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"Hey, easy, lady," he cautioned. "Someone might see you." That's all he needed – for some nosy neighbor to phone in and report him. He could kiss his job good-bye.

"Oops, sorry," she giggled, and dodged behind the door. "I was feeling so good I forgot."

Jack glanced back as he went out and caught sight of the tip of one gorgeous tit peeping around the door at him.

"…see you later," he said lamely, and then started swiftly toward his truck.

"Until next week," Lucy said softly, and then closed the door. With glossy eyes, she turned around, facing the kitchen table where she had been so fantastically fucked. The tablecloth was half on the floor, the salt and pepper shakers had rolled half-way across the room, and the spilled coffee was tracked all the way to the door.

"I feel wonderful," Lucy sighed as she viewed the wreckage.


For the next couple of hours Lucy wandered around the house in a pleasant daze. It had all been so easy!

Each time she remembered the way the water man had fucked his big cock into her pleasure washed snatch, she grew hot all over again.

After the first flush of triumph, she became a little more thoughtful and suddenly wondered if she should feel guilty. After all, she had been unfaithful to her husband. She had let a near-stranger spread-eagle her half-naked on the kitchen table and do what he wanted with her body.

Lucy finally decided there was a little guilt there, but not much. Only as much as anybody might feel after transgressing the basic laws of marriage. But she decided that it was only fair. After all, Tom did it, didn't he? Didn't she have the same rights as he did? Well, in her mind she did.

And most surprisingly, now that she had been well-fucked for the first time in months, now that she had declared her independence, she paradoxically felt a lot warmer toward Tom. Once again she began to recall the original reasons she'd been attracted to him – his bubbling energy, his boisterous humor, and his virile good looks.

She had originally thought him very sexy, too, and now it began to dawn on her that her original attitude toward her Tom might have changed more than she thought. Even before his arduous lovemaking fell off. A nagging suspicion began to enter Lucy's mind that her own behavior might have had more to do with Tom's loss of sexual interest in her.

Well now, it ought to be better, she thought. And all because she'd caught him fucking another woman and dared to take the chance of seeing what it was like to make love to another man.

Lucy now saw the possibility of repairing her marriage through a change in attitudes. Feeling freer herself now, she wanted Tom to feel the same way, not have to feel he must sneak out on her. But the sex that liberated her might be another problem. It had felt so good, so exciting, so natural to have engaged in spontaneous sex this morning. Lucy sensed she wouldn't easily be able to give up extramarital sex, now that she had sampled it. Worse than drugs, one heavy dose had hooked her.

I'm a sex junkie, Lucy thought with a giggle. She had expected, as soon as it was over, that this morning's wild fuck would be enough to last her far days. But now that it was over, she found herself hornier than ever. For the past few months, faced with a sex-drought at home, Lucy hadn't dared let her mind know how horny her body really was. But now the cat was out of the bag. Awakened from its enforced sleep, her cunt ached for more loving. She felt she could fuck for a week without stopping.

Not much I can do about it right now, Lucy told herself. Maybe a hot bath would help.

Lucy peeled off her rumpled, sweaty nightgown and walked into the bathroom. As she ran water for her bath, she caught sight of herself in the bathroom mirror. Not bad, she thought as she admired the graceful nude sweep of her body. Now that she had finally liberated herself, she realized that for the past few months she had let a bad self-image develop.

Voluptuously, Lucy let her hands sweep up the velvety concavity of her sides until they finally cupped her exquisite breasts and pulled them up high, forming the nipples into little pink peaks.

"Oops!" she murmured as she felt an immediate rush of pleasure all the way from her tits down to her cunt. "Like playing with dynamite."

Lucy quickly got into the hot water. After such a nice fuck, she didn't want to masturbate, but knew that she would if she let herself go.

"Well, why not?" she asked aloud as she sank into the tub. She had counted on the warm water to soothe her, but instead its heat bathed her sensuously, filling her with a pleasant languor. Lying back, she saw that the tips of her nipples were just breaking the surface of the water, two rosy little islands poking up like volcanic peaks.

And between her thighs the slow wash of the water caressed her cunt. She spread her legs and let the water seep into her pussy slit, which was still wildly sensitive, perhaps a little sore after having taken such a beating from Jack's big cock.

"Well, why not?" she asked again. Why not masturbate – just a little? Nothing as rough and crude as the night before when she had shoved three fingers up her hungry cunt and pounded away until she came. No, something more subtle, more gentle.

Lucy found that her breathing quickened as she slowly worked up the will to play with her cunt again. Then she lightly placed one hand on her cunt. Drawing up her legs, she let her knees rest against the sides of the tub. With her cunt gaping open now, she slowly worked one finger up into the slit and slowly, very gently, began to stroke it up and down the length of the water-washed little valley.

"Mmmm," she sighed happily, and let her head rest against the back of the tub. Her finger continued to roam until she had located her sensitive cit.

She parted her pussy lips with her other hand, baring her clitoral mound so that her finger could stroke directly over it. The water was washing away most of her cuntal lubricants, so she had to be extra gentle, teasing the sensitive little nub first this way, then that, circling it, not touching it directly most of the time, then letting her fingertip press directly down on it like a doorbell.

"Oh, yes," she moaned, her stomach muscles quivering as her clit began to respond. "Oh, yes!"

Looking where her hands were thrust obscenely between her thighs, Lucy saw a slight oily film rising to the surface as her pussy juices were dissolved into the bath water. She bent forward a little, so that she could see her fingers actually at work inside her pussy slit. She made her finger circle around the tight little mound of her clit, pushing the pink, pulpy flesh aside first this way, then that. Then, shoving her clit high, her fingertip grated over the tiny, incredibly sensitive tip that peeped out from the fleshy covering.

"Aaaahhh," Lucy moaned loudly. Her body spasmed with pleasure, arching back, so that her head thudded almost painfully onto the back of the tub.

But her hands kept working, probing steadily at her clit, the one hand holding her cuntlips wide open as the forefinger of the other hand repeated the gliding motion, nabbing over her clit, pushing it high.

Lucy began to rub harder, faster, knowing that she was going to come soon. Her hands began to beat the water into a froth, and low moans and sobs broke from her throat. Her ass began to rock back and forth, squeaking over the porcelain. Her sleek stomach muscles quivered and jerked, jumping wildly every time she touched her clit.

"Oooooohhhhhhhhh!" Lucy suddenly cried as her orgasm hit almost without warning. Her stomach suddenly, sucked in powerfully, and she writhed and twisted in the tub, slopping water over the side. She kept her finger on her clit as long as she could, but the feelings throbbing from that touchy little knob were too intense, and she let it go, rubbing her hand sensuously over the whole spongy mound of her cunt, her hips thrusting up hard, new waves of pleasure throbbing through her pleasure-racked body.