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“Yeah,” he choked out. “I think I can arrange a tour. I’m afraid your husband-to-be has been slacking in the building department, but he just happens to have a horde of very capable brothers, not to mention numerous friends, only too willing to help out. I’m betting we could have it done in no time at all.”

She pulled away, her eyes sparkling mischievously as she slid her hand into his. “Are we getting married?”

He cupped her chin and pulled her toward him. “Hell yes, we’re getting married. Today, tomorrow, next year. I don’t care when. Okay, I do, but I’m willing to wait until you’re ready and, more importantly, when you’re feeling better. All I care is that you’re going to live here with me. Always. Together. That you love me half as much as I love you. That’s enough. You’ll always be enough for me, Shea.”

She smiled up at him, her eyes shiny with tears. “You’ve been so patient with me, Nathan. I’ll get there. I’ve been assured by some very special women that it takes time, but that I’ll never be alone. And you know what? You’ll get there too.”

He softened all over. She knew he still fought his demons, that like her, he still battled his fears and anxieties. But yeah, he’d get there. As long as she was with him, he could fucking take on the world.

“We make a pretty messed-up pair, you know that?” he said with a laugh.

“I think we’re perfect for each other,” she said softly. “We have each other to lean on and when we need them? We have family to lean on as well.”

He pulled her into his side as they started toward the house he’d begun building months ago when he’d returned home, a mere shell of the man he’d once been.

Now? He felt reborn. Whole again for the first time in so long. He no longer looked to the future with uncertainty. What he saw filled him with such joy that it overwhelmed him.

A life with a woman who’d saved him from hell. Who’d put him back together when he’d thought he was beyond repair. Love could do amazing things. She was his miracle, and he thanked God every day for sending her to him when his need was so great.

Now he could do the same for her. He’d love her every single day of his life. He’d never take for granted just how precious she was to him, and if it took everything he had, he’d make damn sure she felt safe and loved every single minute of the rest of her life.


NATHAN and his brothers looked up as they heard a knock on the outer door to the war room. Nathan sighed. “I’ll get it.”

The others chuckled as he went to let Shea in. She had an access code specifically assigned to her, but she always knocked, unable to get over her hesitancy of just barging into the KGI headquarters.

He opened the door and for a moment drank in the sight of her standing there looking so beautiful and…happy. There was a lightness to her eyes that had been absent for a long time. Her skin held the first bloom of a tan, a testament to how much time she spent outside.

Then he took her hand and pulled her inside. “You have to start using your code, Shea. We gave it to you for a reason.”

“I know. I still feel like I’m intruding, though. Maybe I’ll just knock and then use the code. That way you know I’m coming.”

Donovan chuckled as Nathan and Shea joined the others. “I hate to break it to you, but we knew you were here when you got within twenty yards of the building. Just use the code and come on in.”

“Has there been any word from Rio?” she asked anxiously.

Nathan slid his hand along her back in an up-and-down motion. Donovan’s face softened with regret. “No, honey, I’m afraid not.”

Shea tried to hide her disappointment, but she failed miserably. His brothers all grimaced because they hated to see her sad for any reason. They all went to great lengths to treat her with the utmost care even though she improved greatly with each passing day.

“We do have some further information and we’ve also fielded a request from Resnick. Why don’t you have a seat and we’ll fill you in,” Sam said.

She smiled at Sam and then included the others in her acknowledgment before she went to sit on one of the couches. She perched on the edge and appeared serene, but Nathan could feel her nervousness as well as her deep disappointment—and worry—that Grace hadn’t been found yet.

We’ll find her, baby. We won’t stop until we bring her home to you. I promise.

Her features softened and her eyes glowed. It was like a fist to his gut how she lit up when he spoke to her telepathically. They didn’t often communicate that way in front of his family. Shea still wasn’t entirely comfortable with how well her abilities were received, but she was getting there.

I know you will. I have faith in you and your brothers.

“If you two are finished sending telepathic kissy faces,” Garrett said dryly.

Before, Shea would have likely blushed, ducked her head and felt horribly conspicuous. But she was growing more comfortable with his family all the time, which thrilled Nathan.

She raised her chin and smirked in Garrett’s direction. “I was just telling Nathan that I needed to remember to tell Sarah how many F bombs I overheard you dropping yesterday.”

Garrett sighed while everyone else dissolved into laughter.

Sam grinned and then dropped into the chair across from the couch while Nathan settled beside Shea. The others gradually chose spots to sit, but Swanny hovered in the background. He still hadn’t reached his comfort zone but he was fitting in nicely. He was going home in a few days, but Nathan knew Sam had extended a job offer, and while Swanny had said he wanted time to think about it, Nathan figured he’d go home, settle things, and be back. He hoped so at least. Swanny was adrift. He needed KGI. He needed a purpose just as Nathan had when he’d returned from Afghanistan.

“Resnick asked if you’d be willing to meet him, Shea,” Sam began.

Shea’s mouth dropped open and she automatically inched toward Nathan until she was pressed tightly against his side. He slipped his arm around her shoulders and squeezed.

“Is he crazy?” she demanded.

“There’s a lot you don’t know, but know this before we get into all the whys and wherefores. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. Period. If you say the word, the man will never set foot in this compound. Understand?” Sam leveled a look, catching her gaze and holding it. “You’re in the driver’s seat. We’ll only do what you want us to do, okay?”

She smiled and nodded.

“Now, he wants to meet you because he was conceived in the same lab where you and Grace were born.”

Shea went completely still, so still that for a moment Nathan worried they’d upset her already.

“Then why?” she whispered. “Why would he do that to me? Why would he allow it? He knows. He has to know what went on there, doesn’t he?”

Nathan kissed her temple and stroked a hand down her hair. But he remained silent so Sam could give her the details as unemotionally as possible. Nathan couldn’t be objective. He still couldn’t even think about Resnick without wanting to kill the bastard. He couldn’t forgive the fact that, if not for Resnick, Shea wouldn’t have been captured a second time.

“He wasn’t the one who handed you over to the people who hurt you. I know it seems that way. He took you from us because he wanted to protect you. It was stupid. But I don’t think he ever meant for you to be harmed. There’s more. He believes there’s a good possibility that he’s your brother.”

This time, Nathan felt her shock roll through him. Their pathway was open and he could feel all the conflicting emotions. Her anger. Sadness. And her confusion.