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She wanted to get fucked!

But, perhaps she'd better be more careful. If she fucked too much at home, Tom would eventually find out and would leave her. After four years of marriage, her relationship with Tom had become more of a habit and habits are hard to give up.

"I'll go out today," Lucy planned aloud. "Downtown where nobody knows me." It occurred to her that the paper boy might brag about what had happened, and there was always the chance it might get back to Tom.

Lucy dressed very carefully, eager to look her most beautiful and seductive. She succeeded admirably, putting on a short skirt that emphasized the rounded sweep of her hips and thighs, and a sheer blouse that showed the outlines of her bra beneath. A smoky pair of pantyhose and frail shoes completed her ensemble. "I even turn me on," Lucy giggled as she looked at herself in the mirror.

Driving downtown, Lucy parked her car in an underground garage, so it wouldn't be noticed. Then she went to a bar she had heard of – one that had an unsavory reputation. Not because it was a dive, but because it was a notorious pick-up bar.

Lucy was a little uncertain when she walked into the bar. But since it was a weekday afternoon, there weren't many people, and she felt less threatened. It was a rather nice bar, the lighting soft but not so dim that it was impossible to see what another person looked like. Lucy took a seat at the bar, something she usually never did, and ordered a drink.

As she sipped her drink, Lucy looked cautiously around. There were only six customers, all male except for a young woman who sat a couple of stools farther down the bar. Two men were standing next to the woman, leaning close, obviously trying to score.

Lucy liked the way the woman looked. She was about her own age, maybe a little younger, but there was an air of bored assurance about her that suggested to Lucy that she had far more experience with life. Physically, she was the opposite of Lucy – full-bodied, lusciously dark, with long, thick hair that cascaded down her back. The woman was dressed less formally than Lucy, in a simple skirt and a blouse through which Lucy could plainly see her nipples. She wasn't wearing a bra – something Lucy didn't yet have the courage to do in public.

The men looked out of place with the obviously self-assured girl. In their forties, they were, perhaps, salesmen but showed streaks of coarseness, as if they were trying to be more than they really were. But they were good-looking enough, Lucy decided. Both were tall and well-built. She wondered idly what it would be like to fuck men like that. And she wondered if Tom would become as hard-looking as them by the time he was in his forties.

"Come on, honey, let's split for my place," the darker of the two men was saying.

"Uh-uh," the girl replied in a melodious voice. "I don't know if I trust you guys."

"Maybe it would help if we had some other female company with us," the man said. He had turned around and was facing Lucy. "Have a drink with us?" he asked her, pleasantly enough.

"Well… I don't know…" Lucy said haltingly. Now that she was faced with a prospective pick-up, she was uneasy. Perhaps if it had been only one man, and a nice one.

"You might as well," the other woman said to her. "They'll buy you one anyhow."

There was something so friendly, so open in the girl's manner, that Lucy felt reassured. Something unusual occurred. She felt instinctively drawn to the other woman, and sensed that the other woman felt the same about her. It was as if they instantly became old friends. Lucy was aware that there was something sexual involved, but didn't think much about it at the moment. Instantly she felt that her afternoon was going to be much easier; that the woman would be good for her.

"I'm Marge Valisi," the woman said. "This is Harry," she said pointing to the darker man. "And this is Mack."

"I'm Lucy."

"Come on and sit with us, Lucy," Harry said, his voice loud and gruff. But Lucy didn't move until Marge motioned her closer.

"Harry and Mack don't like it here," Marge said, poker-faced. "They think we'd all be better off at their place. What do you think?"

Lucy knew she was being sounded out. It was clear from Marge's easy manner that she was used to being in situations like this, and that she, too, had probably come into the bar to get picked up. She decided to follow Marge's lead.

"You know them better. I'll leave it up to you," she said somewhat lamely. Marge seemed to think a moment.

"Oh, hell, why not?" she finally said. "Come on, you apes, let's go."

Lucy saw that Mack and Harry had triumphant grins on their rather brutal faces as they led the way out of the bar. Mack seemed to be sticking close to Marge while Harry was paying attention mostly to her. Lucy was glad for that, because Mack, with his close-cropped brush of dirty-blond hair looked much the rougher of the two. She wondered why she was going with two men she suspected she really didn't like, and only slowly became aware that there, was a certain erotic excitement about it. The eroticism of danger.

The two girls were ushered into a large sedan, with Mack in the back with Marge and Lucy and Harry up front.

"Where are we going?" Marge asked.

"Out by the beach. You're gonna like my place," Harry said. The beach was about a half-hour drive away, and for the first fifteen minutes, Harry was busy with the traffic. But when the roads became less crowded, Lucy felt his hand sliding onto her thigh. She jumped a little, but forced herself to hold still. After all, what else could she expect.

Harry was too busy driving to do more than run his hand slowly up and down her thigh, pushing her skirt up.

Lucy felt herself beaming increasingly excited. She was wondering if she should encourage Harry a little – perhaps put her hand in his lap and massage his cock a little, when she became aware that very sexy sounds were coming from the back seat.

Turning around, she saw that Mack had Marge in a tight embrace. Her blouse was partially unbuttoned and one heavy, dark-nippled tit had spilled out. Mack was kissing the girl, while one of his hands was thrust underneath her skirt. Even from the front seat, Lucy could hear her finger sluicing in and out of Marge's cunt. Lucy was a little shocked, but Marge seemed to like what the big man was doing to her, and her ass was gyrating slowly down into the seat cushion as she reacted to the impaling finger.

For the first time since she had spied on Tom and the redhead, Lucy was watching another woman being fondled. Only this time she knew she was expected to take part, too. Her cunt slowly warmed with a smoldering heat as she watched Mack finger-fucking her new friend.

Harry's house was a big one, situated on a small headland overlooking the beach. He obviously had money. The car pulled into a broad drive and Harry led the way inside.

"Oh… it really is beautiful," Lucy exclaimed. They were standing in a large living room. The back wall of the room was glass-enclosed, opening out onto a garden and the surf beyond. "Hey, let's go outside," Marge said.

"How'd you like to see the bedroom first?" Harry asked.

"What's the matter? You afraid of the, fresh air?" Marge asked. She opened one of the sliding glass doors and stepped onto the patio garden. It was enclosed on three sides by the house and high walls. On the ocean side stood a lower wall; high enough for privacy, but still affording a view.

"What a gorgeous day," Marge said, and before Lucy realized what she was doing, the brunette bad taken off her blouse. "Feel that sun!" she sighed, closing her eyes and turning her face upward.

But the other three were too busy staring at Marge's large, luscious tits. Taut and full, with large, dark nipples, they stood out proudly, swaying a little when she moved. Lucy saw that both Mack and Harry were obviously aroused by the sight. Mack quickly moved close to Marge and began to slowly stroke one hand up and down her naked back.