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The single most helpful thing that you can do to assist me in getting the word out about The Wick Omnibus is to review the book. It’s free for you to do so, and if you have enjoyed it, it is an excellent way to let other people know what you thought.

Even if you reviewed the individual parts as they were published, The Wick Omnibus is a new book… would you consider writing a short review for the Omnibus? I would greatly appreciate it.

PLEASE, while it is still fresh in your thoughts, go to Amazon.com or wherever you purchased the book and write a review for it. Your review doesn’t need to be long, just a paragraph will do. You may not think a single review will help or hurt a book’s probability of finding success, but if you think that, you are wrong. It is a fact of the modern market, that books that have more reviews, sell more copies, and have more credibility.

I’ve been heartened by the wonderful response to the WICK story, and it is your feedback and help that has given me the motivation to keep going.

I would also be very pleased if you would share links to WICK on Facebook, Twitter, and everywhere else on the Internet where such things are shared and discussed.

If you want to keep up with all things WICK, I’ve made a handy Facebook page for you…


A WICK fan has also set up a WICK discussion page. If you are interested, please check it out:


Thank you so much for all of your help and support.

Michael Bunker

To sign up for Michael Bunker’s email alert list, please go to:



The WICK story continues!

20 years after the collapse. Book One of The Last Pilgrims saga… now available!

The Last Pilgrims, by Michael Bunker

About the Authors

Michael Bunker:

Michael Bunker is a bestselling author, off-grid farmer, historian, philosopher, iconoclast, husband, and father of four living children. He lives with his family in a "plain" community in Central Texas where he reads and writes books… and occasionally tilts at windmills.

Michael Bunker on Facebook:


Michael’s Twitter:

http://twitter.com/mbunker (@mbunker)


Chris Awalt:

Chris Awalt is a middle-aged man who rides a bicycle. He is also the father of two artful young daughters where he lives along the Jersey Shore. He is a freelance writer and a carpenter.  His writing can be found on Andmagazine.com, where he writes columns on politics and culture, and chilledart.com, where he and his daughters manage a website on artful living.  He can be found on both facebook and twitter.

Chris Awalt can be reached:


Other Books by Michael Bunker

The Last Pilgrims, by Michael Bunker (2012).

ISBN 9780578088891

The Silo Archipelago, by Michael Bunker (2013).

ISBN 9781490375915

FUTURITY, by Michael Bunker (2013)

ISBN 9781482332568

Three By Bunker (3XB), by Michael Bunker (2013)

ISBN 9781484067987

Michael Bunker constrains most of his communication to “snail mail” (traditional post). Please write him a letter if you have questions, comments, or suggestions.

M. Bunker

1251 CR 132

Santa Anna, Texas 76878

Or, sign up for Michael’s Email List:


Praise for W1CK

“An Epic Story of Hardship and Survival”

…WICK has rocked my world and shaken everything inside me…

Michael Bunker goes way beyond writing a popular thriller: he clearly has a literary agenda, making the W1CK series so rich and so deep you could analyse each and every page and write a whole book about it. I guess you’d have to call it W1CK1P3D1A.”

“…The writing is excellent. We need more Indie writers like this … Michael’s writing changed my perception of this life quite a bit. I hope it does the same for you.”

…The characters are richly constructed …. The prose is easy to read and the story develops smoothly. I can’t wait to find out what happens but I don’t want the story to end! “

…combines the best of Sinclair Lewis and James Howard Kunstler in a truly great read that will both engage you and challenge you to think- and choose wisely.”

“…Mr. Bunker has managed to write a carefully crafted and extremely, disturbingly believable piece of fiction about the modern human condition.”

Exciting, riveting and compelling story… Highly recommended reading…”

“…So glad I took the plunge and got hooked on this thrilling series! Characters that are personable. Settings in vivid detail. Couldn’t wait to move on to the second book!”

“…I was kept guessing at every turn of this book. I love how this story becomes rich and alive in my mind without being tedious or over-written. He tells you just enough to keep you engaged, but doesn’t overwhelm with detail.”

…It had me fully engaged from page one.

“…Great fiction with a lot of realistic probabilities. Not your typical end of the world doomsday thriller.”

“I love Michael’s way of writing and the subjects he writes about…”

“… packed with great characters, suspense, philosophy, and thought-provoking ideas.”

“…will have you reading non-stop into the wee hours of the night and will leave you gasping for air.”