex!

"This-this really isn't the time for it, Shari. I've got to go out for a while," Joan whispered, feeling the nipples of her tits rubbing itchily against her bra. "I'll be back later. If you're up, we'll talk," she concluded, her eyes darting up at the wall clock and seeing ten minutes had already gone by. She could just imagine Chuck at the front door, his meaty fists beating at the window.


"You'll be fine. I shouldn't be long," Joan said breathlessly, patting Shari on the head, then retreating quickly toward the front door. She couldn't stay long. Shari would be asking too many questions, and she might let something slip about her and Chuck.

"But mother, it's late and… "

But Joan was already out of the door, drawing the pink sweater around her narrow shoulders and rushing for the car. Chuck lived three miles away. She could make it there in minutes, satisfying his need to have her at his home immediately.

Back in the house, Shari looked through the curtains, watching her mother back her car hurriedly out of the drive, then screech down the street. What on earth could be the matter with her? That phone call-was it really Mrs. Dennis? Shari pursed her lips thoughtfully, sinking to her knees on the chair and watching the red: tail lights disappear around the corner. Something was wrong. Something was bothering her mother. For a moment, Shari forgot about her own problems and concentrated on her mother's agitated manner lately. Her train of thought was interrupted by the jangling ring of the telephone.

"Mrs. Dennis?" she whispered out loud, brushing back her hair and padding bare-footed across the living room floor to the hall.

"Hey, baby. Glad you were the one to answer the phone," a husky voice said.

"Who is this?"

"Come on, baby. After everything we been through, you don't recognize my voice? Must be the fuckin' phone. It's Doug, Shari. Doug and Frank. And we want you to come on over and give us some more fun. You can leave that girlfriend of yours home. All she does is cry a lot. But you, baby, you move that ass real nice for me."

Shari nearly dropped the receiver to the floor, her knees knocking together wildly. Drawing her nightgown around her throat, the young girl shook her head, leaning heavily against the wall.

"No, I won't. I won't come there. I'm not some… some kind of whore you can call and…

"Come on, baby," Doug said, his voice breaking with laughter. "You liked it. I mean, you really liked it. It was good for you. Now, you're gonna hustle your ass over to 126 Glendora Avenue. My old man's outta town again. Frank and me, we got plenty of shit here for you."

"I don't have a car. I can't…

"Frank's gonna'come and getcha. Tell your old lady somethin'. And it better be good. ‘Cause we're gonna get you over here one way or the other. Frank'll be there in about ten. Get it on, baby, get it on."

"No, stop it, 1 won't be here, I…

The phone went dead. Shari hung up, looking wildly around her. Why had her mother gone? Why had she left her like this to contend with these savages! At, first, Shari thought about bolting, about running from the house to a neighbor's and asking for help.

But then another part of her told her to rush and change. Frank would be there in a few minutes, and she didn't want to keep him waiting. To her surprise, Shari found herself climbing the stairs, wondering what she was going to wear.

Three miles away, Joan had already arrived at Chuck's. He had been right. He had been waiting for her for some time. She could see that in his eyes as she passed him, clutching her black leather purse close to her body. She would try to reason with him. Joan felt she could talk to him, make him stop calling her, stop wanting to see her.

"Knew you'd be on time," Chuck said, pushing his fingers through his thick black hair. "You want this as much as I do, bitch."

"Stop calling me that name!" she cried, wrinkling her face up in anger. "I'm not a-a bitch. I never have been and never will be. I came here," she began, her voice growing calmer as she tried to organize her thoughts. "I came here to ask you to leave me alone. I don't want to see you again. What happened was a-a mistake. Please, try to understand. I've got a daughter to raise and…"

"Man, you should of told me," Chuck said, striking his forehead with the palm of one hand as if hit by a revelation.


"Yeah. You could've brought her here. Man, a mother/daughter act. That'd be real cool. I could fuck the two of you at the same time, then watch the two of you make out in a kinda Lesbo act."

Joan trembled with fury and outrage. How dare he make those kinds of filthy suggestions! She turned around, wanting to march straight out the door. She started, but found Chuck blocking her path. She sighed, lowering her head and biting her lower lip.